
“For most people, their spiritual teacher is their suffering. Because eventually the suffering brings about awakening.”
~Eckhart Tolle~ 

Suffering, whether self-inflicted or the result of outside events, brings hidden aspects of our shadow self to the surface of our consciousness. Often these are things that have been repressed or ignored in the past and their appearance now has great import on your path of transformation.

When you are faced with intense internal challenges consider viewing them as teachers rather than something that needs to be eradicated or hidden. Look deeply within to the source of your conflict and then purposely surround it with love and compassion. Know that you are on the verge of an awakening.

These inner paradoxes lead us down roads we would never consciously choose to travel. They call upon us to shatter the ego-self and strip away things and ideas that no longer serve us. Intensity accelerates your spiritual growth in ways that simple study and desire cannot. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you are ready for this. Your spirit has requested movement and the fact that something new is arising indicates that you are ready to navigate your way to higher levels of consciousness.

Humility Silences the Ego

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The souls only desire is to awaken. Once you have mastered a particular attribute, be willing to expand into unknown territory. As a lifetime student of love, you can interact with others knowing that they have entered your experience for a specific purpose. Life becomes layered with nuance when we discover that every aspect of it is simply a loving conversation with the Divine.

There is always something new to discover. As you expand into higher levels of consciousness, your perception changes. Old challenges or situations are experienced through a new filter that provides an opportunity to explore the lesson in a different way.

Humility silences the ego. When we recognize everyone and everything as a teacher, we become willing, open and aware. Drop your judgment, move into love and honor your own path as sacred. You are surrounded by miracles… you are a miracle.

When you live in celebration of life and love, you scatter the seeds of possibility. Everything around you expresses the harmony of that love and sparkles of energy dance in your light.

Awakened Exploration

“We are all of us wanderers, Chasing moonbeams, Our hearts full of wonder, Our souls drowsy with dreams.”
~Ramblings of the Claury~

Be a dreamer, a soul searcher and a wanderer.

The spiritual seeker has a life that is filled with wonder. Many need to rediscover how to approach each day with childlike joy and innocence. No matter where life takes you, there is something of value waiting to be discovered.

Imagine how life would unfold if every moment was experienced as a loving conversation between you and the Divine. Might you choose to take frequent pauses to breathe, to be present with nature, to nurture your body? When each step is an act of love, your definition of life is transformed. Walk gently through each day without expectation but with an open heart.

Even if your physical locale doesn’t change much, choose to experience it anew with a sense of loving curiosity. Your heightened vision will inspire your journey in ways you never expected.

The thrill is in the discovery, the exhilaration of the free-fall. Trust your intuition and allow something immense to open. Then the ordinary becomes the extraordinary, walls disappear and you become aligned with the infinite possibilities of the Divine.

Sammasati:  Remember

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
~Ramana Maharshi~

It is said that the last word uttered by the Buddha was “Sammasati.” There’s something beautiful about the reminder that what we seek lies within. Remember – not discover, change, achieve… just remember. All aspects of spiritual awakening lie dormant within that one word.

Perhaps that’s the reason each journey is unique. One never knows when a flash of illumination will shift perception. Awakening comes from rising above the mechanisms of the mind and illusion.

With limitless energy available, why does one encounter lack? We can choose to view perceived limitations as blessings and consciously use them as aspects of our collective growth. Additionally, they serve as reminders of how easily one can lose sight of inner awareness, prompting us to naturally cultivate greater compassion for those who still stumble in the darkness.

Should you feel off balance, consider which aspect of your life requires loving attention and take conscious action. Spend some time going within and recognize the perfection in your journey. Taste silence, merge with the energy of the planet, and remember what has been forgotten… Sammasati.

The Pilgrimage

The journey is a sacred place and by honoring the present moment, we consciously move through the beautiful landscape of our souls awakening. Whenever you enter periods of movement and change, allow yourself to feel a sense of adventure and growth. This is your pilgrimage.

Be willing to accept and embrace the new. This attitude of openness and acceptance invites new opportunities, friends and experiences into our lives. There is no way to force healing of the heart chakra – it is the natural flow of your energy as you mature and learn to rest in your inner silence.

It has been said that one must lose all to learn how to be simple. We fill our lives with people, things, and ambition in order to stay busy and distracted. The Universe will often create a space for us to discover the joys of simplicity; however, one doesn’t have to wait for all to be lost – we can simply lose our attachment.

Guidance is available when you heed the whispers of your heart. The more you move into love and balance, the more receptive you’ll be… and your life will become radiant with blessings. This is your birthright, a gift that has awaited you since the moment you first set foot on this planet. Will you choose to embrace the journey?

Honor the Journey as Sacred

“See the light in others, and treat them as if that is all you see.”

~Wayne W. Dyer~

People often get lost in judgment and miss the opportunity to experience the Now with an open heart. Discovering the role someone plays in this life can lead to a set of assumptions and beliefs that impact how we interact with one another. We have a tendency to feel comfortable with those who have a similar outlook and forget that our differences are what teach us the most.

When you find yourself forming an opinion about someone based upon how they refer to themselves (political party, religion or lack thereof, career, etc), keep in mind that he or she is an evolving soul like any other. When we interact without judgment or expectation, we emit a beautiful source of energy and vibration that creates space in which transformation can occur. Ego needs another ego in order to create conflict. As spiritual seekers, we can choose to consciously rise above separations caused by the mechanisms of the mind and touch someones life in a loving and peaceful way.

As you walk the journey of awakening, rising above challenges, discovering your strengths and learning from experience… seek to know the Divine in one another with appreciation of the various ways in which we weave a tapestry of exquisite design.

You Are the Universe

“When the world feels overwhelming, I want to love bigger, I want to love louder, I want to be connected to my community.”
~Mona Tavakoli~

You are changing the world. Every life you touch shifts in response to your unique energy. Each of us has an opportunity to love, to be expansive, inclusive, joyful and compassionate. Standing strong and confident in the light of your true nature allows the Divine to work through you in miraculous ways. Even a smile, heartfelt and genuine, can awaken the light in those around us.Everything is energy. Love more. Participate more. Share your light and passions. Surround yourself with uplifting books, music, people, ideas and art. Be inspired by those who live awakened lives and purposely choose to be inspirational to others. This is the moment of transformation and you are indeed a blessing.

The spiritual quest is to experience the highest source of love – love with the Divine. Part of that practice is learning to love in a way that is pure and free from ego-driven desire. As we open to one another in a way that is completely present, vulnerable and authentic, we remove the barriers that divide us. To see the sacredness in another is the greatest gift that you can give.

Seeds of Potential

“The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.”
~James Allen~
Never doubt the powerful transformation that is put in motion through intention and conscious action. Before any growth can occur, the energy contained within the seed must be willing to take action and become vulnerable with no guarantees of success. Within that movement lies infinite potential.

There is great value in doing new things. When you are willing to take a risk it enhances your senses – you become more aware and conscious in the present moment. Fear is not the enemy. See it as an indicator that you are leaving the perceived safety of conditioned tendencies. Welcome it as a teacher that provides the opportunity to move toward freedom.

Life is a series of changes that allow one to discover new aspects of strength, cultivate inner wisdom and expand consciousness. Every situation provides an opportunity to awaken; therefore, consider utilizing stillness, silence, gratitude and appreciation in order to receive the insight and energy that await you.

The Shape of Vulnerability

The shape of vulnerability takes many forms. Though deeply entwined, each soul must traverse the blueprint of awakening alone. Rather than hide any perceived flaws or wounds, keep returning to the threshold of the disturbance until you discover something new. Yes, this can be frightening, and often creates discomfort and disorder in your experience; however, the soul longs to transform vulnerability into strength.

Flaws create beauty and give meaning to the masterpiece. Whether falling in love, facing your greatest fear, standing at the precipice of change or navigating your path, know that as you discover new things about yourself, you will become more deeply aligned with your true nature. This leads to freedom.

We are multi-faceted beings, yet we are often surprised to find light hidden in the most unexpected places. In humility, be nourished by the gifts of your soul and choose to accept them. You are undefinable, infinite, and ever-changing. As you integrate the varied aspects of the Self into your expression of life, any vulnerability will amplify what is truly important in your quest for awakening.

There are secret worlds hidden in the nuances of experience. How powerful it will be to view your journey with appreciation, acceptance and forgiveness.

Facing Challenges

“The spiritual practice of relationships is about working on ourselves only, freeing ourselves from the constricting grip of our own unhappiness. It is not the other person’s job to take our unhappiness away; our discomfort is our own responsibility. Attending to our own spiritual tasks – seeing our judgments, opinions, beliefs, demands, and staying present with the fears out of which they all arise – frees others to move toward us. Then, when they no longer feel the need to defend, they become more willing to take care of their job. Thus joy in relationships becomes possible.”   
~Ezra Bayda~   

When challenges arise, turn inward and pay attention. Whether found in health, relationships, finances or within your spiritual practice, you are ready for something transformative to enter your life. Facing challenges consciously accelerates your awakening. Your willingness to be an active participant in your growth guarantees expansive movement in your experience.

Be kind to yourself. You will have moments of brilliance as well as moments when you miss the mark. Empowerment calls upon each of us to take personal responsibility for our current state of consciousness so that we can engage life with an open heart.

Trust the processes of awakening and know that you have the fortitude to conquer fear… not only rising above it, but shattering the old beliefs and patterns that created it in the first place.