
“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”
~W.B. Yeats~

In an infinite Universe, no matter how much we know, it’s only the tip of the iceberg. What we see on the physical plane is only 1% of the total picture. Therefore, as we expand our awareness, we are presented with an entirely new perception… one that changes our version of reality completely.

It is safe to be patient with yourself. It is safe to explore aspects that were previously unknown to you, for the situations in your life are always unfolding and you have yet to perceive all the circumstances completely.

There will come a time when the cosmic dance of creation becomes crystal clear in a given situation. Only then, will the appropriate course of action (or non-action) present itself, and in that moment you will become the dancer, participating consciously and fully in the Now.

Be patient, too, when aiding others on their journey. Don’t rush the process – each of us comes to understand new knowledge at the perfect time. The unveiling levels of understanding allow us to interact with one another from the level of love.


Be a Conscious Creator

“In the infinity of life where I am,
All is perfect, whole and complete,
I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack, I now choose to begin to see myself
As the Universe sees me — perfect, whole, and complete.”
~Louise Hay~

When envisioning change in your life, begin by clearly defining the desired end result. Then take steps to get there – it doesn’t matter if they’re baby steps or leaps of faith – consistently moving forward in the direction of your dreams. By opening every avenue of energy that you can, you place yourself in a position to receive assistance and direction from the Divine.

All transformation is set in motion in the Now – future plays no part in the act of conscious creation. Set your intention now, take action now, be willing to receive now and most importantly, choose happiness and fulfillment Now.

When we consciously engage in the journey we draw the necessary support, inspiration and circumstances into our experience. It’s important to remain detached from how things unfold. Often, there are miracles that await or perhaps the original vision expands with wonderful surprises. It’s empowering to see what gets set in motion from that original defining thought. Let joy and inspiration be your guide.

Anam Cara

“In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.”
~Albert Schweitzer~
A chance encounter, reconnecting with an old friend, recognizing a kindred spirit… these everyday miracles are transformative. As we grow in awareness and experience, we learn to embrace these moments of love and connection. They often seem to come in the perfect way to assist with times of change, bringing new insights and perspectives.
Be grateful for those who grace your life. Celebrate the bond of love between you and elevate one another. Let your soul friends, your Anam Cara, inspire you to be the best version of yourself. The gifts we share become our strengths. When friendship connects on a deep inner level, the soul responds with a resounding “Yes!” and we are renewed.
Compassion and clarity are the fulcrums of this journey of awakening. We can act as mirrors for one another and remind those we love of their beauty and potential. Nothing is more sacred.

Life’s Blessings

“To transform the world, we must begin with ourselves; and what is important in beginning with ourselves is the intention.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

All change begins within. It starts with a desire to create peace or healing or joy, and extends outward. We must be willing to allow new perceptions into our experience. The subtle, yet profound shifts naturally expand our energy and impact our relationship to life.

Challenges show us where we are stuck in outmoded ways of being. Resist nothing; instead, be willing to approach your life circumstances with love and a willingness to change. Be patient with yourself and trust the processes of your awakening. Far more is happening on your behalf than you realize.

You may discover that this new perception, expanded way of thinking and relating, and authentic peacefulness spark healthy changes within all your relationships. This is how we teach one another. And sometimes… love will speak through a stranger. Whether someone graces your life for a moment or for a lifetime, be fully present with them while you walk together on the path of awakening.

This is your moment of transformation. Acceptance and awareness lead to empowerment. Breathe, and take one conscious step forward.



“People have a hard time letting go of their suffering.
Out of a fear of the unknown,
They prefer suffering that is familiar.“
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
When plans crumble or change is thrust upon us, the natural human tendency is to resist. The mind prefers the known to the unknown, even when the unknown offers the possibility of freedom, happiness or growth. Because of this, many will often stay trapped in repetitive cycles long after they have served any useful purpose.
Life will often shake up the status quo. These moments of intensity or loss contain the seeds of new beginnings. Remind yourself that everything in your experience is there to help you grow or to wake you up. Challenges bring hidden strengths to the surface and once the storm has passed, there will be clarity and limitless potential to explore as you build again.
We can choose to look forward with optimism. Rather than losing oneself in the belief that life is wrong or mistakes were made, see each moment as an opportunity to discover the best of yourself. You are loved, and you are stronger than you know.