Moment to Moment

Step lightly. Be gentle. In this way you can be the observer and rise above the intensity of life. Find balance and peace by bringing loving awareness into this moment and honoring the sacredness of your journey.

There will, of course, be times when you stumble or miss the mark. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn to find the humor in the situation, dust yourself off, get up and move on knowing this is just another seed of wisdom that has been planted into your psyche. The light of consciousness will nurture and help it to grow.

Fulfillment is found by going deeper into life. Willingness is the gateway to enlightenment. When you are willing to accept what is, the lack of resistance allows your energy to be channeled into the present moment without being diffused. Pure Divine energy then flows into all that you experience and all that you do.

As evolving souls, we are learning to master the ability to see beyond the physical, beyond the obvious, and dance in the light of infinite possibility. You may be surprised at what you discover as you journey through the days experience…. all that you need is already here.


“Know what sparks the light in you so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world.”

~Oprah Winfrey~

When sparks of energy transform a situation, it’s astounding. You will begin to interpret life differently and share that vision with the world in your own unique way. You can live a life of passion and awareness by being your authentic self.

All of life is a reflection of your state of consciousness; therefore, pay attention to those who inspire you. They are showing not only what is possible but also what is ready to awaken within you. The resonant frequency of energy always seeks compatibility and expression.

Mastery comes through the practice of present moment awareness. When you bring the best version of yourself to this moment, the future will take care of itself. Nothing is more beautiful than one who is a peace on the inner plane.

Be patient with the process of your awakening and keep your goals high. As you rise above the mechanisms of the ego you’ll discover how closely aligned you are to the Divine. Strive to be a pure channel for the energy that seeks expression through you. We are graced by your Presence.

Conscious Transformation

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
~George Bernard Shaw~
Contrast helps us to create change in our experience. It’s important to recognize the value of accepting things that we traditionally avoid. Lack can bring greater abundance. Illness can prompt us into healthier choices. Hatred teaches the power of love. The nuances of life can only be seen and appreciated through acceptance; therefore, acceptance is the key component to conscious transformation.
Become a loving witness and cultivate the art of living without attachment. Empowerment is possible when we can be objective and make choices that support healthy transformation. Many times this is simply achieved by releasing things that no longer serve you. Baby steps spark miracles.
All change begins with a vision. Keeping the end result in mind, taking conscious action in the present moment and celebrating the new as it appears is all that is required. Create space in your experience and allow the Universe to surprise you.
Take some time to celebrate your journey today. Dance as you cleanse your home. Play some music that uplifts your soul. Cook a meal with loving intention… You are alive, an exquisite spark of infinity looking to create a new experience… and no one does it quite like you.

Integrating the Self

This is the moment of tremendous healing and transformation. The only moment that truly exists is the Now and there is no need to delay the evolution of your spirit. There is great power in honoring the awakenings which have sprung from walking in darkness and we find that sometimes we need to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are; thus, all paths are sacred journeys which lead us to the light of awareness.

Judgment of others is the quickest way to bring our attention to something within us which is ready to be healed. Since we all act as mirrors for one another, utilize those moments of ego related thought and response to address the shadows aspects of the Self that are ready to be integrated and expressed in positive ways. Often, the result is an expansion of compassion and acceptance.

There are many wonders within you waiting to be discovered. The myriad facets of your unique expression of life sparkle by reflecting the light around you. Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself and allow the joy of the journey to be your guide. There is much more to life than meets the eye and the best is yet to come.

Inner Presence

“Maturity has nothing to do with your life experiences. It has something to do with you inward journey, experiences of the inner.”

Presence is achieved by going inward and accessing grace. The ego disappears, roles and life situations become transparent, and only empowered silence remains. When you begin to realize that you far more than the stories of the mind, you plant the seeds of your own spiritual maturity.

What happens when someone breaks free from the restrictive aspects of the fearful self? Everything. A new energy is set in motion which allows us to explore undiscovered facets of the soul. Rather than seek outward validation, go inward and free yourself from the grip of fear. The Divine seeks expression through you – allow it to flow without limitation.

No matter what you wish to experience, begin to attract it by consciously choosing to immerse yourself in that energy. Tired of all the fighting in the world? Remove conflict within yourself. Wish for better communication in your relationships? Slow down and communicate with love and positive intention. Choose your words carefully and be mindful of the energy you add to our collective consciousness. This is the moment of your transformation.


“Detachment does not mean non-involvement.
You can be deeply involved but not entangled.”
~Jaggi Vasudev~

Love, whether expressed through romance, friendship, our relationship to the planet or to ourselves, requires the gift of space. When we drop expectation and neediness, what remains is authentic compassion and kindness. We learn to honor every path as sacred, thriving during moments together as well as those spent in solitude, and consistently tend to our own healing. In this manner, loving relationships are based upon mutual respect rather than excessive drama and there is no desire that anything be other than what it is.

Many people believe that emotional reactivity and conflict proves that someone cares. This is an ego-driven concept that measures worth by how much energy we absorb from one another. When you notice that you are no longer interested in participating in drama, love becomes a higher, more accepting quality that is born from the culmination of experience. From there, we enter the realm of detached compassion.

Allow those in your life to learn their own lessons in their own time-frame and in their own way. Let the winds of heaven dance in between you. This is a gift of love.

Present Moment Practice

“Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.”

~John O’ Donohue~

Present Moment Practice is a conscious, mindful approach to life. Within the Now we become the witness – to our inner commentary, to the world around us and to the energy that we bring to our collective journey.

In this moment, you have all that you require. Begin by going deeper into the Now. Notice the physical world, the chair in which you are sitting or the solidness of the earth under your feet. Feel the warmth or coolness of your surroundings. Then pay attention to your thoughts. Are you worried? Do you find yourself constantly reading or watching information about world affairs? How attached are you to your phone? How does your body feel? Are you tense or relaxed, hungry or satisfied? Just observe.

Remind yourself that all you see and experience is a profound illusion that is measured by your physical senses. Close your eyes and take three deep, slow breaths. As you open your eyes, choose to see things differently. Instead of looking at the lamp, notice the light that it casts and the shadows it creates. Observe the unique designs of all that you see. How does your heart respond to a flower or your favorite scent? What pictures do you see in the clouds? This is your practice for today. Be, observe, appreciate.

Be True

“Open your eyes to the beauty around you, open your mind to the wonders of life, open your heart to those who love you, and always be true to yourself.”
~Maya Angelou~

Our relationship to the world reflects our true relationship to ourselves; and through that, awareness of our connection to the Oneness of all life. When we allow the present moment to be as it is without expectation or resistance, we begin to experience the world in all its beauty.
If you encounter conflict in any area of your life – relationships, body image, traffic jams, drama, etc. – understand that it is meant to alert you to the fact that you are out of alignment with your true nature.
Peacefulness in the present moment is needed to become aware of the beauty, the majesty and the sacredness of life. When we become engaged in the discovery of the Self, lessons present themselves everywhere we look. The art of stillness connects us to love. As you watch the sun lighten the sky, you are greeted by love. As the birds awaken and sing in the stillness, you are serenaded by love. In the flow of breath, you are connected to love.

Moon Lessons

“Death has nothing to do with going away.
The sun sets.
The moon sets.
But they are not gone.”
We are Consciousness currently having a human experience. The infinite power of the Divine seeks only to express itself through you and though this life will have a beginning and an end, your light continues to shine on in new forms. Tonight I stood bathed in moonlight, experiencing the mystery of existence. For aeons every being who has ever lived has looked up at the same moon and been impacted by its beauty.
Our dance of awakening is just beginning. Again and again we will come together to explore the contrasts of separation in order to discover the Oneness from whence we came. Be grateful for those who have come before – the artists, writers, philosophers, creators, designers and builders – for they are us. Each and every soul has played a unique role in our collective development and we will continue to do so.
This world is a playground of discovery. You are infinite. Let the moon inspire you to be a pure vessel for the love, light and laughter of the Universe. There is more to life than meets the eye.

Expanding Consciousness

There’s no great trick to expanding one’s consciousness; however, the ego will often distract with excessive thought, perpetuating a belief that one needs a particular type of spiritual experience or insight in order to achieve enlightenment. Many run from one spiritual fad to another never realizing the beauty and simplicity of becoming deeply immersed within the present moment.

Books, teachers and experiences are all pointers to truths that reside within each of us. We tend to get inspired when we discover someone with whom we harmonize at the deepest level. Utilize these insights by immediately putting them into practice as much as possible.

Challenges offer opportunities to expand consciousness. First, become aware of any imbalance. Awareness allows a moment of observation of the antics of the ego-mind. Our initial response will be either reactive or conscious. Simply notice. Reactivity prolongs the discomfort while a conscious response takes ownership and expresses itself in a healthy way. Rather than using the mind to understand consciousness, use life as a vehicle to experience it.