Awakening From the Dream

Enlightenment is not about being perfect. It’s the process of experiencing a conscious, empowered life as best you can with what you have from where you are. Anyone can experience higher levels of wisdom, awareness and spiritual connection in meditation or on a mountaintop; however, mastery is bringing that same energy down from the mountain and infusing it into your day-to-day experiences.

There are dreams and desires that play scenarios in the mind. The “What ifs?” and “If onlys…” distract us by constantly projecting an imagined future, replaying the past or distorting our perception of the present moment. When we project our desires and attachments, others simply become a screen that reflects our projection to us, for a time. And then we awaken from the dream thinking “This isn’t what I thought it would be…” and of course it isn’t. It never was.

To be aware means that you are shattering the illusion and flaming passion for life as it is rather than an projected image of what it may or may not be in the future. The ego is a by-product of illusion. As we awaken, we begin to recognize this and experience it’s mechanisms less and less. This is the joy of awakening – discovering the beauty of the Divine within ourselves and everything around us and seeing through the dream.

Spiritual Gardening

Recently I spent some time communing with sacred mother earth – tending the trees and flowers, watching the interplay of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, receiving loving messages from the Divine. Our yard had been left untended for a few months and I was delighted to rediscover the joys of weeding.

Everything we do mirrors our state of consciousness… the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm. I realized that weeds too serve a purpose as teachers. Much like the mechanisms of the ego, if one takes the time to remove them consciously, getting the root, the clearing is complete. Others, not yet willing to let go of their hold (either through their own strength or my impatience), broke off and will likely return to provide another opportunity to attempt removal.

As we clear away unhelpful patterns and energies, we too have a choice. We can allow them to grow untended until they attach to the various aspects of our experience and personality, taking over and absorbing valuable life force from the areas that long to thrive, or we can set ourselves the task of removing them. Sometimes easy to accomplish, sometimes challenging, but always rewarding.

You are the creator of your experience. This is the time to consciously choose your thoughts, words, intentions and actions with the knowledge that the seeds you sow today become the gifts of tomorrow.

Live in Service

“You are never a real guru until you understand that you are serving others and delivering them to the light.”

~Robin Sacredfire~

There are many ways to inspire change; however, true transformation always begins within. Whether you see yourself as an artist, teacher, server, leader or peacekeeper, your life is your message. Every act of love has purpose and power within it. Discover the joy of sharing your light in unusual ways – all are magnificent, all are unique.

Expansion of consciousness allows us to experience the extraordinary within the mundane. You are the bridge between spirit and form and must often lead the way through darkness. Use the stepping stones of the past as sparks of inspiration. Your life experiences have been profound and necessary for your evolution.

Awakening frees us from limiting patterns and beliefs. As you view the journey from a higher perspective, it becomes possible to discern a clear purpose. Hold yourself to a higher standard, yet be gentle as you fumble your way towards enlightenment.

Offer a loving hand. Forgive those who have harmed you, whether knowingly or unknowingly, and be willing to accept the grace that rains down upon you from all dimensions.

Discover Your Gifts

When you have reached a place where you are completely at peace with who you are and what you have experienced, a sense of grace will fill your life. Others will recognize and respond to the radiant energy of innocence and joy which emanates throughout your being. This wisdom emerges after various challenges and experiences have broadened your perception while allowing you to fully discover your unique talents and gifts. Then, the world becomes a playground where you can commune with the Divine.

To get to this point, you may need to periodically break through the perceived minutia of your life. Shift existing patterns (even if you’re afraid of making a mistake) and create movement in a new direction. The key is to drop everything that you have accepted from others – perceptions, limitation, obligation or desires – and step into new experiences, ready to receive.

All aspects of your spirit contain amazing beauty and there is no need to fear the process, no matter how intense it may be. Life’s greatest adventure is to lovingly and consciously break through old patterns. You can set an intention to recognize the beauty in the dance while choosing to live with an open heart.

The Joyful Heart

“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”

~Henri Nouwen~

Empowerment, mastery, fulfillment, abundance, freedom… all begin and end with joy. The only thing over which you have any control is how you choose to respond to life. Occasionally, the ego (in its reactive state) will tell you that imbalance is not only necessary, but expected. These are the moments when your intention is transformative.

When you observe yourself getting lost in the stories of the mind, purposely and lovingly seek out something which brings you joy and place your full attention upon it. Your attention determines where energy flows. In the midst of challenge you can choose to stop for a moment, watch the clouds create artistry in the sky, breathe deeply, and reclaim your balance.

You are more powerful than you know. Joy amplifies that power and expands your perception. Imagine how higher level responses can change the trajectory of a chaotic moment. Laughter is the outward sound of a soul that is awakening. It bubbles up, takes over and scatters the heaviness of the mind. Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in this moment.

The Power of Awareness

“The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. Other people’s perception of you is a reflection of them; your response to them is an awareness of you.”
~Roy T. Bennett~

This new day is filled with limitless possibility. Honor the sacredness of the present moment through gratitude. When we stop and recognize the beauty of creation, we become loving witnesses to life itself. Everything is a reflection of your own state of consciousness. So when a rainbow awakens wonder within you, turn inward for it is an indicator of your own wonder and magic.

Gaze upon one another with love. Your smile has the power to awaken joy. Your consciousness has the power to awaken the consciousness of others. Your compassion has the power to awaken compassion in others. These are the gifts that you give the world. And it is forever transformed because of your sojourn in it.

Awareness activates dormant energies. Our ability to create is incredibly powerful; therefore, end your gratitude moment by setting an intention. If each of us chooses to be an authentic example of kindness and patience and states this intention out loud each morning, what might come of it?


“For most people, their spiritual teacher is their suffering. Because eventually the suffering brings about awakening.”
~Eckhart Tolle~ 

Suffering, whether self-inflicted or the result of outside events, brings hidden aspects of our shadow self to the surface of our consciousness. Often these are things that have been repressed or ignored in the past and their appearance now has great import on your path of transformation.

When you are faced with intense internal challenges consider viewing them as teachers rather than something that needs to be eradicated or hidden. Look deeply within to the source of your conflict and then purposely surround it with love and compassion. Know that you are on the verge of an awakening.

These inner paradoxes lead us down roads we would never consciously choose to travel. They call upon us to shatter the ego-self and strip away things and ideas that no longer serve us. Intensity accelerates your spiritual growth in ways that simple study and desire cannot. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you are ready for this. Your spirit has requested movement and the fact that something new is arising indicates that you are ready to navigate your way to higher levels of consciousness.

Humility Silences the Ego

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The souls only desire is to awaken. Once you have mastered a particular attribute, be willing to expand into unknown territory. As a lifetime student of love, you can interact with others knowing that they have entered your experience for a specific purpose. Life becomes layered with nuance when we discover that every aspect of it is simply a loving conversation with the Divine.

There is always something new to discover. As you expand into higher levels of consciousness, your perception changes. Old challenges or situations are experienced through a new filter that provides an opportunity to explore the lesson in a different way.

Humility silences the ego. When we recognize everyone and everything as a teacher, we become willing, open and aware. Drop your judgment, move into love and honor your own path as sacred. You are surrounded by miracles… you are a miracle.

When you live in celebration of life and love, you scatter the seeds of possibility. Everything around you expresses the harmony of that love and sparkles of energy dance in your light.

The Gift of Adversity

When your focus is on higher consciousness, problems seem to solve themselves… or your shift in perception may show you that they weren’t problems in the first place.
In the midst of challenges, the human mind wants to respond with blame and self-justification. Once we’re caught in the drama of desires, opinion and judgments, we are relating to one another from the limited viewpoint of the human condition and only limitation and distress can follow.
When we work to create greater awareness within ourselves, we relate to one another from the realm of spaciousness and love – holding the knowledge that we can traverse the levels of consciousness and ultimately move from conflict to communion. Empowerment comes by quieting the mind and going within.

Nothing in your life should have been any different than it was. There are no mistakes, only opportunities to discover your strengths and abilities. When we choose acceptance rather than resistance, life becomes a series of possibilities.

Everyone participates in this sacred process of discovery. Treat each person you meet as a disciple of love and wisdom. Bring patience to the process of growth – it often takes lifetimes to completely break free of limiting patterns.

In the end, we discover the truth of Oneness and celebrate the infinite potential of all beings.

Facing Challenges

“The spiritual practice of relationships is about working on ourselves only, freeing ourselves from the constricting grip of our own unhappiness. It is not the other person’s job to take our unhappiness away; our discomfort is our own responsibility. Attending to our own spiritual tasks – seeing our judgments, opinions, beliefs, demands, and staying present with the fears out of which they all arise – frees others to move toward us. Then, when they no longer feel the need to defend, they become more willing to take care of their job. Thus joy in relationships becomes possible.”   
~Ezra Bayda~   

When challenges arise, turn inward and pay attention. Whether found in health, relationships, finances or within your spiritual practice, you are ready for something transformative to enter your life. Facing challenges consciously accelerates your awakening. Your willingness to be an active participant in your growth guarantees expansive movement in your experience.

Be kind to yourself. You will have moments of brilliance as well as moments when you miss the mark. Empowerment calls upon each of us to take personal responsibility for our current state of consciousness so that we can engage life with an open heart.

Trust the processes of awakening and know that you have the fortitude to conquer fear… not only rising above it, but shattering the old beliefs and patterns that created it in the first place.