Joy and Gratitude

“The magic in this world seems to work in whispers and small kindnesses.”   

~Charles de Lint~ 

Life is filled with limitless potential. You are filled with limitless potential. Why take that infinite power and use it to call up the past? Why fret about tomorrow? Most people live in regret or anticipation because that’s how they were taught to live. The whole world can sometimes seem governed by opinion and perception and those who choose to experience the world in another way can often feel misunderstood.

Begin small with consistent daily gratitude. Expand it from the easy, wonderful things in your life to encompass whatever arises. Love your bills. Enjoy preparing and paying your taxes. See challenges as opportunities to shine. Asking these three questions can often open your mind to healthier perception:

1) What is the gift for me in this moment?
2) What am I trying to learn?
3) How can I bring the best version of myself to this situation?

You don’t need to know the answer immediately, simply live the questions and they will open your ability to receive.

The higher your vibration, the easier life flows. The infinite power of the Universe supports you in miraculous ways – always.

Conscious Living

“What happens when we slow down and pay attention? Everything! Innumerable delights are right at hand.”
~Ezra Bayda~
We are masters in the process of awakening – all of us. The only difference is where one resides on that journey. It can be hard for some to imagine the spiritual awakening of someone who still resides at a lower level of consciousness; however, it will happen. Lifetime after lifetime we seek enlightenment through experience.
Everything that seems to be an obstruction to your happiness is actually facilitating your spiritual growth. Choose to bring a different point of view to challenging situations. See them as something that your soul has agreed to experience with a specific purpose in mind. Know that you have reached a point in your soul’s development where you can absolutely handle whatever comes your way, and most importantly, consistently ask yourself “What am I trying to learn?” Your primary purpose is to live consciously, to awaken.
As you change, the world around you is transformed. Set yourself free by choosing empowerment and acceptance, and let that wisdom inform how you present yourself to the world. The greatest gift that you have to give is that of your own awakening.

This Moment is Sacred

“The wise heart is not one that understands everything; it is the heart that can tolerate the truth of not knowing.”

~Jack Kornfield~

The mind seeks answers and explanations. The ego projects the belief that all will be well with a definitive plan in place and creates distraction by constant search and analysis. There is more truth to be discovered by genuinely living in the present moment and placing your full attention on whatever you are experiencing now.

As I was writing the words above (a mind generated process to be sure), my dog Minky distracted me mid-sentence with a gentle middle-of-the-night “woof…” At once I was prompted to stop and gaze into her eyes. We experienced a moment of smiling doggy love which I joyfully realized was the most important thing to experience in all the world at that moment. Rather than being a distraction, it was a simple reminder that love is alive and all is well.

The profundity of the human experience lies in our ability to honor the present moment as sacred, however it presents itself. And in that sacredness, we can act with integrity, do our best and accept what is.

Express Your Joy

“Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.”
~Robert Fulgham~

Balance isn’t something that just happens when life falls into place; rather, it is the foundation of a life that is grounded, joyful and complete. Much of the world’s angst comes from the desire to please or care for others at the expense of one’s own happiness. People struggle to satisfy perceived expectations and often put their needs on pause.

The challenges we face help us to discern what is important to create and maintain balance. How would you discover your boundaries if someone or something didn’t cross them from time to time? See those who challenge you as healing angels rather than frustrations. They are teaching you what is truly important.

The awakening spirit understands that fulfillment comes through finding their own unique way of being in the world. There is great beauty to be discovered throughout the journey inward. As you create balance by tending to the needs of body, mind and spirit, you’ll find that you have more to give those you love – more compassion, patience and kindness. Then life becomes an outward expression of your joy.

By the way… according to palmistry, the wider you hold your thumb apart from the hand, the more generous you are. You’re looking at your hand right now, aren’t you?

The Key to Transformation

All change begins within. Your thoughts become the things you draw into your life situation; so, when you notice an aspect of your experience that no longer serves you, observe your inner dialogue. It’s likely that an ego-driven script has been running on a loop, once suppressed and unconscious, feeding off your energy, and gathering various moments of self-fulfilling prophesies that reinforce the original limiting beliefs.

Your awareness begins the process of transformation. Once you shine the light of consciousness on the ego, it cannot function with the strength it once did. Little by little the script starts to break down and new experiences are drawn in. The next step is to reinforce your expanding awareness with empowering thoughts, words, deeds and desires. Consciously tap into your ability to take ownership and create change.

In the midst of all this “work” it is helpful to realize that it is play. You have entered the realm of infinite possibility. When old patterns rise to the surface, turn towards them and redouble your efforts. Their appearance indicates readiness to be healed and released. All true change is preceded by chaos; therefore, realize that resistance verifies that you are on the verge of a breakthrough.

Releasing Attachment

“Dying to your own attachments is a beautiful death.
Because this death releases you into real life.
You have to die as a seed to live as a tree.”

Imagine being genuinely at peace no matter what unfolds in your life experience. Live passionately and joyfully, pursue your goals, love who you love, and allow life to unfold as it will. Seek only to bring the best version of yourself to the present moment.

The awakened spiritual seeker understands the empowerment that comes from transforming challenges into opportunities to awaken. Clinging – whether to an idea, person, pattern or possession – guarantees that eventually you will see yourself as a victim. Everything is impermanent… except for the inner stillness of Presence which resides at the core of your Being.

No matter where you are on the journey of awakening, you can discover life’s magic and wonder. It is everywhere, residing in the realm of pure potential. You can enter this space through the gentle process of allowing life to be as it is. Resist nothing. Acceptance creates a flow of grace and ease throughout your life.

When you choose to live with an open heart and honor your path as sacred, you create space in which transformation can occur.


Facing The Shadow

“When we are aware of our weaknesses or negative tendencies, we open the opportunity to work on them.”
~Allan Lokos~

We have been conditioned to fear the shadow side of life and of ourselves. It’s important to turn and face it; thus transforming it into a powerful aspect of spiritual awakening.

As multifaceted beings, we hold every possibility within us. What we deny within ourselves quietly runs various aspects of our lives, often sabotaging efforts regarding work, abundance, relationships and self-love.

What you react strongly to in another is a reflection of something you do not wish to see or own in yourself. Pay attention – this is the beauty of understanding how we help one another on the journey. It is within these unexamined, darker aspects that our true power lies.

The way to transform our shadows is to shine the light of awareness upon them. From a space of love, choose to stop projecting it onto others (notice words of complaint or blame), release attachment and self-judgement and be gentle with yourself. Healing comes through wholeness and acceptance. We don’t conquer the shadow, we transcend it by approaching life from a higher level of consciousness.


“Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.”
~Alan Wilson Watts~
The way to create balance in your life is to consciously seek it in all that you choose to do. Fill your home with beauty and music and love. Celebrate your friendships. Surround yourself with things that delight you and periodically take moments to simply appreciate where you are. Whatever you choose to do, be completely present.
Life is a reflection of your inner balance. How do you handle challenges, joyful experiences, disappointments or motivate yourself to expand? When you pay attention, everything in your experience becomes a teacher.


No matter what the situation, seek to become consistently aware of your state of consciousness. There may be recurring patterns that are trying to get your attention. Everything in your experience has one purpose – to facilitate your awakening – and even the smallest of interactions are filled with infinite meaning and possibility.


Nothing is more important than your joy in the present moment. Make yourself a priority and explore various ways to keep yourself balanced. This will positively affect every relationship and interaction that you have.

Expanding Into Love

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”   ~Rumi~  
See your world as a tapestry of exquisite design and recognize the unique gifts you have to share. No matter what you wish to manifest, it begins now, in this moment. Consciously choose to focus your thoughts, words and actions in a way that expands your experience.

Joy is the foundation of life. Seek it in all things. Cultivating the willingness to look for beauty ensures that it will be found. Joy acts as a magnet, whereas fear or desire repels those things for which you reach. Can you imagine a life where peacefulness and acceptance are the basis of all you experience? You have the ability to shift your attention to things which inspire you. Spiritual evolution is a process – each conscious step builds greater strength and ability.

Your soul is in a constant state of expansion. Weave your future by recognizing the talents, lessons, synchronicities and opportunities that are available in the present moment. The journey of awakening utilizes contrast to advance spiritual evolution. Paradox opens a world of love and possibility.

This World is an Illusion

Everything that we experience is an illusion. Many get caught in the world of form and forget our true purpose here. Rather than getting lost in arguments about which interpretation of the world is accurate, recognize the many layers of consciousness in play and understand that levels of truth reside in each.

It really doesn’t matter what you believe. All that matters is your state of consciousness in the present moment and whether you are aligned with integrity, passion and joy. So, enjoy the exploration. Discover what adds a little sparkle into your experience. Create your own reality and live in a way that is inspirational.

Consider how much energy some expend trying to prove their point of view, voicing their opinions, or gathering followers. Imagine how much could change if that same amount of energy went into being happy, appreciative, compassionate and grateful. The mind boggles.

This planet is our playground of awakening. We have created an amazing world that fills our senses, one that is able to provide any type of experience you wish to use as a vehicle of growth. Honor every path as sacred. Tend to your own state of consciousness. Embark on a journey into inner dimensions of awareness.