A Statement of Love

“I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion–and where it isn’t, that’s where my work lies.”
~Ram Dass~

To live in the frequency of love is to honor all that you see as sacred. As you expand in consciousness, it becomes easier to see through the mechanisms of the ego and the roles that people play. Old souls often view the world differently and must learn to walk in their truth, even in the face of ridicule.

The Tao te Ching says that the laughter of the unawakened is a necessary aspect of our collective experience. Rather than trying to change their minds, seek to find a way to love the soul that teaches through adversity. From them we learn self control, confidence, non-reactivity and patience.

We all walk the same path. Though we may be at differing levels of consciousness, love is the goal. Find your way by recognizing and honoring the potential within you, and there will come a time when the light of love shines so brightly that all shadows will be dispelled.

Personal Transformation

“As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

You are a beautiful, multi-faceted soul who should take delight in the various expressions of who you are. As we traverse the path of transformation we explore different ways of being. Our varied experiences leave an indelible mark on us. It’s empowering to see every situation as an opportunity to learn something new.

You can create space in which transformation can occur. When we appreciate the richness of other cultures and viewpoints, we cultivate compassion while recognizing the commonalities betwixt us. But more than that… we are personally transformed by the new energy that shifts our auric field.

Whether changes are subtle or dramatic, the journey is one of discovery. Expansion is very literally what happens as you become more conscious. Your perception broadens as does the expression of who you are. One characteristic of awakening is the ability to look at situations (and yourself) with greater clarity. Keep changing, learning and expanding. This infinite universe has secrets to share.

See The Light

“We wonder how people can’t see the most obvious things about themselves – yet we forget those people are us!” 
~Ezra Bayda~ 
When we get caught up in the ego-driven role that someone may be playing in this life, it is easier to judge them, see them as “wrong” or something to fight against. This is the trap of the human experience; however, there is far more to life than meets the eye.
Many spiritual seekers have the ability to see beyond the mundane. To recognize and respond to the sacred in everyone you meet is a powerful practice. Those that challenge us are willing to play an antagonistic role (sometimes at the expense of your love and good-will in this lifetime) in order to fulfill a sacred promise: to assist in our spiritual awakening.
While it may initially be challenging to be objective in the midst of drama; you may discover that you get there more and more quickly as time goes by. What once took weeks, months or even years to heal will eventually move through your experience in minutes. Ultimately, we cultivate mastery, compassion and unwavering love and learn to respond to the soul rather than the ego.

Recognize the Sacred

“I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion — and where it isn’t, that’s where my work lies.”

~Ram Dass~


Seek to recognize and respond to the sacred in everyone you meet.

When we get caught up in the ego-driven role that someone may be playing in this life, it is easier to judge them, see them as “wrong” or something to fight against. This is the trap of the human experience; however, there is far more to life than meets the eye.

Spiritual seekers have the opportunity to see beyond the mundane. Those who challenge you are willing to play an antagonistic role (sometimes at the expense of your love and good-will in this lifetime) in order to fulfill a sacred promise: to assist in your spiritual awakening.

While it may initially be challenging to be objective in the midst of drama; you may discover that you get there more and more quickly as time goes by. What once took weeks, months or even years to heal will eventually move through your experience in minutes. Ultimately, we will cultivate mastery, compassion and unwavering love.

Celebrating Our Differences

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in our philosophy.”

~William Shakespeare~

We have much to learn from one another. While it may feel more comfortable to reinforce beliefs with like-minded people, we achieve far greater strength through understanding various points of view. This calls upon us to cultivate humility and wonder as we boldly engage with life. There is always something new to discover.

Ultimately, understanding leads to greater compassion and acceptance. As we learn to celebrate our differences, we expand our perception and integrate the new. You are a unique, ever-evolving expression of the Divine, seeking to awaken.

Over the course of a life we are impacted by many sources and experiences. As the energies blend, they delicately permeate the whole and something new emerges. The synergy is greater than its parts.

Begin within. When you step into the fullness of who you are you will feel safer while exploring the unknown. Honor each path as sacred. Be a source of Presence and learn what you will. The gift of greater consciousness awaits when you live with an open heart. Contrast leads to discovery. Humility leads to wisdom. Laughter leads to love.

A Rose By Any Other Name

“Witches call it spells. Christians call it prayer. Spiritualists call it manifestation. Atheists call it the placebo effect. Scientists call it quantum physics. Everyone’s arguing over its name. No is denying its existence.”

~Kim Dunn~

All over the world various cultures have interpreted the same energy in myriad ways. This aspect of discovery and playfulness centered around how to define the infinite; however, over time our collective ego got ever more attached to being right and thus these interpretations often came to divide us.

It’s empowering to honor every pathway as sacred. All have value at differing levels of consciousness and often overlap. Paradoxical as it may seem, we can nurture the seeds of Oneness through understanding how others experience the world.

Old souls tend to study various belief systems and adopt whatever pieces spark awareness and joy. This combination of ideas creates a unique approach for each soul and we eventually drop all labels and the need to be validated or seen as right. It really doesn’t matter what you believe. All that matters is your level of consciousness and the energy you bring into your experience. Approach the journey with humility, mindfulness and compassion. There is always something new to discover.

Karmic Balance

Karma is not about good versus bad, nor is it punishment. The idea behind karmic interactions is to experience both sides of an equation (such as teacher/student or attacker/victim) until we achieve neutrality and balance. Typically, older souls are seeking to redress any outstanding karmic imbalance and arrange their lives at the level of soul to achieve that result. This often leads one into the role of wounded healer.

While it can sometimes be challenging to determine whether or not karma is in action, one indicator is that the situation is charged with emotional reactivity. Once the lesson is complete, we become neutral about the other person or event and can interpret it with wisdom, compassion, or gratitude.

We often have empathy for others who are going through something that we, too, have experienced. While one may not consciously remember past lives, the energy and insight we have gained from them is part of our energetic field. This is why older souls have the ability to step into compassion and also why younger souls cannot. We only learn through experience.

Act with integrity, do your best and accept what is. This is the pathway to understanding and unconditional love.

Be Open

Live in abundance, totality and with conscious intensity. Through your loving attitude and actions, you spread seeds of unlimited potential in a celebration of life and love. Willingly choose to be present with the experience you are having.
When we share without expectation or limitation, we create the possibility of growth in unusual places. Your dance of awakening is about relaxing into who you truly are and allowing your expression of creativity to manifest in unique ways – through work, relationships or ordinary daily experiences. Spiritual awakening is about bringing light to the dark corners of your life.

We evolve through a conscious willingness to be open to new ideas and experiences. When we are able to listen without judgment or reaction, insight is possible. Honoring others’ paths as sacred allows us to explore and embrace the sacredness of our own path.

Do others see you as non-judgmental? Peaceful? Compassionate? These are the traits of an open person. Conversely, close-minded people are very opinionated, judgmental, often in conflict and travel through life without much empathy or understanding for others.

Be a living expression of the awakened life. Let your heart be open and joyous. Embrace what is. Be peaceful in the midst of drama. Learn to be comfortable with the unknown. Consistent practice will bring these innate gifts to the surface and your light will transform the darkness.

Gifts of the Soul

As you awaken, your vision, perception and interpretation of life becomes more expansive. No matter what you accomplish, so much value awaits that even the most lucrative, heartfelt or connected moments you will ever experience wane beside the glitter of the gifts of the soul. Your awareness is a light that brings warmth and insight to the darkness. We stand with one another. We lift those who fall. We lead by example.

Beautiful, vibrant energy seeks to express itself through you. Observe what you allow into your experience today. As you draw your attention fully into the Now, you may discover that things become more simple. You can choose to channel the love, light and laughter of the universe into your life situation.

Your time, love and compassion are desperately needed. More than donating money to a cause that speaks to your heart, give of your time and energy in some way. We learn through experience. Empathy comes through understanding. Anchoring the lesson occurs when we articulate and demonstrate awareness through conscious action.

Kindness is never wasted. It bestows limitless gifts upon the giver and the receiver alike. You can be the change you wish to see in the world.


Conscious Detachment

“Disappointment is always a reminder that you’re still attached to something. Take that disappointment as opportunity to investigate and awaken.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Detachment is not apathy. It emerges from a conscious decision to surrender control in a given situation. The trick is to discover how to simultaneously set desires in motion yet maintain detachment regarding how they manifest in your experience. Often, we get too focused on controlling the “hows” and therefore lose sight of the magic that fills our lives.

There’s nothing wrong with having preferences; however, when those preferences crystallize into requirements, we suffer. Love your life. Enjoy the journey and choose to leave room for the Universe to surprise you.

When your energy is no longer utilized in trying to plan and control the future, it frees you to become fully immersed in the present moment. The actions you choose to take will have greater grace and ease as you allow events to unfold.

When things are removed – attachments, ideas, mental demands – all that remains is pure consciousness. Passion is then transformed into compassion. The formless art of detachment teaches us gratitude, joy and wonder.