The Pathway to Enlightenment

“The pathway to the state of Enlightenment is via non-attachment rather than negation. Neutrality allows for participation and the enjoyment of life because, experientially, life becomes more like play than a high-stakes involvement.”  
~David R. Hawkins~ 

Neutrality creates a flow of acceptance in your experience and allows you to genuinely be at peace no matter what unfolds. It is also a wonderful indicator when karmic agreements have been completed. The emotional intensity subsides and the person or situation no longer creates an emotional charge.

Apathy, on the other hand, is a state akin to helplessness. One sees no point in living, feels like nothing will change and the personality becomes trapped in heavy energies that suck the life out of the people around them.

To find a personal state of grace and balance, we must cultivate the ability to allow life to unfold without attachment to outcomes. The dance between dark and light opens our consciousness to explore the space in between, a resting place, which allows healing to take place.

After this time of peace, we embark upon the next level of consciousness which is Willingness. The journey proceeds with a new understanding of hope, optimism and intention… and from there, anything is possible.

I Am Not Subject to Disappointment

“Attachment constrains our vision so that we are not able to see things from a wider perspective.”
~Dalai Lama~
Life ebbs and flows as it will. Humans, suffering from limited perspective, feel the need to fight against what is. The ego creates a story that plays repeatedly in the mind until one believes that things shouldn’t be the way they are. Then disappointment sets in.
With this in mind we can view disappointment as a barometer. The level of discomfort is an indicator of how much attachment we have had to a particular idea, person, or item. Attachment causes suffering.
Fortunately, this is an energy that can be transformed into acceptance. The light of conscious awareness transforms all that it shines upon. Sometimes, the shift can happen immediately once the attachment has been observed and recognized. Then, we can begin the process of seeking the lesson in the challenge.
Everything works toward the highest good for all involved. Our limited vision gives us the situation as interpreted by the ego; however, the soul is always interested in expansion. Empowerment is acting from the heart and allowing circumstances to unfold as they will.  You are right where you need to be.

I Hold No Cherished Outcome

“Detachment involves “present moment living” — living in the here and now. We allow life to happen instead of forcing and trying to control it. We relinquish regrets over the past and fears about the future. We make the most of each day.”
~Melody Beattie~

In the depths of experience, we can choose to remain free from attachment and carry a sense of inner balance with us wherever we go. To hold no cherished outcome means that we learn to release the expectations we have formed regarding others, ourselves or situations. The mind becomes attached to illusions, an idea or an end result and sometimes we have no idea that the attachment has occurred until things don’t go our way and we feel disappointed.

When you can rest in the fullness of who you are, you cultivate a greater understanding of the infinite nature of wholeness. In the stillness and acceptance of what is, we welcome a new quality of life. See if you can spend some time today simply being aware and content witnessing the beauty of Now. See how life comes to greet you – sometimes in the form of a gentle breeze, a smile from a stranger, unconditional love from a pet or simply being at ease within yourself. Whatever you choose to do, do it from this space of awareness.

The Joy of Experience

“In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration.”
~Ansel Adams~

There is nothing to be gained from making life harder than it needs to be, and yet we sometimes find ourselves doing just that. in the midst of chaos we often spin a bit further into confusion before we remember to breathe and go within.

Everything in your experience can spark an awareness of your purpose in the physical world. When you open yourself to accept assistance and guidance, you create space in which transformation can occur. One of the greatest gifts you can offer yourself is to cultivate healthy detachment and trust. As we release attachment to outcomes, we open ourselves to receive greater ease and joy on our path.

Whatever is experienced fully transforms into joy, while conversely, resistance slows the process. During your gratitude moments, choose something and give it your full attention. Notice any thoughts that arise and pull yourself back into your experience. This awareness will open your heart and energy as you become the observer. Awareness is a process. These few moments connect you to universal love.

Your sojourn here holds great purpose. Seek to be grounded, centered and silent enough to experience life with compassion. From there, anything is possible.

Navigating the Unknown

“Ultimately we need to understand that spiritual life isn’t about being safe, secure or comfortable. It’s not that we won’t sometimes feel secure in the course of our spiritual practice; we surely will. Yet there is a fundamental security that develops from many years of practice – though it is a far cry from the immediate comfort we may now crave.”
~Ezra Bayda~

To quiet the mind is to become comfortable with the unknown. There’s no need to plan out every step of your existence. The awakened soul operates on faith, adventure and discovery while leaving enough space for miracles to unfold.Spiritual awakening requires a willingness to step into the unknown. When you stop playing it safe and move beyond the edge of previous experience, your energy expands. Saying “Yes” to life, welcoming it all – even the moments of discomfort or challenge – allows you to cultivate new aspect of your own strength.

There is great joy in learning how to negotiate the unknown with grace. When we do not limit life by attaching to outcomes, we open ourselves to infinite possibility. This is the path of lasting joy. Imagine a life of mystery and enchantment… it is there waiting for you in the midst of the chaos of human experience.