What Bees Teach

“Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don’t they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers.”

~Ray Bradbury~

I enjoy beginning each day in gratitude and laughter, honoring the perfection of the changing seasons… Lately, the blooming trees and flowers tell me that spring has arrived. I often pause throughout my walk to appreciate the colors, listen to the soft drone of bees, delight in the antics of birds and bunnies and squirrels as clouds paint pictures in the sky.

Life is a conversation with the Divine. We can choose to be open and receptive or caught up in thought. It’s interesting to notice how often the ego seeks to distract us from simple pleasures. Bees teach us to love our work, to do what is best for our collective experience and are a consistent reminder that the smallest things are often the most important.

Choose to immerse yourself in wonder. Find your own pathway through life’s magic and deeply engage with the power of the present moment. From there, any action you take will hold powerful intention and passion. You are one with everything.

Healing in Moonlight

“Let the magical night sky with beautiful music be your backdrop. Make the moon and stars your friends because they know your secrets.”
~Hiral Nagda~

Working with full moon energy is a powerful way to process through old wounds while setting intentions for the next phase of your experience. Full moon in Libra supports the reexamination of recent emotional lessons and helps to create balance while one gently works with the intensity surrounding those issues. Awareness sets the stage for change.

Make friends with the moon. Let her gentle, reflective light enhance your interpretation of the past. The receptive side of your nature is ready to receive insight and inspiration. Honor the path of your awakening by recognizing the perfection of your journey. Activate conscious awareness through art, yoga, music, chanting, or meditation.

Moonlight is reflective; therefore, prepare for insights to be revealed. You may consider writing as you commune with the night. Hold space, be open and receptive and take whatever time is required for you to process through any information you receive. Act from the heart, create healthy boundaries and make make your emotional balance a priority. This very personal journey into the shadows will illuminate your soul.

Flowing With Change

“It’s amazing the synchronicities that can happen when we embark on a journey with open hearts, with supportive friends by our side, ready for adventure.”

~Laurie E. Smith~

Our grandest adventures often begin with an intuitive whisper. Something calls us to embark upon a new phase and often we begin without knowing exactly how everything will pull together. These first steps may be tentative; however, each step sparks new energy in motion. Coincidences, synchronicities, and creativity come together, allowing us to discover some new skill or passion as we experiment with various ideas.

We become more proficient with change when we hold no cherished outcome. Allow your vision to adjust as you learn more about yourself. This approach creates an ego-free mental environment where exploration can combine with inspiration. As a conscious creator, you will discover new ways to enjoy utilizing your talents. Aristotle once said, “Where your talents and the needs of the world cross, there lies your vocation.” You bring something to the world that no one else can.

It matters not whether you find your gifts early or late in life. The joy is in the discovery. Follow the flow and heed the calling of your heart.

The Beauty of Acceptance

There’s something inherently beautiful about living in a state of acceptance. When experienced as an authentic state of being, all drama is removed and we can flow through any situation with empowerment and peace.

Last night, my mother and I moved into a new phase of our relationship. I realized that much of my natural Presence was something that I learned from her along with my love of reading, creating a sacred space and the ability to be comfortable in solitude.

For the last few years she’s lived in a cottage in my backyard. After a tumultuous childhood and the weaving of karmic experiences that firmly set me on this path of healing, it was interesting to discover that many of the old wounds would be healed by helping my parents with their end of life work. Having them so close on a daily basis allowed for healthy shifts in our relationship.

During my last session yesterday, I received a simple, calm voice message. “I’m not doing so well and I need help.” I went to her cottage thinking that I could lift something or perform some small task. Immediately, I could see that she was off, and simply sitting in the darkening living room. It turned out that she had had a minor stroke which doubled her vision enough to impact her sense of balance and ability to walk safely.

So we did what many parents and children do – worked with medical care, a lengthy emergency room visit and ultimately appreciating the competence of the workers at a nearby hospital. While not fatal or insurmountable, this moment ushered us into a place of transition where we can both learn new things. I awoke this morning feeling only gratitude for my journey, the people in it, and the ways that we can explore love.

Observation, Awareness and Transformation

As we change, the world around us is transformed. When we seek the Divine within our circumstances, it will surely be recognized. The dramatic shift in vibration changes our relationship to the present moment and the result is nothing short of miraculous.

Imagine a life filled with acceptance, delighting in the Now, comfortable with the unknown, sharing your gifts and living immersed in faith… can you?

  • Observe your interactions today. Notice the pleasures, the difficulties and how much you allow others to impact your joy
  • Should you notice any judgments that arise, purposely shift to acceptance and see how that changes your energy. How does it change the energy of the situation?

Observations bring awareness and awareness brings transformation. When we are balanced and empowered, it becomes easier to remain peaceful when faced with unconsciousness or challenging situations. One important aspect of awakening is realizing the unique beauty of your journey, your attributes and what you bring to this experience of being human on planet earth. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anyone with your way of being in the world. Wherever you reside on the journey, celebrate the awakening master within you.

In this moment, you are right where you need to be. Whether engaged in the art of discovery, struggling with the past or at ease within the Now… all things serve your path. You are weaving the tapestry of your existence, and as you release the old patterns that no longer serve you, new patterns emerge. They are born of your experiences, but not limited by them.

Acceptance, Joy and Enthusiasm

In order to bring a higher consciousness to all that we choose to do, each action must be approached with acceptance, joy or enthusiasm. These three states of being bring empowerment to every aspect of our lives. They ensure that we are giving the best of ourselves to the Now.If you are functioning from a space of obligation, resentment, impatience or boredom, you will find that you are creating pain for yourself as well as for those around you. At the very least, move into acceptance. Even tasks that aren’t “fun” can be transformed into awakened doing. Acceptance means that you are at peace with whatever needs to be done.

If you cannot access one of these three states, immediately stop what you are doing. Remember that you are responsible for your own state of consciousness in the present moment and shift your thoughts and motivation into a healthier vibration.

Joy and enthusiasm create a flow of expansion and positive change in your life. When you bring these heightened dimensions of energy to your actions, everything becomes an opportunity to awaken. You’ll find yourself discovering the sacred within the mundane and life itself will rise up to meet you.


The moon represents the Divine Feminine and it’s no wonder that it captures the very essence of emotion and human experience. She teaches us to be still, receptive, free-flowing and changeable. The same energy that governs the tidal pull of the planet moves within us as well. Cyclical aspects of growth and transformation impact our collective psyche.

Walking in moonlight can be a mystical experience. When you need a gentle recharge, try making friends with the night. Step into stillness and let her ancient magic inspire new facets of growth to emerge. There’s something beautiful about the gentle, silvery light that guides our walk through dancing shadows.

It’s powerful to explore emotional patterns. Pay attention to the events of your life and the reactions they evoke. Turn inward and go deeper. There you will discover hidden aspects that are often overlooked during the busyness of the day. Let the gentle flow of your inner tidal pull transform your experience, establishing wholeness. The blend of dark and light come together in creativity and revelation.

Dreamwork provides access to the subconscious realm and symbolic messages that often hold the key to personal breakthrough and insight. Wherever your journey leads, honor the gentleness of the night.

Embody Love

Embody the love, presence and freedom that is the essence of your true nature by finding simple ways to quiet the mind and open your heart. All change begins within.
There is a wise passage through life… one that calls the awakened to walk its journey. As we cultivate the peace that is found in mindfulness, generosity, loving-kindness and integrity, our lives become living examples of how to create an atmosphere of safety and trust in an all-too-often frightened world.
The human experience is meant to connect each one of us in compassion learned through the commonality of experience. At some point, we have all known love and loss, joys and sorrow, life and death, hopes and fears, ultimately discovering the thread of understanding that connects us all. This takes lifetimes to achieve and leads to freedom and liberation.
When you can find the joy within the sorrow, the beauty within the challenge and the light of communion with the Divine in your interactions, then you are playing within the paradox of being a spiritually awakened human. Trust your intuition and begin with actions that best serve your heart. As you transform your perspective, the world around you is transformed.

Love What Is

“The ego says, ‘I shouldn’t have to suffer,’ and that thought makes you suffer so much more. It is a distortion of the truth which is always paradoxical. The truth is that you need to say yes to suffering before you can transcend it.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

The human experience is paradoxical. Through anger we discover peace. Limitation teaches how to expand. Hatred transforms into love. Judgment paves the way for compassion. By immersing ourselves in whatever unfolds in the present moment without resistance, we can begin the process of loving what is. This shift becomes more fluid when we approach our daily life situations with conscious awareness rather than reactivity.

When you are ready to shift something in your experience, honor it with gratitude and proceed with the knowledge that it has taught the lesson or cultivated the new attribute for which it was meant.

To honor your path as sacred means to understand that everything plays a valuable role in your awakening. Nothing is dismissed as unimportant or “not spiritual.” On the contrary, all you encounter becomes meaningful and worth your loving examination. Self-reflection is the key. Turn inward, bring yourself into balance and experience life with an open heart.


“Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.”
~Carlos Castaneda~
Happiness is a choice. So is misery. Each of us is responsible for our own joy; therefore, change begins with consciously changing our thoughts – choosing happiness again and again until it becomes our natural response to daily events. All transformation comes from within.
Life will provide ample opportunities to practice acceptance, forgiveness and compassion. The process of growth is both deeply personal and collective. Your unique journey is one of learning mastery and those who grace your life play the roles required for your awakening.
When you choose thoughts that create empowerment and peacefulness, nothing has the power to take your happiness away. Even in the midst of tremendous challenge, there will be a groundedness of spirit that is unshakable.
In the present moment, can you choose to surrender to what is? That is the foundation of genuine happiness. Make this a daily practice of walking meditation as you go deeper into your own expression of joy. Open yourself to the experience of life without judging or trying to control. This is the art of contentment.