Transformative right action

It’s time to put down all that doesn’t serve you.

“We cling to our beliefs, even when we know they cause us suffering. We maintain our illusions, even when they make us miserable. We know this, but we refuse to act on it.”    
~Ezra Bayda~ 

There is no need to struggle. As you move to higher levels of consciousness, you’ll naturally learn to find the flow of life and move into it rather than fight against it. The human tendency is to create stress. Anxiety, tension, fear and worry are so commonplace that many have come to believe that dysfunctional states are natural and unavoidable.

The process of awakening is not about change. It is the incremental release of everything that weighs us down. Layer by layer we let go of old patterns, beliefs, conditioning, expectations, resentments and ego-created stories until there is nothing left. In that space of no-thingness, we learn to love and experience things as they are. We become the space in which transformation occurs.

Imagine how much energy you’d have to utilize in the present moment if you were completely clear of unnecessary baggage. The gifts of transformation are already within you, waiting to be discovered. Enlightenment is a process rather than a destination.

Thrive, participate, awaken

You bring something beautiful to the world that will never be seen again.

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”    
~Maya Angelou~ 

When you are able to share your gifts with the world, something amazing happens. People respond to your authenticity. They seek to interact because your energy uplifts them and together, you become part of the dance of awakening.

In every moment we have a choice: to participate or to be the observer. Participation allows you to discover the various nuances of life in a way that observation cannot. Taste, see, touch, feel, hear. Immerse yourself in the beautiful experience of rising consciousness. Your loving energy is an integral aspect to our collective awakening.

There will be moments when you choose to rest in the stillness of infinite possibility. These pauses are also necessary and help to keep you balanced. Peacefulness, when combined with a sense of adventure and humor, provides the foundation for your spirit to thrive throughout your human experience.


Enjoy the experience of being a physical being.

“True detachment isn’t separation from life but the absolute freedom within your mind to explore living.”    
~Ron. W. Rathbun~ 

Detachment is worlds away from apathy. It allows us to explore friendships, experience the joy of work, study new belief systems, learn from other cultures, feel the thrill of a roller coaster, enjoy great food and music or be one with nature.

Sometimes in the midst of our practice, we often create stress by resisting the changes that life brings. Instead of a free-flow of experience, we attach to certain ideas of how life is supposed to unfold and lose the joy of adventure.

Everything ebbs and flows. Happiness within the human experience comes from releasing our attachment to things, people, goals or desires. As we learn to allow the present moment to unfold without resistance, we come to discover that life does not have to be a struggle.

There is nothing wrong with having preferences; however, do not choose to suffer when things don’t unfold in the way you expect. Instead, seek only the fullness of experience. Continue to expand your outlook as a spiritual explorer. There is always something new to discover.

Life responds

You are more powerful than you realize.

“The big question is whether you’re going to be able to say a hearty yet to your adventure.”    
~Joseph Campbell~ 

Empowerment means that we take full responsibility for how our life experience unfolds. Even seemingly random events or coincidences have their beginnings in the workings of the subconscious. We constantly see our most deeply held beliefs played out in the world of form.

Pay attention to the repetitive occurrences that have plagued your life. They are a great way to witness yourself breaking free from old ways of being. As you awaken, you’ll see a reflection of higher levels of consciousness in your experiences until you notice, finally, that the old pattern dissolves.

Create a space in which a transformation can occur. Rather than reacting in the same old manner, decide to be a pioneer of spirit. Focus your thoughts and intention, drop the need for conflict and joyfully watch as the energy you send out into the world returns in amazing ways.

Be still

You are the stillness in which life happens.

“One of the most powerful tools for awakening truth in the midst of your chaotic daily life is to take frequent pauses. Simply stop for a moment and feel what your life is right now. Right now: stop reading and simply experience what this moment feels like.”   
~Ezra Bayda~ 

In the stillness we can begin to sense the infinite. As a spiritual seeker, it’s important to learn how to quiet the mind. In this space, the quiet truth of your inner wisdom can make itself known.

The mind seeks to create a constant flow of thoughts, ideas and opinions. It fears the silence and fills that space with meaningless garble as a distraction. You are much more than your thoughts. You are a spark of the Divine which desires only to awaken to its infinite nature through the momentary illusion of human experience. As you learn to rise above thought, you will discover a lightheartedness and freedom that is astounding.

Enlightenment is learning to reside in the present moment as it is. Be still and listen to the wisdom of your soul.

Transforming consciousness

Be the love you wish to see in the world.

“The modalities of awakened doing are acceptance, enjoyment or enthusiasm. each one represents a certain vibrational frequency of consciousness. You need to be vigilant to make sure that one of them operates whenever you are engaged in doing anything at all – from the most simple task to the most complex. If you are not in the state of either acceptance, enjoyment or enthusiasm, look closely and you rill find that you are creating suffering your yourself and others.”   
~Eckhart Tolle~ 
The only thing over which you have control is your own state of consciousness. Each of us, as awakening masters, must learn to bring a higher state of awareness into our life experience. With each conscious choice, we begin to break free from old patterns of conditioning.

There are countless people on the planet who are operating from this new level of awareness. Each of us creates a wave of energy that goes out into the universe. What we send out will return; therefore, it’s important to choose wisely.

Your state of consciousness determines how you interpret life, interact with others or respond to challenges. Higher frequencies such as acceptance, neutrality, willingness and love create a flow that brings ease and grace to your experience. Lower frequencies such as fear, anger, shame or pride will trigger others’ low frequencies, thus, compounding the unconsciousness and adding layers of ‘problems’ to address.

You have chosen to be here Now for a specific purpose. Be led by the light of your heart, knowing that your presence impacts those around you. Utilize self-awareness as you explore this marvelous world and be open. The foundation of an awakened life experience begins within you.



Recognize the sacredness in all that you see.

“The small things in life have to be transformed by your inner transformation. This I call the religious quality; everything becomes sacred. Taking a bath, making love, eating food, going to sleep – everything becomes sacred.”   

Experience the world around you without interpretation. Simply look at the new growth on a tree, lose yourself in the smile of a dog, be amazed by the clouds as they move across the sky. All life has a rhythm, an energy that is constantly sparking creativity and rebirth. We are part of this beautiful rhythm.

The wordless messages of existence can only be heard with the heart. Experience, feel, observe – and notice when the ego jumps in with facts, knowledge, projections or distracting words and ideas that limit your experience. Moments of inner silence play a valuable role in your spiritual awakening.

Let your life be a communion with all that you see. The sacredness you experience is a reflection of your own energy. As within, so without.

A calm mind

The ego treats the present moment as if it is less important than future moments.

“When you are present, when your attention is fully in the Now, that Presence will flow into and transform what you do. There will be quality and power in it. You are present when what you are doing is not primarily a means to an end but fulfilling in itself, when there is joy and aliveness in what you do.”   
~Eckhart Tolle~ 
Learn to be at ease where you are. Treat the present moment as something that is purposeful and perfect regardless of how it unfolds. When we observe the ego’s tendency to say, “This shouldn’t be!” or trying to get through this moment in the hope that the future will be more pleasant, that moment of awareness indicates that your consciousness is rising to a higher level.

Another egoic trap is the perception that without constant striving, nothing will ever get accomplished. The converse is true. When you are fully engaged in the present moment, your actions have greater impact and resonance. A calm mind is a sign of mastery and empowerment.

All that you seek is already here. Become a loving witness to the abundance that fills your experience. When you drop the idea that there is too much to do and release the constant busyness, what remains?

Choose happiness

Happiness is a choice. So is misery.

“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I am always Divinely protected and guided. It is safe for me to look within myself. It is safe for me to enlarge my viewpoint of life. I am far more than my personality – past, present or future. I now choose to rise above my personality problems to recognize the magnificence of my being. I am totally willing to learn to love myself. All is well in my world.”   
~Louise Hay~ 
All transformation comes from within. Each of us is responsible for our own joy; therefore, change begins with consciously changing our thoughts – choosing happiness again and again until it becomes our natural response to daily events.

Life will provide ample opportunities to practice acceptance, forgiveness and compassion. The process of growth is both deeply personal and collective. Your unique journey is one of learning mastery and those who grace your life play the roles required for your awakening.

When you choose thoughts that create empowerment and peacefulness, nothing has the power to take your happiness away. Even in the midst of tremendous challenge, there will be a groundedness of spirit that is unshakable.

Mastery is choosing to respond to life rather than being reactive to it. Observe your thoughts. Make choices that support your joy and share your light whenever possible. It is always possible.

Honor all paths as sacred

Honor all paths as sacred.

“Not all who wander are lost.” 
~J. R. R. Tolkien~ 
One can never be sure of the hows and whys of awakening. What may appear to be choices creating heartache, challenges, pain or drama may be the exact thing required for that persons life path, destiny, karmic agreements or personal breakthrough. Trying to fix someone else’s problems robs them of the valuable lessons and the gifts of spirit they seek to experience.
What you can do as a loving partner, family member or friend is quietly continue your own work. Be a living example of what a peaceful, empowered life can be and  support one another with willingness and acceptance. Your mere presence can be a powerful motivational force. It can be interesting to hear someone’s story and realize that they’ve discovered the same insights and understanding that you have unearthed through your own experiences.
There are many, many paths to wholeness and we all have plenty of time to explore.