Inner Stillness

When we cultivate stillness within ourselves, we are less likely to react to the unconsciousness of others. More than ever before, it’s time to trust your inner wisdom and the guidance of your heart. Sometimes this requires being comfortable seeing life through a filter that is far different from those around you while honoring beliefs, lessons and viewpoints that are incongruent with yours.

Everyone with whom you interact wants the same thing – acceptance. Since we are all on a path of constant transformation, acceptance doesn’t mean that change will not happen. Rather, the space of non-judgment ensures that growth is possible.

As your journey takes you deeper into your own spiritual maturity, rest assured that divine guidance is always available. Whatever teachings or new concept make themselves known to you, honor your inner guidance first. The gift of wisdom is yours.

The role of a spiritual teacher is to help you cultivate conscious awareness of your own inner light. First, look inward and transform yourself. When your life is aligned with peace, joy and balance, you have more to give those you love. Your life becomes your message and the seeds of awakening are planted.

Ego and Gossip

If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?”


Observe how the ego reacts when you find yourself immersed in a story that is unfolding. Likely, the voice of ego will be clamoring to share it with someone. Why? It’s interesting to watch how the mind reacts when you consciously choose to say nothing or remain neutral in situations while others are lost in comparison, blame or schadenfreude.

Keep in mind that triggers or emotional reactivity are typically a result of some sort of reflection, deflection or projection. When one is lost in gossip or accusation, their words often speak volumes about their own struggles and wounds. Focusing energy outward is a powerful distraction. As long as the ego can see something “wrong” in another, it is too busy to look within to do the work of healing.

Presence calls upon us to be mindful. Pay attention to what you choose to say today. Is it helpful, uplifting or supportive? The light of your awareness is transformative and will help you to see through the mechanisms of the mind with greater clarity. Once you remove gossip and opinion from your own narrative, you will enter the realm of empowered presence. It is there that peacefulness resides.

Spiritual Gardening

Recently I spent some time communing with sacred mother earth – tending the trees and flowers, watching the interplay of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, receiving loving messages from the Divine. Our yard had been left untended for a few months and I was delighted to rediscover the joys of weeding.

Everything we do mirrors our state of consciousness… the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm. I realized that weeds too serve a purpose as teachers. Much like the mechanisms of the ego, if one takes the time to remove them consciously, getting the root, the clearing is complete. Others, not yet willing to let go of their hold (either through their own strength or my impatience), broke off and will likely return to provide another opportunity to attempt removal.

As we clear away unhelpful patterns and energies, we too have a choice. We can allow them to grow untended until they attach to the various aspects of our experience and personality, taking over and absorbing valuable life force from the areas that long to thrive, or we can set ourselves the task of removing them. Sometimes easy to accomplish, sometimes challenging, but always rewarding.

You are the creator of your experience. This is the time to consciously choose your thoughts, words, intentions and actions with the knowledge that the seeds you sow today become the gifts of tomorrow.

Sammasati:  Remember

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
~Ramana Maharshi~

It is said that the last word uttered by the Buddha was “Sammasati.” There’s something beautiful about the reminder that what we seek lies within. Remember – not discover, change, achieve… just remember. All aspects of spiritual awakening lie dormant within that one word.

Perhaps that’s the reason each journey is unique. One never knows when a flash of illumination will shift perception. Awakening comes from rising above the mechanisms of the mind and illusion.

With limitless energy available, why does one encounter lack? We can choose to view perceived limitations as blessings and consciously use them as aspects of our collective growth. Additionally, they serve as reminders of how easily one can lose sight of inner awareness, prompting us to naturally cultivate greater compassion for those who still stumble in the darkness.

Should you feel off balance, consider which aspect of your life requires loving attention and take conscious action. Spend some time going within and recognize the perfection in your journey. Taste silence, merge with the energy of the planet, and remember what has been forgotten… Sammasati.

Higher Consciousness

“Wakefulness makes it possible to take risks, break through personal limitations, and enjoy taking on challenges. Living on the edge of uncertainty sharpens the senses, promotes alertness, and helps one pay attention to experiences. Living on the edge of uncertainty can also feel most uncomfortable.”
~Jose Stevens~

Everything is energy. Ones level of consciousness determines their vibrational frequency and together we form a symphony of exquisite beauty and nuance. The purpose of life is to allow your experiences to awaken your inner wisdom and compassion. The spiritual seeker pays attention to the underlying energy inherent in all situations.

Awareness helps one to be more grounded and rooted in the present moment. This allows us to navigate challenging situations without getting lost in the drama or reverting to lower levels of consciousness. Everything is interconnected; therefore, your awakening sends waves of energy throughout the Universe, touching and transforming life itself.

As you discover your life’s purpose and your life task, you’ll create greater meaning, substance and balance that will reverberate throughout every experience that you have.

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is… You are contributing to the awakening collective consciousness of us all.


“If you understand it, the world is a great device to make you more conscious. Your enemy is your friend, and the curses are blessings, and the misfortunes can be turned into fortunes. It depends only on one thing: if you know the key of awareness.”

Anger can be a transformational tool of enlightenment. It shows us where we have attached to an outcome and is the exact opposite of ego-driven happiness. Suppressing anger is unhealthy because it will often manifest later as physical illness, depression, passive/aggression or uncontrollable rage. Justifying anger is the ego’s way of getting you to believe the thoughts about a situation, with the attachment to being right. Anger disrupts the ability to be at peace in the present moment.

So when anger arises, feel it. Sit with it and be still. Know that by focusing your attention to the energy while becoming aware of the feelings and the thoughts which drive it, you can free yourself from its constricting embrace.

In every moment we have a choice – to accept what is or to reject what is. Enlightenment calls upon us to view each situation as if we had consciously created it for our souls growth, for indeed on a higher level, we have. Everything offers an opportunity to awaken.


“Your work is to discover your world, and then with all your heart, give yourself to it.”


Periodically examine your life experience to discover where you may be limiting joyfulness and positive expectations. You are meant to thrive, to love and to awaken. The challenges you face provide opportunities to cultivate empowerment and open new levels of understanding.

There is no one in the world like you. Your unique insight, history, passion and talents are meant to be expressed. The journey of your soul can inspire others in ways that you cannot imagine.

In a world of limitless possibility, there is great joy in exploration. New experiences awaken facets that are ready to shine. When we choose to share our gifts, we are transformed. Approaching life with childlike innocence and wonder, we can play in the world of form with an open heart, full of infinite potential.

New energy and insight can awaken aspects of you that are ready to shine. Fill your life situation with circumstances, things and people that spark passion. The higher your level of consciousness, the greater your vision. Contemplate the perfection of the present moment and be inspired by the love that surrounds you.

Quietness, Love and Fearlessness

Quietness without love is simply non-participation. Stillness can be a celebration, a silence that sees all and bears loving witness. But authentic love is only possible when we are fearless. Remember that fear and love vibrate on opposite ends of the spectrum. Love empowers while fear weakens.

Many look to relationships to heal their anxiety. Even when the spiritual seeker understands that true happiness comes from within, it’s human nature to seek fulfillment and completion through partnership. We think that we need to be loved, but what the heart truly desires is to love.

The purity and beauty of your soul never fades, dear one, though sometimes you may not realize your divinity out of fear that you are not enough in some way. Recognize the divine energy within you – it is time to be present and honor that path which has brought you here Now.

All of us come from the same source of love. We are just in various stages of discovery and awakening. Be willing to receive the love, light and laughter of the Universe. You can choose to create a peaceful and joyful path of grace. There are many levels of love that await your exploration.


May I be the medicine for those who are sick, a partner for those who are lonely, a bridge for those who need to cross over, and a light for those who are blind.
~Buddhist Prayer~

You have access to infinite wisdom and the language of the heart speaks in gentle whispers. It often comes once, creates a positive flow of energy and, if allowed to flourish, propels life into inspired and healthy directions.

The ego, on the other hand, is repetitive, fearful and clamors loudly to be heard. It can be easy for the instinctive and supportive messages of the heart to become lost in the cacophony of thought.

You have the means to transcend ego. The ability to recognize intuition and inner knowledge will grow stronger with use. Practice trusting your initial instincts so you become aware of the energy connected to Truth. This will help you to adjust course more easily when required.

Fear and anxiety are destructive flows of energy. They emerge from the illusions created by excessive thought and seeking fulfillment outside of ourselves. Travel inward. Listen to the love that flows through you – it comes directly from the Divine.

What We Create

“Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.”
~John O’Donohue~

You are an artist who is constantly in the process of co-creation, weaving a unique tapestry of exquisite design. Each thought, word and action creates layers of energy that flow from you out into the world of form. Observe what you say. Do your words reflect what you wish to create? Do they support your joy and willingness to receive?

It’s a wonderful practice to set a deliberate intention, focus upon it during your morning rituals and then watch with joy as it manifests in various ways throughout your daily experience. For instance, if your intention is to be a loving reflection of the sacredness in everyone you meet, your interactions will be far different than if your mind was only focused upon the tasks that needed to be accomplished. Instead of a regular day with it’s normal ups and downs, you might experience brief but unique expressions of beauty from each person with whom you interact.

These conscious choices bring a higher level of light into our physical experience. Choose intentions that allow you to explore being the very best version of yourself. The spiritual seekers goal is to merge the sacred with the mundane.