Know Thyself

“True strength meets the vulnerability of life with caring and courage. True strength knows that there are two great powers in this world. The first is those who are unafraid to kill. The other is those who are unafraid to love.”
~ Jack Kornfield ~

It is possible to release yourself from a life of reaction and frustration to live one of peacefulness and wisdom. We can train ourselves to live mindfully and honor our feelings as they arise. When you have reached a point in your life where you truly know and love yourself, nothing can shake your state of grace.

When defensiveness arises (a form of ego), it is typically a response to someone who has reflected our own negativity or self-criticism. The initial reaction is anger or blame which is utilized as a form of resistance; however, mindfulness reminds us to observe this flash of reactivity, and rather than seek validation or retribution outside of ourselves, we choose instead to heal the misguided judgments that we still carry.

When we resist an experience, we become lost in anger, hatred, fear, judgment and blame. When we seek to evolve through an experience, we move into mindfulness, compassion, strength and fearlessness.

What Do You Have to Offer?

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
Life provides opportunities that allow us to discover our unique way of being in the world. More than mere survival, we are here to learn from one another and ultimately see through the mechanisms of the mind. Our shared experiences teach us compassion. Only when we drop judgment can we open to one another in a way that teaches Oneness.
The people you’ve drawn into your life need you to be authentic. The insights you have cultivated through facing years of challenges and joy can be transformative. Each of us weaves a unique design within the tapestry of existence and your journey is beautiful.
Let your life be your message. Every utterance and action sends waves of energy out into the universe. Any conscious act of service will awaken joy within you. That joy, in turn,  becomes a pathway to fulfillment. In the midst of turmoil, the enlightened soul brings a sweetness into the present moment.
Each of us has something special to offer. Be yourself. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

New Perception and Expansion

“If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.”
~William Blake~

As we begin to grow spiritually our frequency changes. We respond differently to life and see the world around us through new filters. Growth always elicits a response. Sometimes it is met with resistance and fear by those who have not yet awakened, while others are inspired to join us in the delight of freedom, new perception and the joy of expansion.

When we encounter fear or ridicule, it is simply the arising of that which needs to be healed in the other person. In that moment, you become a catalyst in their awakening and you can choose to see that as a gift. Allow your light to shine, see through the fear and honor the process of transformation.

Do not fear the challenges in your life. They often provide opportunities to put our newfound knowledge, beliefs and talents to the test. When the soul is ready to expand, it goes through a deep cleansing and purification process which prepares it to receive new levels of wisdom. This is why profound change often follows intense challenges. The structures have been shaken and we ultimately emerge with a greater sense of peace and inner strength.


Inner Wisdom

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

You are a radiant being of light and in this moment, your purpose is to allow this energy to express itself through you. The strength you have discovered can now be utilized to create a foundation of peace within a turbulent world. The virtues of kindness and compassion are always worthy of your consideration and exploration.

Life is designed to unlock the knowledge that resides within. Consider what you have asked to learn or heal on your spiritual journey and then view the circumstances of your experiences through this new filter. Do you not have ample opportunity to develop that for which you have searched? Allow this inner knowledge to ignite the flames of courage and feel passion awakening within you as you courageously walk forward in the direction of your dreams.

Respond to the present moment with a resounding “Yes!” and consistently make the choice to believe in yourself and the process of your awakening. This expectant attitude creates the positive momentum needed to propel you forward and may remind you not to take life too seriously.

We Walk Together

“When you have once seen the glow of happiness on the face of a beloved person, you know that a man can have no vocation but to awaken that light on the faces surrounding him. In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”
~Albert Camus~

Sometimes we make a difference in others’ lives without even realizing it. The coincidences and serendipities we experience show that divine purpose is always in motion and one day we may discover our impact, or not.

I think often of those who have played a role in my spiritual awakening… the loving spirits who acted as teachers, those who shared a book or an idea, pushed me in the right direction, inspired me to embrace new aspects of myself or created conflict so that I might endure, awaken and expand… and I am grateful.

When we choose to keep our sights on the ultimate goal of happiness and allow the Universe to take care of the details, the end result is an intricate tapestry of exquisite design. There is great beauty in watching the miracles unfold.

What if you considered every single interaction to be life changing – not only for yourself but for all those you encounter? Might that result in more conscious and mindful interactions? Perhaps you would become a better listener, displaying compassion and kindness by the simple choice to hold the space of awareness more often. It’s this mindset that opens the door to new levels of understanding. Through our exchanges we discover the loving energy which connects us to one another.



“Life is a moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing to constantly evolve. Perfection is constant transformation.”
~Nia Peeples~

When one is transformed, when one’s perception and experience of the world shifts to a new paradigm, does it not begin to transform the entire world? The seeds of change reside within you.

Choose to honor this moment by being a witness to life. Love the feel of the gentle breezes on your skin, listen to the ongoing symphony of birdsong, walk barefoot in the grass… realize that everything is simply what it is. The flower is a perfect flower – it naturally knows when to bloom and when to wither. The cat is a perfect cat who might lay in the dirt or stalk a bird and does so without self-consciousness or condemnation. And we humans are perfect in our imperfection. We walk the path of awakening, ultimately learning from the simplest of moments, sharing love and discovering compassion for all living things.

Be grateful for the quiet pauses of your life knowing that all you require will unfold in the perfect way at the perfect time. There is no need for worry or fear or doubt. Acceptance begins the process of transformation.

Inner Smile Meditation

“Smile, smile, smile at your mind as often as possible. Your smiling will considerably reduce your mind’s tearing tension.”
~Sri Chinmoy~

There is a Taoist meditation called the Inner Smile which is used to transform blockages into vibrant, healing energy and helps to create a life filled with happiness.

Try this: Sit with your back straight, open your arms wide to expand your heart chakra, take a deep breath as you smile, tilt your head back and say, “I am so depressed.”

You’ll notice that a different energy is sent throughout the body – it’s doesn’t work. You cannot look up, smile, breathe deeply and still be depressed. 80 separate muscles make up a smile and each sends a message within to release stress and come back into balance.

The Inner Smile meditation is a simple act of love that you perform for yourself. Begin with a few conscious breaths. Place the tip of your tongue behind your top teeth and allow an easy half smile to form on your face. Direct your attention to your 3rd eye (where your attention goes, energy flows), feel the energy from your smile filling your brain and flowing outward. You may choose to focus on a part of the body which is in need of healing, sending love and kindness. From there, allow yourself to visualize and smile at each organ and each aspect of the body all the way down to your toes. Should you encounter distracting thoughts or resistance, simply take a few breaths and return to love and compassion – these are the energies that heal.

Journey Into the Unknown

“The journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step…”
~Lao Tzu~

How many times have you felt paralyzed by the immensity of a task you have embarked upon, the depth of desired internal transformation or the unknown future? The mind can race with every conceivable possibility and fear, leaving us paralyzed in the face of uncertainly.

When our thoughts are focused on intention rather than fear, they guide the way through the darkness. A true test of faith shows us the uncanny inner strength we discover when we choose to step across the void into the unknown. But everything boils down to one simple choice – to take the first step… and then another, and another and see what unfolds.

The Path of Transformation allows us to discover facets of our personalities that have remained hidden to us. Each step forward and the choice to let go of the ego’s need to control a given situation provides a sense of adventure and delight – and we begin to see through mind-made fears to the ever-changing wonder of life.

Life provides the fusion of opposites. We begin to see the gift within the challenge, the loss hidden within a gift. The contrasts of life do not oppose one another, they strengthen one another. We are the embodiment of the union and integration of life, the mystical union which was once referred to as alchemy. As we resolve our inner conflicts, the resulting unique blend of attributes, strength and wisdom becomes our natural state of being.

Living an Empowered Life

 “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”

Fear compels us to close down and become defensive while the heart calls us to open up and connect. Inner balance is demonstrated when we approach our challenges with faith in the process of our awakening. The spiritual seeker longs to live an empowered life and the only way to accomplish that is through practice.

No matter what you seek as you evolve, life will present an opportunity to cultivate the skills you require in order to move forward. It is always safe to bring a peaceful state of consciousness to the present moment.

Even if your current experience is one of chaotic change, you have the ability to create a sacred space within the movement of transformation. It begins with knowing yourself and honoring your own journey. In this manner you find stillness in the Now.

Playfulness and Passion

“The very essence of playfulness is an openness to anything that may happen, the feeling that whatever happens, it’s okay… you’re either free to play, or you’re not.”
~John Cleese~
Sparks of inspiration are all around us waiting to be discovered. The world is filled with limitless possibilities to explore and as we open to them, we are transformed. The human experience is more joyful when we embrace the evolution of Spirit and allow it to express itself through us.
Our relationship to life reflects our inner state of consciousness. If you are enjoying what you’re creating in your experience, let the passion continue to awaken love within you. Should you feel trapped in the status quo, find something that sparks your joy and immerse yourself within it.
Your playfulness and positive attitude are infectious. Others will respond to you in surprising ways, and that too, is part of the unfolding experience. There is always something new to bring to light.