Soul Lessons

“From innumerable complexities we must grow to simplicity; we must become simple in our inward life and in our outward needs.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

Each of us chooses to come to this planet to accomplish the same thing – to awaken to the divinity of Being and the Oneness that connects us all. All of existence weaves together in a tapestry of experience, lessons, insight and awareness that will guide you throughout this process of awakening. There is a primary inner purpose – to awaken, and a secondary outer purpose – whatever role you have chosen as the vehicle for that awakening. For some this means family, for others it may be teaching, artistry, healing, building… thankfully, there are infinite ways to live in one’s truth while remaining aligned with our inner purpose.

When you place more importance upon the outer purpose (the transitory experience of this lifetime), the inner purpose suffers. This often creates repetitive patterns and blockages that plague us until we clear them and return to the true purpose of our earthly experience. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. All joy, clarity and freedom come from this state of inner balance and flow into all that we choose to do.


“Everyone has a purpose in life…a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of goals.”
~Deepak Chopra~
Every moment provides a wonderful opportunity to discover your own true nature and for those in the process of discovery, still seeking your purpose or your direction, I salute you. The willingness to embark upon the path of transformation ensures that you will find it. The road may be long. It may prompt you to pivot again and again as you explore the possibilities that sing your name, – that is the process of awakening.
Challenges will hone your abilities. Your disappointments will teach you how to be strong, to rebuild and step out of limiting patterns. Eventually, you will simply discover what makes your heart flourish as your life becomes a song of joy and celebration.
Our primary purpose is to awaken. Our secondary purpose is the vehicle through which that awakening occurs, often changing at different points in our life experience. When you allow your passions and talents to shine, they will attract the perfect situations and people to facilitate your growth.

Walking Your Unique Path

“I have not always chosen the safest path. I’ve made my mistakes, plenty of them. I sometimes jump too soon and fail to appreciate the consequences. But I’ve learned something important along the way: I’ve learned to heed the call of my heart. I’ve learned that the safest path is not always the best path and I’ve learned that the voice of fear is not always to be trusted.”
~Steve Goodier~

As we interact with one another, discover new perceptions and learn from the valuable reflections that show us the way, it’s important to allow your path to be unique – not one that you’ve read about and are emulating and certainly not one built from societal or parental expectations. There is freedom to be found. Ultimately, we learn how to be comfortable with the unknown while becoming conscious of what we are choosing to create.

Awareness enhances the beauty, passion and intensity within you. It releases you from the entrapment of the ego – possessiveness, jealously, greed and fear – and each moment strengthens your knowledge of the connection between you and the Divine. This movement toward wholeness is the natural state of your being. Though we may feel lost at times, it waits patiently within the stillness of your heart.

Find ways to show love, to serve and be compassionate. You cannot walk in the light of love and remain unchanged. Authentic acts of kindness impact the energy of all those involved. Be love, and watch the journey unfold.

Gratitude and Awakening

“The great awareness comes slowly, piece by piece. The path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning. The experience of spiritual power is basically a joyful one.”
~M. Scott Peck~
Spiritual awakening is a progression. Step by step we expand our vision, cultivate new knowledge and find ways to apply it to our lives. Though a shift in consciousness can happen in an instant, more often it occurs over time. Periodically take a moment to assess your responses to life. It’s likely that you’ll discover you process challenges differently, are less reactive and move more quickly from anger to peace. How much have you grown over the last year, or five or ten?
Ease and grace are born of experience. After facing repeating patterns meant to assist us in our spiritual growth, we finally experience a break-through and everything begins to change. The awakening soul learns to utilize thoughts and intentions in ways that are positive and empowering.
With conscious awareness, the world seems less threatening. Life becomes more joyful as we take risks and expand into new experiences knowing that each step is guided by love. When you can be at peace in your own truth and be a conduit for the light of the Divine, you’ll step into the majesty of the present moment – aware, enlightened, awake. This is your destiny.

I Am Not Subject to Disappointment

“Attachment constrains our vision so that we are not able to see things from a wider perspective.”
~Dalai Lama~
Life ebbs and flows as it will. Humans, suffering from limited perspective, feel the need to fight against what is. The ego creates a story that plays repeatedly in the mind until one believes that things shouldn’t be the way they are. Then disappointment sets in.
With this in mind we can view disappointment as a barometer. The level of discomfort is an indicator of how much attachment we have had to a particular idea, person, or item. Attachment causes suffering.
Fortunately, this is an energy that can be transformed into acceptance. The light of conscious awareness transforms all that it shines upon. Sometimes, the shift can happen immediately once the attachment has been observed and recognized. Then, we can begin the process of seeking the lesson in the challenge.
Everything works toward the highest good for all involved. Our limited vision gives us the situation as interpreted by the ego; however, the soul is always interested in expansion. Empowerment is acting from the heart and allowing circumstances to unfold as they will.  You are right where you need to be.

I Will Not Negotiate by Withholding

“If you withhold love as a form of punishment, who is being punished?”
~Donald L. Hicks~

Love is giving – giving based in kindness, freedom and compassion without expectation.

Judgment is a by-product of the ego. Condemning others, whether through “righteous anger” or an internal dialogue, creates blockages between people. The only way to break through the lower levels of unconsciousness is to become more conscious yourself. Let your life be your message.

Love transforms any situation into a space of pure potential. Like water eroding rock, the process may take some time, but the results are permanent. Each loving thought, word or act of kindness plants a seed of awakening. These seeds are nourished by our consistent mindful approach and may thrive in ways you’ve never imagined. Whether you’re there to witness the transformation or not, never doubt the power of love.

This is why we seek to honor all paths as sacred. Each journey is unique, yet all are on the same path of awakening. One never knows what will trigger a breakthrough; therefore, act as if every moment is the one that will open doors to new levels of understanding… and remember that love is the key.

Peace Work

“If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

As you silently do your work you emit ripples of energy that flow outward. Changes are left in your wake that you may never see. A kind word, a compassionate ear or a soothing touch can be extraordinarily transformative.

Life provides various opportunities to observe your level of consciousness in the world of form. Nothing is more important than how you are choosing to experience this moment. Self awareness will help you to be mindful rather than reactive. What you consistently do becomes a natural aspect of who you are.

When your insights, inner dialog and actions are in harmony you’ll notice that every experience leads you to be more awake. Everything is about expansion. We learn to drop limiting perception and purposely enter the realm of Oneness.

What we do matters. Each of us has the opportunity to be an example of connectedness and love. Live authentically, remember to laugh at yourself and let your life be your message.


Satori is a brief flash. Suddenly the light breaks through. For a short timeless time we experience eternity in it’s unmanifest form.
~Frederick Lenz~

Satori is the awakening from a dream. The first stage of awakening is typically a breakthrough that seemingly comes out of nowhere. Suddenly, the ego is quiet allowing us to experience the gap of “no-mind” and get a glimpse of the Oneness that connects us. For many, this prompts a journey of discovery.

Throughout the process of awakening we experiment with different ideas and processes, often seeking to understand how to recreate that moment of Oneness; however, it is not something to be achieved. It is something that is already carried within. See your personal satori as a spark of energy that awakened and inspired instead of something to seek. From there, you will find your unique way of walking in the world.

Ultimately, there is only love. Beneath the cacophony of the ego is the essence of your true nature. As you merge with the Divine, love will become your natural way of being. With practice, you can enter this state whenever you like. This is enlightenment, and it awaits us all.

Living Courageously

“The crowd neither wants nor seeks knowledge, and the leaders of the crowd, in their own interests, try to strengthen its fear and dislike of everything new and unknown. The slavery in which mankind lives is based upon this fear.”
~G. I. Gurdjieff~

To be a spiritual seeker is to discover your courage. Leaving the confines of the familiar we venture out into a new world, risking all. The willingness to explore the unknown paves the way to adventure as we learn to experience life with an open heart and open mind.

Throughout this process we encounter a stripping away of the ego. Layer by layer we drop beliefs and blockages that no longer serve us. Challenges allow us to cultivate fortitude as we discover new ways of experiencing all that life has to offer.

It’s important to be vulnerable and authentic. Don’t hold yourself back out of fear. The path of awakening calls upon us to recognize our potential. Faith and action transform that potential into actuality.

When you recognize the sacredness in all things, it brings a different quality into your experience. Operating from a detached sense of unconditional love also brings courageousness to the surface. Detachment allows us to give without demands. It is a purity that expresses itself through us. What would your expression of life be if you were fearless? Be that. Do that. Live that.

The Dance of Discovery

“It was perhaps one of your greatest acts of love,
choosing to be alive at a time when so many are so deeply in the dark.
And already things are looking brighter.
All bow.” 
~Mike Dooley, Notes from the Universe~
Adversity can awaken you. Joy can awaken you. It’s your choice. No matter how you decide to experience life, there will be myriad opportunities to grow. Imagine your soul expanding as it opens to receive new energy, insight, healing and balance.
We learn from our interactions with one another and with our sacred mother earth. Your light transforms the darkness. When you choose to approach your life situations with a willingness to learn, anything is possible.
So, become a lifetime student of love. Know that untold gifts still await discovery. You are strong enough to face whatever unfolds in your experience, and awakened enough to utilize it in a way that is unique and empowered. No matter how far you have come, you have barely scratched the surface of your spiritual understanding.
Let your life be a dance of discovery. Everyone you encounter has the potential to teach you something new. When we can bring a sense of humility and openness to our interactions, we stand at the threshold of infinite possibility.