Be A Conscious Creator

“To begin living like you’ve never lived before, begin living like you’ve never lived before.”

~Mike Dooley~

This moment is filled with infinite possibility. Every given day is a blank slate waiting for our creation of experience, perception, interpretation and dreams.

When envisioning change, begin by clearly defining the desired end result. Then take steps to get there – it doesn’t matter if they’re baby steps or leaps of faith – consistently moving forward in the direction of your goals. By opening every avenue of energy that you can, you place yourself in a position to receive assistance and direction from the Divine.

All transformation is set in motion in the Now – the future plays no part in the act of conscious creation. Set your intention now, take action now, be willing to receive now and most importantly, choose happiness and fulfillment Now.

As we consciously engage in the journey, meeting new friends and learning new things, it’s important to remain detached from how things unfold. Often, there are miracles that await or perhaps the original vision expands with wonderful surprises. It’s empowering to see what gets set in motion from that original defining thought. Let joy and inspiration be your guide.


There’s no pressure like the pressure we place upon ourselves. The mind creates several “must-haves” to generate stress and tension and the day seems to speed up as we go along. In reality, there’s plenty of time. As conscious creators, we have the ability to slow down our perception of time and bring Presence into the forefront of our experience.

When you notice that the body is holding tension, take a moment to go inward and observe. Pay attention to the stories of the ego and seek to bring in the opposite energy. A simple approach is to close your eyes, if possible, and breathe slowly and deeply for a few moments. Focus on the task immediately at hand and then give it your full attention. This ensures that the best of you is being accessed in the present moment. A higher quality of energy will flow into whatever you choose to do. You will then be able to drop attachment and move forward knowing that you’ve done what is needed.

Become aware of the excessive demands that you place upon yourself. Some things are habitual, some are necessary for our daily experience, and some are to impress others. Seek only to have a playful, empowered life experience. You are the bridge between the spiritual and the mundane.


“My new world is a reflection of my new thinking. It is a joy and a delight to plant new seeds, for I know these seeds will become my new experiences. All is well in my world.”  

~Louise Hay~

Most people do not experience a flash of insight that immediately shifts their consciousness to a permanent level of enlightenment. Rather, we experience awakening as a slow, progressive journey inward that, layer by layer, releases all that blocks us from seeing our inner sacredness and potential.

The cumulative effects of consistent practice are reflected in our life experiences. Initially, when attention is focused on healing a particular issue, things get more challenging. Life will bring the dysfunction to the surface so that we cannot miss seeing it. From there, we can utilize our tools and begin to break free from our perceived limitation.

Honor your path as sacred. Whatever arises is exactly what you require in order awaken. Trust the process. Know that you are loved, guided and protected each and every step of the way. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is… You are contributing to the awakening collective consciousness of us all.

Growing Beyond Limitation

“We are here not only to experience limitation, but also to grow in consciousness by going beyond limitation.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Perceived limitations can be overcome physically (such as releasing poverty consciousness and becoming more receptive to abundance or overcoming an illness), mentally (learning to accept limitations thus transforming them into strength), or spiritually (bringing love to a situation filled with hate). The soul seeks to expand, awaken and overcome adversity.
You can access your ability to be a conscious c0-creator by moving into acceptance. Accept life as it is and take responsibility for your state of consciousness in the present moment. Release the need to blame, defend or struggle. Learn how to see perfection in the imperfection and recognize that you are right where you need to be. Whatever has arrived in your experience has a specific purpose in your soul’s growth. When you change how you think about a situation, transformation begins.
When you embrace the present moment and bring your full attention to whatever you are doing, your actions will be filled with deeper intention and empowerment. No matter what you are prompted to do, find a way to bring the light of consciousness to the forefront of your experience.

Personal Realization

Life is an adventure to be lived. Sometimes we walk fearfully through the shadows, we face our dragons and push forward with a sense of trust. The light up ahead beckons us and often we are drawn by a sense of wonder into the unknown. In order to live the life of your dreams, you must begin living it now – from where you are, with what you have. The smallest steps forward can become the biggest adventures.

Truth is a personal realization – what’s true for you is a unique by-product of the journey you have chosen to walk. There are no guarantees and while we can sometimes feel lost along the way, it’s the search that helps us to grow. Be willing to take risks and stretch out of your comfort zone – there are no limits to the qualities you will discover within yourself.

Human nature is to cling to what’s familiar, even if it’s painful, restrictive or boring. And what is it that chooses the known over the unknown? The mind. Stories based upon fear cause procrastination or outright stagnation. Life is an adventure. Invite new experiences in, find different things to explore and leave the past behind.

Find Your Adventure

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
~Eleanor Roosevelt~

The hard shell of a seed provides safety and a plant can remain viable for years. The moment it sprouts into being it is immensely vulnerable, yet that is the journey toward beauty and fulfillment. We are not here to play it safe. The human experience calls upon us to take risks, to find our way through darkness into the light. The enchantment of awakening is the souls true purpose.

When we approach the present moment with the innocence and openness of a child, miracles begin to unfold. See your life as an adventure in time and space. Become a loving witness to the infinite ways in which the Universe speaks to you. When you look through the lens of higher consciousness, you’ll receive messages meant to guide your unique path of transformation.
The new friendships, experiences, ideas and circumstances will break you free from any limiting routines you may have created. These compelling energies will awaken the aspects of yourself that are ready to shine and bring them to the surface.

Karmic Balance

Karma is not about good versus bad, nor is it punishment. The idea behind karmic interactions is to experience both sides of an equation (such as teacher/student or attacker/victim) until we achieve neutrality and balance. Typically, older souls are seeking to redress any outstanding karmic imbalance and arrange their lives at the level of soul to achieve that result. This often leads one into the role of wounded healer.

While it can sometimes be challenging to determine whether or not karma is in action, one indicator is that the situation is charged with emotional reactivity. Once the lesson is complete, we become neutral about the other person or event and can interpret it with wisdom, compassion, or gratitude.

We often have empathy for others who are going through something that we, too, have experienced. While one may not consciously remember past lives, the energy and insight we have gained from them is part of our energetic field. This is why older souls have the ability to step into compassion and also why younger souls cannot. We only learn through experience.

Act with integrity, do your best and accept what is. This is the pathway to understanding and unconditional love.

Emerging Buddha

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
~Ramana Maharshi~

As the veil of illusion is burned away, our true nature emerges. Forms dissolve, attachments cease and we are able to honor the power of the present moment as sacred. Be the loving witness of your own transformation and watch as the Buddha consciousness awaken within you.

The mind is often burdened with regret or fear. Awareness frees us from the weight of thought and invites you to enter the realm of limitless possibility. Each step you take on the path of transformation is important. Small things matter and every insight builds upon the last. When you can see yourself as a traveler on an adventure and be open to discovery, you invite new experiences into your life.

Be patient with the process of growth. Sometimes the changes are slow and subtle and sometimes they transform your life through a whirlwind of destruction, freeing you to enter a new level of consciousness. No matter how you choose to move forward, know that you are right where you need to be. Experiences help you to awaken and you can face whatever comes with greater openness and acceptance.


“If you understand it, the world is a great device to make you conscious. Your enemy is your friend, and the curses are blessings, and the misfortunes can be turned into fortunes. It depends only on one thing: if you know the key of awareness.”

This planet is a playground of discovery. As we journeyed through illusion we came to believe only in what we saw and forgot that there are layers of love and protection all around us. Eventually, challenges prompted the process of self-examination. Seeking greater awareness, we drop the layers of illusion until finally, all that remains is love and joy.

It is safe for you to act from the heart and allow circumstances to unfold as they will. Navigating our way through the unknown cultivates the ability to have faith during times of indecision. We are called upon to act with courage and integrity in the present moment and trust that whatever unfolds is working toward the highest good of all involved.

Remind yourself often that all of life is conspiring on your behalf. Seek only to bring the best version of yourself to your choices and interactions. As you awaken, you’ll discover that the challenges you face seem more manageable. Reactivity will decrease and a sense of safety will be the grounding force for all that you experience.

The Dance of Humanhood

“The Tao gives you birth through a great outpouring of love. The love becomes light, light becomes energy, and energy becomes matter.”
~Jose Luis Stevens~ 

We engage with one another in the play of consciousness, exploring relationships and energetic attachments that create the foundation of experience. Spiritual practice is not about denial. It is absolute inclusion of all things as sacred as we discover Oneness through the world of form.

Awakening naturally brings about empowerment. Recognizing our true, infinite nature makes it easier to take personal responsibility for our own experience. Feelings of victimization transform into strength. Confusion becomes insight. Inertia becomes conscious action.

Enjoy the dance of humanhood. Have your preferences and passions; however, do not allow them to destroy your peace by becoming solidified demands and expectations. Our desires are meant to open new pathways of experience. They prompt exploration and, by releasing attachment, we can play in the flow of infinite universal love and energy with one another.

Those who have left the earth plane envy our ability to feel the warmth of the sun, to bite into a perfect strawberry, experience exotic spices and textures, hug, cry or watch as the sun sets into the ocean… yet all too often we take our existence for granted. It’s time to enjoy the magnificence that life has to offer.