Love Begets Love

When you feel the brunt of someone’s anger, be compassionate instead of defensive.
When you are triggered and the ego wants to withhold, consciously move forward with kindness instead.
When you are judged… Be love.
Acceptance, unconditional love, honoring all life as sacred, being the peace you wish to see, Radical Forgiveness… all these concepts inspire us to be better; however, it’s important to remember that we require opposition in order for us to cultivate these amazing qualities.Be grateful for those who challenge you. Personally or globally, each of us is playing the role that is best for our collective growth. When you choose to drop judgment, limiting beliefs or hatred, and purposely see beyond the physical, everything is love. Life provides the perfect experience needed for our awakening.

Happiness is your own responsibility. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted by the drama or unconscious behavior to which you might be subjected. The moment you view yourself as a victim, you forget how powerful you are. Cultivate the ability to live open-heartedly in spite of the shocks of life. Anything that shakes you up is an opportunity to awaken the most beautiful and empowered aspects of your true nature.

Your Divine Nature

“Gradually we’ll learn from one another what we forgot. That we’re all one. Our relationships will enable us. The law of karma will teach us. Our challenges will focus us. Love will remind us.”
~Jose Stevens~
With our limited human perception, it’s difficult to process the idea of eternity. Time is a construct of the mind and often it drives us to hurry through the present moment in order to get somewhere else; however, the present moment is all there is. 

We are all participating in an exploration of separateness. The lifetimes we spend on this planet, the roles we play and the lessons we learn from one another are only the beginning of an incredible journey to rediscover Oneness. You are a spark of the Divine – infinite, eternal, and multi-faceted. When challenges arise, understand that a breakthrough is possible. The movement into awareness transforms your life experience.

There is enough time. Everyone on the planet will eventually evolve through all earth-based soul ages: Infant, Baby, Young, Mature and Old to finally discover that we are all One. Tending to your own state of consciousness will ultimately aid in the awakening of all humanity. Have compassion for yourself and for one another.

The Power of Higher Love

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
~Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist~

In a world that is often beset by fear, judgment and anger, we can choose to be a source of higher love and consciously approach life with integrity and purpose. Love is not “anti” anything, although falsehood and ignorance arise when it is absent. Look for ways to bring grace into the small moments of your life. Rather than seeking joy, become joy. Rather than seeking love, become love.

We have an opportunity to be an inspiration. Begin by honoring life, in all its forms as sacred. Rather than trying to get others to see from your perspective, demonstrate how loving insights inform how you walk in the world. True love is unconditional. It understands the nature of the ego (both personal and collective) and accepts that resistance is its natural response to higher frequencies.

Part of awakening is learning to transcend ego, which then creates non-resistance. As awareness expands, gratitude replaces pride. It can be insightful to work with a spiritual lesson or inspirational concept each morning and use it as a focus for contemplation throughout the day. This creates space to receive the wisdom your soul desires in a very personal and profound way.

Conscious Suffering


Spiritual practice has little to do with logical explanations. The mind will always question ‘Why?’ when challenges arise. This desire for knowledge is an egoic trap which tells us that we must understand in order to alleviate our discomfort. Any reasons we discover – psychological, physiological, karmic, etc. – are only part of the story. Oneness teaches us that everything is interconnected – and the infinite nature of complexity means both that we can discover multiple approaches that help us on our journey as well as the truth that, as humans, our vision and ability to understand is very limited.

There are blinders that obscure our vision. Deep understanding never lies within the cognitive world of ‘why’ but in experiencing the complexity of the present moment with an openness that defies explanation. We encounter both minute and life-changing challenges as we navigate the path of transformation and during each, the spiritual seeker has the option to suffer consciously. The contrast we discover between the mechanisms of the mind and the playfulness we experience when we feel balanced and connected is the paradox that teaches through the human condition in a way that leads us ever closer to the Divine.

All things work to the highest good (whether one has the ability to see it now or later). Should clarity elude you, take one more conscious step forward honoring each moment as part of your unique journey of awakening. Faith in the process of your development is key. There are gifts to be discovered in the midst of every challenge.

The Circle of Compassion

Throughout the journey of awakening we discover how deeply connected we are. Compassion arises when we recognize our shared humanity and see our reflections revealed through interactions with others. We experience the contrasts that lead us ever onward in our quest to evolve and remove the layers of illusion that once created blockages and the perception of separation.

In the higher planes of consciousness, awareness expands to include all living things as we feel even more profoundly entwined. We begin to consider our impact on the planet and those with whom we share it. Spiritual awakened choices naturally demonstrate kindness and empathy. Throughout this process; however, many forget to honor themselves as sacred. Remember to also direct compassion inward.

Self-love creates a foundation from which to express your unique gifts. The more balanced you are, the more you have to offer those who grace your life. Through acceptance we create space where others can explore and reveal the best in themselves. And thus, the circle of compassion turns, expands, embraces and receives us as we enter through the doorway of Presence.

This moment is your point of power. Breathe deeply and feel your heartbeat connect with the heartbeat of the Universe.

Spiritual Maturity

“Before we enter the path, we see our experiences in terms of ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Upon truly entering the path, we see them only as opportunities to awaken.”
~Ezra Bayda~
Spiritual maturity is the realization of your true potential. The seeds planted by your life experiences have bloomed into something beautiful that can bring light and joy to the world. The lessons learned from personal suffering foster greater compassion for others who are in the midst of their own challenges. Challenges awaken potential. The greater the challenge, the greater the breakthrough.

Your souls evolution prompts openness rather than protection, innocence rather than knowledge, the desire to learn rather than opine. Let your views and expression of life be gentle, kind and compassionate. See beyond others’ roles and egoic gesturing to the illumination of the soul. With understanding, comes authentic maturity that will enrich the lives you touch.

Honor your journey as sacred and you will transcend all limitation. Infinite possibilities await discovery and there are always new levels to explore. We can help create a world where it is safe to love one another by offering the gift of understanding and integration. The birth of consciousness is arising within you.

Acceptance, Joy and Enthusiasm

In order to bring a higher consciousness to all that we choose to do, each action must be approached with acceptance, joy or enthusiasm. These three states of being bring empowerment to every aspect of our lives. They ensure that we are giving the best of ourselves to the Now.If you are functioning from a space of obligation, resentment, impatience or boredom, you will find that you are creating pain for yourself as well as for those around you. At the very least, move into acceptance. Even tasks that aren’t “fun” can be transformed into awakened doing. Acceptance means that you are at peace with whatever needs to be done.

If you cannot access one of these three states, immediately stop what you are doing. Remember that you are responsible for your own state of consciousness in the present moment and shift your thoughts and motivation into a healthier vibration.

Joy and enthusiasm create a flow of expansion and positive change in your life. When you bring these heightened dimensions of energy to your actions, everything becomes an opportunity to awaken. You’ll find yourself discovering the sacred within the mundane and life itself will rise up to meet you.


May you allow the wild beauty of the invisible world to gather you, mind you, and embrace you in belonging.
~John O’Donohue~


Everything that we put out into the world takes on a life of it’s own and returns to us in amazing ways. Let kindness be your guide. Consciously choose self talk that is supportive, imaginative, expansive and joyful. Know that you can never lose. There will be moments of success and moments where you learn something new about yourself and your infinite potential. Every situation and everyone you encounter plays a specific role in your awakening.
Love is a form of giving that breathes life into your experience. With each new level of discovery, expand your vision and choose to see beyond the illusions of the mind. Layer by layer, as we release things which no longer serve our growth, we step into the realm of limitless possibility. Choose to be one who brings lovely energy to the planet. Whether you rescue a spider, listen to a stranger, hold space for your child or help another to see their own beauty, walk gently upon the earth. Your interpretation of life is a direct reflection of your self love.

I Am Consciousness

What you see and experience is about 1% of what is truly occurring at any given moment. We are infinite beings living a temporary human experience. Threads of energy connect all things and light is constantly flowing through those connections, weaving a tapestry of exquisite design.

You are consciousness experiencing itself through human experience. Within that realm of existence the goal is to expand until we recognize our true nature. No matter how it appears, love is waiting to emerge in every situation and you are supported and guided every step of the way.

Shakespeare once wrote “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.” For any play to be successful, the actors must embrace and lose themselves within the part, creating belief through their interpretation of the role they have been given. Thus is it with the human experience. Everyone is playing his or her role perfectly, ultimately contributing to our collective lessons. As an awakened spiritual being, it’s important to learn how to participate while also recognizing your infinite nature, seeing beyond appearances and limitation.

Observe your life experience. Open your heart to what life is trying to teach you in the present moment. You are awakening.

Embody Love

Embody the love, presence and freedom that is the essence of your true nature by finding simple ways to quiet the mind and open your heart. All change begins within.
There is a wise passage through life… one that calls the awakened to walk its journey. As we cultivate the peace that is found in mindfulness, generosity, loving-kindness and integrity, our lives become living examples of how to create an atmosphere of safety and trust in an all-too-often frightened world.
The human experience is meant to connect each one of us in compassion learned through the commonality of experience. At some point, we have all known love and loss, joys and sorrow, life and death, hopes and fears, ultimately discovering the thread of understanding that connects us all. This takes lifetimes to achieve and leads to freedom and liberation.
When you can find the joy within the sorrow, the beauty within the challenge and the light of communion with the Divine in your interactions, then you are playing within the paradox of being a spiritually awakened human. Trust your intuition and begin with actions that best serve your heart. As you transform your perspective, the world around you is transformed.