Integration and Wholeness

So love is the recognition of oneness in a world of duality. This is the birth of God into the world of form. Love makes the world less worldly, less dense, more transparent to the divine dimension, the light of consciousness itself.
~Eckhart Tolle~

Acceptance brings about the integration of apparent opposites. Night doesn’t oppose day, dark doesn’t suppress the light; rather, they work together to create a balance of contrast that represents wholeness.

Seek to integrate the various aspects of your personality. Like myriad facets of a beautiful diamond, your energy shimmers with power which reflects the light of the Divine. The mystical union of opposites of what Gurdieff called “the crystallization of being” – integration that leads to balance, understanding and joy.

You are so much more than the sum of your experiences and beliefs. Beyond the physical, radiant layers of energy emanate from you sending waves of love and information throughout the Universe.

Compassion is the natural response when we reach levels of higher consciousness. We seek to heal, to release judgment, to share our gifts and relax into our deepest truth. You can choose to live beyond the illusion and reside here as a conscious, loving witness.


I Am

“I am here to serve.
I am here to inspire.
I am here to love.
I am here to live my truth.” 
~Deepak Chopra~
Your words have the power to shape your experiences. Someone who constantly says, “I’m a procrastinator…” “I’m always late…” “I can’t….” or “I’ll never be able to…” strengthens limiting mindsets that dictate how they walk through life.There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. Wherever you are, be there completely. Mastery is the act of taking personal responsibility for one’s own life and how we choose to experience what unfolds.

Begin with “I Am Consciousness.” Set a tone of awareness in your experience and reclaim your Divine birthright. You are here to thrive, to be joyful and to rise above limitation. Your conscious intent has the ability to transform any situation into one of empowerment.

As a conscious creator, be aware of your words and ensure that they are in alignment with your goals and desires. Your statements can support or sabotage, propel you forward or stop you in your tracks.

Consider practicing with a different “I Am” phrase each day. Journal your experiences. Your journey is ready to expand into new dimensions of expression.

The Celtic Vows of Friendship

“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

Relationships offer fertile ground for spiritual practice. When in doubt as to the appropriate action or response, utilize the Celtic vows of friendship. Ask yourself, “Am I honoring his or her path as sacred?” Often we try to get others to adjust to our path. The key is to allow enough space for each person to thrive while offering love and support. Love is simply discovering who you are in the presence of another.

It’s important to be self-observant. Are you bringing an open heart to your interactions or do you keep protective measures in place? Relating to another is authentic when we feel safe and empowered; therefore, notice when you are closed down and tend to your inner state of consciousness prior to your interactions to ensure that you are open.

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. Zen calls upon us to reside in the Now without distraction. Practice being fully present with those who grace your life. You’ll discover that time slows as inner joy is awakened. Love creates a space in which a transformation can occur.


“Know what sparks the light in you so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world.”

~Oprah Winfrey~

When sparks of energy transform a situation, it’s astounding. You will begin to interpret life differently and share that vision with the world in your own unique way. You can live a life of passion and awareness by being your authentic self.

All of life is a reflection of your state of consciousness; therefore, pay attention to those who inspire you. They are showing not only what is possible but also what is ready to awaken within you. The resonant frequency of energy always seeks compatibility and expression.

Mastery comes through the practice of present moment awareness. When you bring the best version of yourself to this moment, the future will take care of itself. Nothing is more beautiful than one who is a peace on the inner plane.

Be patient with the process of your awakening and keep your goals high. As you rise above the mechanisms of the ego you’ll discover how closely aligned you are to the Divine. Strive to be a pure channel for the energy that seeks expression through you. We are graced by your Presence.

Present Moment Practice

“Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.”

~John O’ Donohue~

Present Moment Practice is a conscious, mindful approach to life. Within the Now we become the witness – to our inner commentary, to the world around us and to the energy that we bring to our collective journey.

In this moment, you have all that you require. Begin by going deeper into the Now. Notice the physical world, the chair in which you are sitting or the solidness of the earth under your feet. Feel the warmth or coolness of your surroundings. Then pay attention to your thoughts. Are you worried? Do you find yourself constantly reading or watching information about world affairs? How attached are you to your phone? How does your body feel? Are you tense or relaxed, hungry or satisfied? Just observe.

Remind yourself that all you see and experience is a profound illusion that is measured by your physical senses. Close your eyes and take three deep, slow breaths. As you open your eyes, choose to see things differently. Instead of looking at the lamp, notice the light that it casts and the shadows it creates. Observe the unique designs of all that you see. How does your heart respond to a flower or your favorite scent? What pictures do you see in the clouds? This is your practice for today. Be, observe, appreciate.

Moon Lessons

“Death has nothing to do with going away.
The sun sets.
The moon sets.
But they are not gone.”
We are Consciousness currently having a human experience. The infinite power of the Divine seeks only to express itself through you and though this life will have a beginning and an end, your light continues to shine on in new forms. Tonight I stood bathed in moonlight, experiencing the mystery of existence. For aeons every being who has ever lived has looked up at the same moon and been impacted by its beauty.
Our dance of awakening is just beginning. Again and again we will come together to explore the contrasts of separation in order to discover the Oneness from whence we came. Be grateful for those who have come before – the artists, writers, philosophers, creators, designers and builders – for they are us. Each and every soul has played a unique role in our collective development and we will continue to do so.
This world is a playground of discovery. You are infinite. Let the moon inspire you to be a pure vessel for the love, light and laughter of the Universe. There is more to life than meets the eye.


“If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive.”
~Eleanora Duse~

When you live in alignment with your true nature, life becomes simple. It can be an empowering process to de-clutter your life experience. Observe the various distractions you face – how many are self-imposed?

See if you can simplify your life, expectations and desires. Find joy in the little things. Give when you can. Love with all your heart. Allow your presence to make a difference by planting seeds of kindness and giving them time and space to grow.

Vibrant energy flows through you into whatever you choose to do. Awareness is enhanced by removing distractions. The human condition is to complicate; however, the role of the spiritual seeker is to see through the mechanisms of the ego and rise above them. The mind may want you to believe that such an approach to life is boring; however, you’ll discover that it is a vibrant, inclusive, limitless, empowered existence… beautiful in its simplicity.

Release Judgement

Judgement, whether directed outward or inward, blocks all possibility of love. One gets caught in the maze of self-deception, believing the reality of their mental projections. The ego wants to distract from honest self assessment and healing; therefore, it spends a lot of time and energy complaining, blaming and judging the world as wrong.

Conscious awareness cultivates the ability to see through the mechanisms of the ego. Rather than getting lost in the story, we purposely pause the cacophony of thought in order to see through dysfunction and utilize opportunities for growth.

Love is demonstrated by consistent, unconditional support. Judgement typically triggers an eg0-driven defensive response causing both parties to become mired in distraction. Rather than pointing out missteps of others, we can focus on the possibility of breakthrough. Gentle advice, words of encouragement or simply holding space are powerful tools.

Those who operate from higher levels of consciousness demonstrate how powerful energy can be when it is not depleted. Focus and peacefulness come from clearing personal triggers, wounds and distractions. Humility, empowerment, and awareness are emitted by those who know and appreciate their own value and way of being in the world. This is a powerful place to reside.

Just Be

“Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that you are.”
~Mandy Hale~

Just in case it might have slipped your mind… You are an absolutely unique, beautiful, ever-evolving, radiant being of light, resplendent as the noon-day sun, breathtaking and magical. Thank you for being here.

When life gets overwhelming and opposing energies seem to tug you in several different directions at once, take some time to re-balance, breathe, and settle into the truth of who you are. You have chosen to be here now for a specific purpose and the world needs your unique perspective. You bring something to our shared collective that no one else can.

Demonstrating gratitude, slowing down, allowing mindfulness to infuse our responses to life and honoring all paths as sacred helps us to see more clearly. Our role is often to show others a different way to be; however, that can only be accomplished when we are fully present and acting without attachment. Unwavering authenticity and compassion create a powerful foundation that supports conscious interactions with one another.

Your kindness sends ripples of energy throughout the universe. Like a flower, simply reach toward the sun, move gently in the breeze and enjoy blanketing the world with your natural beauty.


“Looked at from a spiritual standpoint, our discomfort in any given situation provides a signal that we are out of alignment with spiritual law and are being given an opportunity to heal something.”
~Colin Tipping~

As long as there is one person whom you can’t forgive, there is still work to be done. Every circumstance in our experience has meaning and purpose. The small injustices, the betrayals and lingering disappointments all point to aspects of ourselves that need to be cleared in order for us to be free. 

Those who challenge you the most on the physical plane love you the most on a soul level. They are willing to risk losing your love and your goodwill to assist you in the most profound ways. Healing requires that we become consciously aware of our wounds. What better way than to generate an emotional upset that temporarily clouds your mind and your experience of joy? It grabs your attention and takes over. 

The moment you recognize that you are behaving in a unconscious manner, you become more conscious. Now you have the ability to shift your thoughts and attention toward balance and healing. Bless the challenges of your life for they take you places you would never dare to walk on your own and ultimately lead you to mastery, insight and a deeper experience of love.