You Are Unique

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit”
~E.E. Cumming~

There is something extraordinarily captivating about someone who is authentic, unique and comfortable in their own skin. See if you can drop the need to have any defining labels in your experience. The ego seeks to belong and therefore, will often identify strongly with a particular ideology, culture, political party, religion, or role. This is an act of separation and creates division.

Older souls create a unique path. Yes, we don’t fit in and are often misunderstood, but that’s ok. The awakening spirit learns how to see beyond the identifiers and roles to the Oneness of which we are all a part.

In a world beset with conflict, you have an opportunity to be a source of peace. Embrace your uniqueness, see all life as sacred and utilize love instead of judgment. It’s not the easiest path to be sure, but is one that will uplift your soul and create something beautiful in the world.

Let’s bring about a radical transformation of the mind and find ways of living differently. You are love in human form.

Trigger Happy

Those who are unwilling to grow, when triggered, attempt to force everyone around them to change their behavior. Those on a path of awakening and personal responsibility, when triggered, understand that true healing and change begins within.

It’s likely that you’ve encountered someone who is easily upset. Feeding off the energy of victim-hood and blame, they leave chaos in their wake, often prompting others to walk on eggshells around them. This is a form of psychic vampirism. Neutrality is the best approach in this circumstance. If the ego has nothing to feed upon, it will seek out another target.

We are not here to cater to dysfunction. Each of us is called upon to tend to our own state of consciousness. As an awakening master, your role is simply to do your best and act with integrity. If you have done those two things well, you can accept what unfolds with a loving heart.

Others’ triggers are their own responsibility. While you cannot force someone else to change before they are ready, you can consistently demonstrate what being healthy, empowered and balanced looks like in the world of form. Rather than engaging, let your life be your message.


Things are often far different than they appear. I interpret unkindness as a cry for help. The person who lashes out is demonstrating their own pain, misery and self-hatred for all to see. When we respond with judgment, defense or hatred of our own, we miss an opportunity to bring light to the situation. Any clash of ego can solidify that person’s particular script, thus reinforcing their original dysfunction.

As awakening souls, we have an opportunity and an obligation to do things differently. When on the receiving end of an attack, do your best not to drop into a lower state of consciousness. Choose to listen with an open heart. Take a pause and see if you can see past the pain to the core of truth and respond to that instead. Most likely, the energy will not dissipate immediately. In fact, it may temporarily increase because the others’ egoic need to fight is being thwarted.

As with anything in your life experience, once you become aware that projection is in play, it can be utilized as a powerful aspect of transformation. Like a consistent drop of water that eventually impacts the shape of stone, your light and consciousness brings change to the world.


May I be the medicine for those who are sick, a partner for those who are lonely, a bridge for those who need to cross over, and a light for those who are blind.
~Buddhist Prayer~

You have access to infinite wisdom and the language of the heart speaks in gentle whispers. It often comes once, creates a positive flow of energy and, if allowed to flourish, propels life into inspired and healthy directions.

The ego, on the other hand, is repetitive, fearful and clamors loudly to be heard. It can be easy for the instinctive and supportive messages of the heart to become lost in the cacophony of thought.

You have the means to transcend ego. The ability to recognize intuition and inner knowledge will grow stronger with use. Practice trusting your initial instincts so you become aware of the energy connected to Truth. This will help you to adjust course more easily when required.

Fear and anxiety are destructive flows of energy. They emerge from the illusions created by excessive thought and seeking fulfillment outside of ourselves. Travel inward. Listen to the love that flows through you – it comes directly from the Divine.


There’s no pressure like the pressure we place upon ourselves. The mind creates several “must-haves” to generate stress and tension and the day seems to speed up as we go along. In reality, there’s plenty of time. As conscious creators, we have the ability to slow down our perception of time and bring Presence into the forefront of our experience.

When you notice that the body is holding tension, take a moment to go inward and observe. Pay attention to the stories of the ego and seek to bring in the opposite energy. A simple approach is to close your eyes, if possible, and breathe slowly and deeply for a few moments. Focus on the task immediately at hand and then give it your full attention. This ensures that the best of you is being accessed in the present moment. A higher quality of energy will flow into whatever you choose to do. You will then be able to drop attachment and move forward knowing that you’ve done what is needed.

Become aware of the excessive demands that you place upon yourself. Some things are habitual, some are necessary for our daily experience, and some are to impress others. Seek only to have a playful, empowered life experience. You are the bridge between the spiritual and the mundane.

See The Light

“We wonder how people can’t see the most obvious things about themselves – yet we forget those people are us!” 
~Ezra Bayda~ 
When we get caught up in the ego-driven role that someone may be playing in this life, it is easier to judge them, see them as “wrong” or something to fight against. This is the trap of the human experience; however, there is far more to life than meets the eye.
Many spiritual seekers have the ability to see beyond the mundane. To recognize and respond to the sacred in everyone you meet is a powerful practice. Those that challenge us are willing to play an antagonistic role (sometimes at the expense of your love and good-will in this lifetime) in order to fulfill a sacred promise: to assist in our spiritual awakening.
While it may initially be challenging to be objective in the midst of drama; you may discover that you get there more and more quickly as time goes by. What once took weeks, months or even years to heal will eventually move through your experience in minutes. Ultimately, we cultivate mastery, compassion and unwavering love and learn to respond to the soul rather than the ego.


“The ego relies on the familiar. It is reluctant to experience the unknown, which is they very essence of life.”
~Deepak Chopra~

There are times when we need to remind ourselves to be light, playful and accepting. To be lost in the illusion of control is to be stressed and judgmental. The ego projects it’s idea of what is acceptable and then attaches to it, often to the determent of joyful, meaningful interactions.

There is nothing wrong with having preferences; however, suffering ensues when preferences solidify into absolute requirements. Attachment causes pain.

If you can set the stage for a balanced life, you can enjoy the unfoldment of the day. Rather than seeking to control, seek to experience. Be open to following the flow of energy wherever it may lead. Life may present new friends or encounters that enrich your soul. When we are comfortable with the unknown and the unexpected, life becomes an empowering journey of discovery.

Releasing control is a conscious way to enter the joy of being. This moment  is the doorway to enlightenment – when you step into the fullness of who you are, worry and control become antithetical to your natural state of balance and Presence.


Perception and Awareness

“The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. Other people’s perception of you is a reflection of them; your response to them is an awareness of you.”
~Roy T. Bennett~

Our infinite universe has infinite interpretations and it doesn’t matter what you believe. All that matters is your state of consciousness and how you choose to respond to life.

As we progress, our perception expands, each phase adding nuance to our experience while leading us onward. We learn through contrast and through experimentation, ultimately  discovering Oneness through our varied experience.

This world is an illusion and perception creates reality. Yet, the ego-driven condition is such that we will often fight to the death over a thought, belief, or interpretation. Ego can become so strong that it equates losing an argument with literal death and we can become trapped in the illusion.

Spiritual seekers can bring a new energy into being because the higher levels of consciousness generate greater power. Rather than depleting energy through participating in conflict, we have the opportunity to rise above, see through the illusion, and operate from the level of soul.

When faced with a challenge, pause and ask how you would respond if you were completely balanced, healthy, wise and loving. Your practice is to put that into motion and observe what unfolds.


When challenges arise, the natural human response is fight or flight. Both greatly impact the body’s immune system, nervous system and state of mental/emotional balance. The ego clings to the idea that something is wrong and that script can replay for years. These highly charged energies can damage the auric field and, left untended, wreck havoc with physical health and well-being.

The suppression of memories, anger, fear or sadness can be triggered by innocuous things later in life. A chance encounter, memory or dream can bring the unhealed aspects to the surface, and often open the old wounds. While overwhelming, these moments arise because your spirit is ready to bring light to the darkness.

Turn toward your shadows and lovingly bring them into the light of consciousness. Your willingness to be present with the process of healing amplifies your ability to transform distress into empowerment. You are absolutely ready to handle what rises to the surface. Keep in mind that the ego will be resistant, seeking to keep you locked into old patterns. This resistance is a true indicator that powerful energies of change are swirling around you.

Place your focus inward, be consistent, gentle, and honest with yourself. Take ownership of your state of consciousness and reclaim your power. Imagine the freedom that awaits when the past is released and you can write a new story.


We are in the process of breaking free from limiting patterns. Do not resist the transformation that is at hand. Empowered surrender calls upon us to trust the processes of our awakening and enter the realm of harmony, awareness and compassion.

To transcend duality means to rise above seemingly opposite energies. Rather than getting caught in the polarities, we seek instead to see everything as an aspect of love. This conscious viewpoint releases us from the emotional cacophony of drama.

You are an integral part of our collective transformation. Light and dark are inseparable and Oneness is learned through contrast. Utilize the symbolism of the yin/yang symbol, the snake shedding its skin, the lotus flower emerging from the muck… all teach through acceptance, the deep letting go of attachment, finding the balance within interconnected energies.

Move with the spirit of adventure through any darkness you face knowing that you will ultimately emerge into the light of awareness. Understand deeply that the presence of the ego becomes more acute when one is on the verge of profound transformation. With this in mind, consciously choose to see through its mechanisms with an open heart and become an active participant in your own awakening.