The Healing Power of Laughter

“At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.”
~Jean Houston~
Don’t take life too seriously. Spiritual awakening requires consistent effort and self-awareness, but it does not need to be somber or filled with feelings of self-deprecation. Your transformation should be a celebration of new discoveries, laughter, kindness toward the self and learning to live from joy.
Your future is determined by your state of consciousness now. Are you living in a way that honors the journey rather than the destination? Evolution happens in one place only – here, through whatever you are experiencing right now.
As your perception begins to expand, inspiration infuses each and every area of your life. Drama seems tiring and unimportant, the voice of ego merely background noise, and you can recognize the present moment for the miracle it is.
You have an opportunity to be an active healing force in the world. The way to create balance in your life is to ensure that every thought, word and action is aligned with the truth of who you are. Joy will guide you into new dimensions of experience.

Dreaming Change into Being

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
~Harriet Tubman~

In each and every moment we are dreaming the world into being. You can consciously shift your experiences with grace and courage and birth a new reality of joy from the matrix of infinite possibility.

Throughout the process of exploration, realize that you have the power to create changes in your life situation through conscious engagement. In order to spot opportunities, focus on cultivating greater awareness and mindfulness within the present moment. Gratitude is a wonderful place to begin.

You can engage in empowering acts that make a significant difference in the world. Perhaps you choose to forgive more quickly, say “I’m sorry” when you’ve missed the mark within a relationship, or set aside thoughts of judgment. It takes courage to become solely responsible for your own path while honoring it as sacred. Ultimately, you’ll discover that you don’t need approval from anyone else because you have stepped into the dream and are now consciously engaged in the art of creation.


“Laughter with those that understand us is music for the soul.
A hug at the right moment and a kind shoulder to lean on,
Is the sprinkle of magic that keeps us walking towards hope.” 
~Mimi Novic~

You are a child of light, worthy of joy, fulfillment, laughter and peace. Decide to allow this beautiful energy to flow through your life for it is all around you in every moment, waiting to be recognized and accepted.

Though there are likely times when existence feels oppressive, remember that far more is happening for your benefit than it may appear on the physical plane. Our thoughts create our reality; therefore, you can choose to recognize your worthiness or reject it.

Choose to dance in the moonlight and embrace the shadows as your teachers. Know your value by seeing the perfection in the imperfection and walk forward with an open heart. These moments of connection with Presence will leave you transformed. You are a divine infinite being on a journey of awakening and your willingness to accept the gifts that life has to offer is an indicator of your self-love.


Embrace Life

“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

Let all your choices be led by joy, love or enthusiasm rather than fear. Living a passionate life allows you to find your own vibrant and expansive way to explore the unknown.

Fear makes us smaller. It creates blockages and sets limitations in place whereas joy creates a space in which a transformation can occur. If you cannot immediately change your circumstances, change your thinking. Your choice to embrace happiness and passion will draw new friendships and opportunities to you.

Choose to fall madly in love with life. Begin and end your day with gratitude. Appreciate the small things and surround yourself with those that inspire and uplift you. These conscious choices bring inner peace and satisfaction and ultimately, complete harmony with all that unfolds in your experience.

The Joy of Friendship

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”
~C.S. Lewis~
Allow others the freedom to make their own discoveries. Everyone has their own path. Unless they specifically ask for your direction or guidance, leave your friends and family alone as they embark upon the path of enlightenment (or not). It can sometimes be difficult to watch those you love as they struggle; however, forcing new information or perspectives too soon can cause the ego to engage and create additional blockages.
Let your life be the light that inspires others. The quiet grace of living with intention and kindness can be a powerful tool for expansion. When the student is ready, the teacher appears, the soul opens to new perception and transformation can occur in an instant. The friends we discover along the way play unique roles in our growth, and we in theirs. Honor these beautiful soul connections by learning from them, loving them and giving space when required.
The joy of awakening is unique for each of us. Be willing to act with integrity, do your best and accept what is. Worlds of discovery await.

Expanding Perception

“Do you imagine the universe is agitated? Go into the desert at night and look at the stars. This practice should answer the question.”
~Lao Tzu~
Reactivity is a habit. In every moment you have a choice: to give away your power or respond to life with mindfulness.

Your path is to reside in this moment exactly as it is without labeling the moment or getting lost in inner commentary. Clarity comes from staying present. Confusion is created when old scripts replay, blurring your perception of events as they unfold.

Awareness is the first step of transformation. It’s important to remember that everything offers you an opportunity to awaken. Quiet the mind and welcome life as your teacher. Observe yourself and your responses. Chances are you’ll discover aspects that have changed dramatically as a result of your conscious choices and you’ll recognize any old patterns that are ready to shift.

Be compassionate as you grow and change. Spiritual awakening is a process that is often subtle. Consistent practice helps cultivate the skills that allow you to navigate the myriad nuances of life. One measure of expanding consciousness is the amount of peace in your experience.

Doing the Work

“Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity. The measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become during the midst of your frustrations.”
~Samuel Ullman~

Everyone has moments of challenge. The ego starts to weave a story based upon old scripts and we have ample opportunity to transform pain into insight. When this happens, observe your thoughts and see if you are able to break free through conscious action or creating a new story. The soul is always seeking to awaken; therefore, we can utilize our tools, turn to face the shadow and be ruthlessly honest with ourselves.

The result? Insight, awareness and sparks of transformation. See your inner resistance as an indicator that something significant is ready to change. The ego tends to make an appearance to distract us when we are actually on the verge of powerful, positive movement. If you need assistance, turn to your soul group members, read passages from books of authors with whom you resonate or take a moment to be grateful for the challenge. You are ready for change.

Be gentle with yourself throughout this process. You are loved and supported on multiple levels of existence and all of life celebrates your bravery.

The Path of Awakening

The path of awakening is not about becoming who you are. Rather it is about unbecoming who you are not.
~Albert Schweitzer~

Enlightenment is a destructive process. It burns away the illusions that have been created by the mechanisms of the mind, familial or societal expectations or possibly brought forward from a recent past life. Limiting beliefs will present themselves in various forms until we recognize them. Fortunately, that recognition and awareness begins the process of transformation.

When the work is done well, we discover that our life experiences become simpler. As they are released, the layers of stress inducing expectation and angst no longer drain our energy and we can be fully engaged in the present moment. It’s this engagement that we seek. Spirituality is a blend of the magical and the mundane that allows us to experience joy.

Ultimately, the path of awakening benefits all. As the spiritual seeker becomes more balanced, peace and empowerment are brought into their interactions. Thus, the collective consciousness is impacted in ways that extend far beyond ourselves. This is how we help one another throughout the journey. Your awakening sparks awakening in others. This is the gift that you have to offer.

A World of Possibility

“I dwell in possibility.”
~Emily Dickinson~

A world of possibility is opening for you now. As we cultivate a healthy sense of Self, it become easier to work with others, to flow with what life offers and be at ease with limitless possibilities as they present themselves. Life will always provide the perfect experience to expand your consciousness and open you to receive the mysteries that existence has to offer.

The higher your vantage point, the greater your ability to see all that is available. The power and beauty that waits to be discovered isn’t limited to grand ideas and goals. Sometimes it’s enough to remember that it’s ok to simply stop everything and play with your pet for a bit, walk in the sunshine or listen to the wind. There is power to be found in joyful moments – they liberate, inspire, connect and recharge our energy.

Meditate, be blissful, express gratitude and love will be drawn into your experience. Share your unique gifts and witness the deepening connection that you have with all of existence.

Seek Wisdom

“Wisdom tells me I am nothing.
Love tells me I am everything.
Between the two my life flows.”
~Nisargadatta Maharaj~
Our human experience is one of paradox – everything is messed up, yet everything is ok. When we pull back from the stories of the mind and become loving observers, we discover the ability to live within the paradox.
We are One, yet each of us has a unique path of awakening and each of us must do our own work. Contrasts are required: there is no love without hate, no light without the darkness, no awakening without sleep.
Learn to see the value in everything. Move out of blame and desire and instead, see yourself as an infinite source of energy experiencing the illusion of separation. Seek only to awaken. Know that your journey is infinite and that you will never stop learning. But also, know that you are Divine, a master in the process of remembering. Human perception is small and limited… life and love are immense.