
“…for you know that soft is stronger than hard, water stronger than rock, love stronger than force.”
~Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha~

The only thing over which you have any control is how you choose to experience the present moment. It’s time to reignite life’s mystery and leap fully into the spiritual experience. The energy that we put out into the world matters. Your sense of connection matters. More than ever before, life needs peacekeepers, artisans, free thinkers, healers and creators.

Consciousness has expanded because of a willingness to journey through darkness. As we emerge from the shadows, we find ourselves transformed, and it is this strength and awareness that can now be brought out into the light. The role of the awakened soul is to demonstrate what empowerment looks like in the world of form. Gentleness, kindness, and compassion arise when we have cultivated them within.

Keep it simple. Focus only on this moment and how you can bring the best version of yourself to whatever unfolds. Even solitary, mundane tasks take on a sacred quality when you are thusly engaged. Imagine how life would feel if you consistently experienced the Now in this manner. Your peacefulness creates a true sanctuary.


Wholeness is coming home to yourself. Spirituality is meant to bring magic back into your life. There are many paths to awakening – choose the one that brings you the greatest joy, and then support others in their joy.When life becomes a drudgery, judgment arises. Self-criticism and frustration block us from recognizing the beauty that surrounds us. It’s important to keep playfulness in your outlook and experience. Laughter enriches the soul and is a powerful expression of the Divine.
Find awakening in your life by knowing that you are right where you need to be. Acceptance draws in the circumstances, experiences and synchronicities that are in alignment with your joyful, expectant, optimistic attitude.
At any given moment, infinite patterns are developing. You are constantly sending energy out into the Universe, and you are living proof of the miraculous at work. This “behind the scenes” movement of energy often takes some time to be revealed, recognized and appreciated. Walk forward with the knowledge that life itself is constantly working on your behalf.
You are a vibrant participant in the dance of existence and there is far more to life than meets the eye. Living with an open heart creates space in which a transformation can occur.

Experience Love

“What you will see is love coming out of the trees, love coming out of the sky, love coming out of the light. You will perceive love from everything around you. This is the state of bliss.”
~Don Miguel Ruiz~
Our purpose is to awaken and everything in our experience supports this endeavor. Through the process of healing the wounds of the past, we drop limiting beliefs and rediscover Oneness. We learn to see through the drama and ego-driven roles of this world to the infinite energy that connects us.
Should you find yourself getting lost within the stories of the mind, go outside and listen to the birds sing. Immerse yourself deeply within the present moment and you will discover that you cannot listen and think simultaneously. This simple act redirects your energy away from past and future and into the Now.
As we become more aware, the world around us is transformed. Though nothing has changed, our perception expands and we are able to see more clearly. Challenges become vibrant aspects of empowerment. Contrast reveals the evolving dance of opposites. Practice recognizing the Divine in everyone with whom you interact. As you discover sacredness within yourself, you’ll see it everywhere.


Facing Our Shadows

“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

All growth, personal or collective, happens only when we have the courage to turn and face our shadows. As a distraction, the ego-mind will begin to divert energy through blame, judgment and anger. Observe the tendency to get lost in discussion rather than ownership.

Everything works toward the highest good of all involved. Even events that are horrific, displaying mans inhumanity to man, can be transformed into opportunities to give and receive love. The way to heal our collective wounds is to first turn our focus inward and take ownership of what we personally add to our collective experience. As each of us eradicates our own shadows, we become a source of light in the world.

Step into the power of love. Healing comes from the level of spirit and ultimately informs our physical experience. What harms one harms all; what heals one, heals all. When your heart hurts, find a way to give of your time and energy. Let each of us hold space for one another.


Expanding Consciousness

“As we grow in our consciousness, there will be more compassion and more love, and then the barriers between people, between religions, between nations will begin to fall.”
~Ram Dass~

There is a consciousness arising within you. You have chosen to be here now, to read these words, to discover new ways of being, thinking and experiencing the essence of life.

The path of transformation is expanding consciousness as you become more aware. This beautiful energy is constant and always a part of you. It can become lost from time to time under the seemingly never-ending stream of input from the ego; however, by being fully present you can access it in any moment.

It’s one thing to look for enlightenment and peace within challenging situations; however, even greater depth can be achieved when you look to raising your frequency when things are going well… to ask “What’s next?”

You inner purpose is to awaken – nothing more. As you bring a constant spiritual approach to all that you do – looking for ways to connect with your own inner sense of joy, peace and delight – everything else will fall into place perfectly.

The Journey

“The only journey is the one within.”
~Rainer Maria Rilke~
We are on a journey of awakening. Life, in all its various expressions, provides the opportunity to evolve through experience and introspection. Our interactions provide endless opportunities for us to delve deeper into the Self, the I Am within.
There is a very human-based tendency to get lost in the drama and miss the lessons. Some can remain mired in the intensity of the story for years or even lifetimes, and yet, awakening will ultimately happen. The journey inward takes us to an expansive place of awareness, and our task is to bring that awareness into the world of form.
Love connects us to one another. As awakening masters, our role is simply to remove anything that blocks the flow of love. Our judgments, and the fear out of which they arise, are distractions. The only thing that truly matters is the energy we share with one another. See if you can purposely leave every interaction with a lingering spark of your beautiful light.
Bless the moments that bring you greater insight. Honor each path as sacred. Do your best, act with integrity and accept what is. You are loved.

Using Gratitude to Dispel Fear

“Fear is the destructive energy in man. It withers the mind, it distorts thought, it leads to all kinds of extraordinarily clever and subtle theories, absurd superstitions, dogmas, and beliefs.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
Fear is pervasive. It heightens a sense of anxiety and doubt while blinding us to the beauty inherent in the present moment. Observe all marketing, click bait, news stories and gossip and you’ll notice fear is often at the core.
With a multitude of available energies constantly in flux, we have the ability to choose which we will focus upon. Gratitude is transformative. Like a muscle, it gets easier to access the more that it is utilized.
Practice rising above fear in its various forms. Notice when you begin to label, compare, seek out perceived flaws or close yourself off. Purposely shift to an open stance, opening the heart chakra. This will affect you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually in miraculous ways. This is your moment to shine and you can give yourself the gift of freedom. There are always 10,000 things for which you can be grateful.
Be aware. Be present. You are safe. Love rains down upon you from all dimensions. Are you willing to receive it?

The Portal

“The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one of two things: either love, or a call for love.”
~Marianne Williamson~

Love seeks expression through you. Each of us is a conduit through which Divine energy flows and our task is to create a clear pathway. Within the physical illusion our true spiritual nature becomes convoluted by childhood imprinting, beliefs, expectations and the ego-driven need to identify with the role we play rather than with the essence of the soul.

You will draw in the people, circumstances and experiences that best serve your growth. Acceptance and awareness begin the process of expansion. Your conscious interpretation and willingness to learn opens the doorway to greater insight and development. This process will continue until you are simply a consistent source of love, no matter what unfolds in your experience.

Immerse yourself deeply within the Now. Let your loving heart awaken so that you may see only the soul of the other and learn something extraordinary about life and about yourself. With compassionate detachment we can offer empathy, take right action or be a consistent source of peace. The key is simply to bring loving awareness to the present moment.


“The next thing you think, the next action you take, will either create a new possibility for you, or it will repeat the past.”
Deepak Chopra

Each thought, word, and action creates a powerful momentum that is ultimately experienced in the world of form and it’s important to ensure that all are in alignment. For instance, choosing to apply for a job and then immediately saying to yourself, “…I probably won’t get it anyway…” negates the action. Dieting while hating your body is another example of contradictory energy, as is tying to solve relationship problems by telling the story of how you were wronged again and again to all who will listen.

When all aspects of the personality are in harmony, it can be surprising how powerfully and quickly things can move. Take the time to be mindful of your thoughts and allow your actions to be led by joy.

Enthusiasm, gratitude and appreciation spark an expansion of conscious energy throughout your life experience. Your perception of the world is a reflection of your level of awareness; therefore, practice maintaining a conscious, empowered interpretation of the events, lessons and interactions you experience. Life will respond accordingly.

Attention and Energy

The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives.
~Louise Hay~
Whatever you place your attention on grows stronger in your experience. Keep this in mind when you speak and consciously choose to utilize your energy well. When you wish to create change, appreciate the perceived problem for igniting the spark of transformation and move consciously toward a solution. Once you’ve decided to take action, focus on the end result and let the universe handle the details.
The ego loves to sabotage the energetic flow by interjecting thoughts of “how?” or “when?” to distract you from empowered movement forward. Learn to trust the messages of the Universe. Seek a constant conversation with the Divine and experiment various ways to communicate. Some spiritual seekers enjoy utilizing numbers, others connect with the messages to be found through animals or trees, some play in the angelic realm or become more sensitive to energy and vibration. This is your journey and there are infinite ways to participate in your own growth.
Many walk through life without realizing their potential. Let your grace be so inspiring that it awakens grace in another.