Rise in Love

“All your life you have been waiting… And now the time is here.
We are all being called upon to shine our brightest light. Where there is confusion know there are answers. Where there is pain show compassion. Where there is darkness beam your light. We are all related one to the other. Open your heart and feel the connection. Shine your light and heal the world.”
~Jodi Livon~

Expressing compassion creates a joyful and fulfilling life experience.

Your perception creates your reality. Consider the impact that unconditional love brings to your life experience. There would be no fear, no complaints, no judgment and no blame. Because you seek it, you would discover love in every situation no matter how it unfolds.
All that you experience is either an expression of love or an opportunity to bring loving energy to the present moment. Think of that before you speak and before you act. Ask yourself, “Am I adding love to the situation?” If so, proceed.
In the midst of a challenge, it may be difficult to immediately move into higher consciousness. In these moments, simply observe the thoughts that arise, notice what action the ego prompts you to take and either do the opposite or move into stillness. To see those who challenge you as souls that are helping you to grow and evolve is is a wonderful expression of self-love and your life will be better for it.

Be The Light

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
~Martin Luther King Jr.~

Change how you see everything and everyone around you. All are our brothers and sisters in this dance of life. Nothing is separate. Our role is to be the loving witness of experience, bringing light and consciousness to the collective energy of the planet. Be motivated. Be magnificent. This is your moment to shine.
We are called upon to be conscious of the energy we bring into our life situations. Mastery simply means that we are willing to take responsibility for our actions knowing that we have a definitive impact on those around us. Each of us plays a role in the collective awakening of humanity. Some heal through adversity, some through loving example and teaching, while others simply bring light and kindness into daily activity. Find your truth and live it to the best of your ability.
Allow light to flow into everything you do. When you direct energy with the intention of sharing kindness and compassion, you bring something beautiful into being. You never know when your presence or loving action will be the miracle that changes someone’s outlook.

One Love

“Love is the recognition of oneness in the world of duality.”
~Eckhart Tolle~
What would it take to drop all judgment and step into the realm of inclusive, loving experience?
As we walk together on the path of transformation, it’s important to remember that we all ultimately follow the same journey. Enlightenment is a process of awakening that spans many, many lifetimes, and what you see today is but a small fraction of the overall tapestry of existence that we weave.Consider this: You will have the opportunity to be every race that this world has to offer. You will have the opportunity to embrace every religion, spiritual belief or no religion at all. You will have the opportunity to be rich, poor, healthy, diseased, understood, misunderstood, desired or shunned. The process of awakening embraces every experience as important, each plays as integral role in the cultivation of compassion.

So when you feel you don’t understand the thought processes or actions of another, it may simply mean that you have yet to experience that type of life situation or that you don’t consciously remember the lessons you carry from past lifetimes. Be patient with one another, no matter where they are in the process of awakening. Walk with a quiet stillness of understanding and compassion. Realize that we all do the best we can from where we are, with what we have.

The most important thing to focus upon is your own state of consciousness. We can absolutely change the world with our love while providing space in which transformation can occur.

Be Love

When you feel the brunt of someone’s anger, be compassionate instead of defensive.
When you are triggered and the ego wants to withhold, consciously move forward with kindness instead.
When you are judged… Be love.
Acceptance, unconditional love, honoring all life as sacred, being the peace you wish to see, Radical Forgiveness… all these concepts inspire us to be better; however, it’s important to remember that we require opposition in order for us to cultivate these amazing qualities.
Be grateful for those who challenge you. Personally or globally, each of us is playing the role that is best for the collective growth of all. When you choose to drop judgment, limiting beliefs or hatred, and purposely see beyond the physical, everything is love. Life provides the perfect experience needed for our awakening.
Happiness is your own responsibility. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted by the drama or unconscious behavior to which you might be subjected. The moment you view yourself as a victim, you lose sight of your power.
Cultivate the ability to live open-heartedly in spite of the shocks of life. Anything that shakes you up is an opportunity to awaken to the most beautiful and empowered aspects of your true nature.


The Practice of Compassion

“Rage — whether in reaction to social injustice, or to our leaders’ insanity, or to those who threaten or harm us — is a powerful energy that, with diligent practice, can be transformed into fierce compassion.”
~Bonnie Myotai Treac~

It can be challenging to watch others who choose to be in great pain. Each of us has a role to play in this life and ours may be to foster a sense of compassion for those who are lost in the lower levels of consciousness, delusion and dysfunction. At times, their struggle feels like someone who is drowning who inadvertently clings to another in their panic, overwhelming the would-be rescuer.

The practice of compassion is linked to a deep sense of peace, wisdom and detachment. When we learn to be in the world but not of it, we cultivate a soothing response to the challenges of life. Rather than judging those lost in distress we act from empathy and compassion, teaching by example.

You are a blessing. It’s natural to feel misunderstood – and, in fact, that is a powerful aspect of being an old soul. If you can stand alone in your truth and comfortable with your own journey, you are awakening.


Gentle Strength

“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.”
~Kahlil Gibran~
True strength is measured by authenticity, consistency and compassion. The higher your energetic frequency, the more power you can access. Those who vibrate at lower levels such as anger, pride, apathy or shame must use force in order to feel heard. There are two energetic movements currently in play: expanding consciousness or group psychosis. No matter what change you wish to create in your experience, it must be cultivated within you before you can bring it into the world of form.
When those for whom you care become lost in the illusions of this world, do your best to remain at the highest level of consciousness that you can in your various interactions. We must remain engaged in unconditional love in order to teach: situation by situation, moment by moment. This takes conscious and consistent practice. You are a conduit through which the Divine manifests; therefore, it’s important to clear anything that blocks your ability to love.  View the challenges of our lives as realms that deepen our wisdom, cultivate our strength and bring aspects that require attention or healing into the light of awareness. This is the moment of transformation.

Live Simply

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
E.F. Schumacher

Consider how much would get accomplished in your experience if your energy was not focused upon trying to get others to do something, fixing things you feel are wrong or worrying about the future. Trying, fixing and worrying are leaks that steal your life force. Allow everything and everyone around you to flourish without interference.
This mindful approach demonstrates trust in the flow of the universe. The light of consciousness transforms all that it shines upon. The Tao te Ching teaches that in doing nothing, everything gets done. Give yourself permission to just be. This creates space in your relationships and in that space, growth is possible. Be the awakened and beautiful soul who allows life to be as it is while supporting others to evolve in their own way.

Keep your life simple. Be patient, honor the processes of your own awakening and extend that patience to others as they move through the lessons of their lives. Allow compassion to be the defining quality expressed throughout your interactions.

Be the Light

“I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion – and where it isn’t, that is where my work lies.”   
~Ram Dass~
No matter where you are, you can choose to be the light of that place. We cannot control events that occur around us; however, we can consciously choose how we respond to them. Let your life be your message.You can plant seeds of powerful change in the world by holding space. First, you must focus on your own state of consciousness. Take the time to create a sense of gratitude, grace, peace and balance so that you are at ease in the present moment. Your very presence will teach others that alternative perceptions and responses are available.
Old souls see life differently, and that’s the way it is meant to be. Choose too, to be at ease with those who are still at lower levels of consciousness. We all walk the same path of awakening, each at our own rate of spiritual development.
Walk forward knowing that you are exactly where you need to be. You bring something beautiful to the world and your path is sacred.

Celebrate Your Uniqueness

Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
~Robert Fulgham~

Balance isn’t something that just happens when life falls into place; rather, it is the foundation of a life that is grounded, joyful and complete. Much of the world’s angst comes from the desire to please or care for others at the expense of one’s own happiness. People struggle to satisfy perceived expectations and often put their needs on pause.

The challenges we face help us to discern what is important to create and maintain balance. How would you discover your boundaries if someone or something didn’t cross them from time to time? See those who challenge you as healing angels rather than frustrations. They are teaching you what is truly important.

The awakening spirit understands that fulfillment comes through finding their own unique way of being in the world. There is great beauty to be discovered throughout the journey inward. As you create balance by tending to the needs of body, mind and spirit, you’ll find that you have more to give those you love – more compassion, patience and kindness. Then life becomes an outward expression of your joy.

Raising Consciousness

“Man is not an entity, he is a bridge, a bridge between two entities – the animal and the god, the unconscious and the conscious.”

There may have been times when you’ve felt different from those around you – unique perceptions, reactions or viewpoints – and that may mean that you are meant to be a pioneer of raising consciousness. If you had been completely comfortable in your world, would you have begun the search for answers?

Old souls realize that there is more to life than meets the eye and as a result embark upon their own unique journey to discover greater depth and meaning. As you create more balance and love in your experience, it becomes easier to help others, if only by your example.

Let go of the patterns and beliefs that no longer serve your growth. This may mean standing apart from traditional thought or mass consciousness while you bring in the new energy of a passionate life, living your truth in the field of joy. Others will come and meet you there.

Many ask, “How can I create joy?” There’s no one way – simply choose it again and again in every moment until it’s a natural response.