
“…something very beautiful happens to people when their world has fallen apart: a humility, a nobility, a higher intelligence emerges at just the point where our knees hit the floor.”
~Marianne Williamson~

Acceptance is saying “Yes” to life. It is not dependent upon liking what is unfolding, rather, it is an inner awareness that releases the ingrained habit of struggle and allows you to step into the present moment with power and grace. Life’s disruptions reveal your strengths.
You are much more than this body or this experience. You are a vast, infinite energy that is in the process of discovery. Simultaneously unique and part of the Oneness that connects us, we are here to discover how to live from the heart.
The purpose of the human existence is to experience every facet of life. So, lifetime after lifetime we play in the world of form. We interact with one another as lovers, enemies, teachers, family and friends in order to discover compassion. Our challenges send us on new roads of adventure and discovery. When you are ready to learn, you’ll find that everyone and everything is your teacher. Living in alignment with your unique way of being in the world will help you to access your inner wisdom.

Everything is Music

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
~Albert Einstein~

Have you ever stopped to listen to the symphony of existence? All of life plays its perfect part in the symphony of your experience. Dedicate a moment today to listen to the song of your heart. The beauty resides within the contrast and the silences as much as it does within the melody.

Step outside and hear the music of nature. Existence itself sings your name with messages of love. Feel the rhythm and allow it to move your soul. When you find the place where sound and spirit meet, you’ll discover a new depth and breadth of experience.

Become a pure channel for the creative energy of the Universe. Open yourself by learning to embrace periods of silence. Remove all distractions and focus on the beat of your heart and the breath as it fills your lungs. Realize that you are a vibrant, living, evolving work of art.

The Purpose of Existence

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”

~Eleanor Roosevelt~

All of existence participates in this sacred dance of life and awakening. Never doubt that you bring something beautiful and unique to our collective experience. Feelings of wholeness, empowerment and mastery can be expressed when you have true knowledge of your own value.

As we learn through contrast, watching the play of dark and light, we come to realize that we can transcend duality and live in a way that is expansive. Dive deeply, delve into the truths of your soul and discover that you are far greater than you the role you play. When you bring conscious awareness to your life experience, it takes on new meaning.

Light seeks to express itself through you… how you love or smile or reach out to another. Once you’ve transformed into a conduit for Divine energy, your life becomes a gift that is shared in powerful ways. This is the purpose of existence. Be courageous enough to step into the realm of pure potential. Here, in the gap between thoughts, between breaths, resides infinite possibility.

Living Courageously

“The crowd neither wants nor seeks knowledge, and the leaders of the crowd, in their own interests, try to strengthen its fear and dislike of everything new and unknown. The slavery in which mankind lives is based upon this fear.”
~G. I. Gurdjieff~

To be a spiritual seeker is to discover your courage. Leaving the confines of the familiar we venture out into a new world, risking all. The willingness to explore the unknown paves the way to adventure as we learn to experience life with an open heart and open mind.

Throughout this process we encounter a stripping away of the ego. Layer by layer we drop beliefs and blockages that no longer serve us. Challenges allow us to cultivate fortitude as we discover new ways of experiencing all that life has to offer.

It’s important to be vulnerable and authentic. Don’t hold yourself back out of fear. The path of awakening calls upon us to recognize our potential. Faith and action transform that potential into actuality.

When you recognize the sacredness in all things, it brings a different quality into your experience. Operating from a detached sense of unconditional love also brings courageousness to the surface. Detachment allows us to give without demands. It is a purity that expresses itself through us. What would your expression of life be if you were fearless? Be that. Do that. Live that.


Spiritual maturity creates freedom. One is no longer controlled by external events but by an inner stillness which offers a sense of peace and connection. This moment carries a gift – consider the foundation you can create in your life  when you realize that joy is merely another aspect of your growth. Each of us walks the Path of Transformation, and no matter where you are on your journey, the light of love will lead you onward.

When at peace, take the time to observe your reflection in all beauty you see. The Divine sparkles in the morning dew. It vibrates within every sound you hear and resides within the core of your being. Find the Infinite within nature, art, inventions, exploration and dance. Experience the feeling of wonder as you walk in communion with life.

When we recognize that we are One, how can we harm another or the world around us? How can we harm ourselves? Life has many secrets to share when we become willing to listen. This is the opportunity to expand your perception and hear the voice of the Divine which is calling you home… and how beautiful is the discovery that home is already within you?

Outward Expressions of Peace

“When you do the right thing, you get the feeling of peace and serenity associated with it. Do it again and again.”
~Roy T. Bennett~

Everyone has a unique way of being in the world. Throughout your search for enlightenment and fulfillment, consider the energy that you bring to your life situation. The awakening soul seeks ways to demonstrate non-reactivity with the understanding that change (both personal and collective) must come from within.

Outward expressions of peace might include holding space for another when they struggle with a challenge, choosing to refrain from gossip, opinion or judgment, or kindnesses when no one is watching. Your life can be a statement of love and compassion.

Seek only to bring the best version of yourself to the present moment. Look for those who see a need and respond consciously – these are your people. Our shared responsibility, our shared vision, can be the turning point that is so desperately needed. Yes, there will always be young souls who thrive on conflict, anger and the need for power. But so too, will there always be enlightened ones who teach by example.

Whatever choice you make, let it come from a deep sense of who you are. Authenticity is the foundation of empowerment.


Personal Responsibility

Blame is often used as a tool of avoidance and solidifies victim consciousness. We project energy at another person, situation or idea to distract ourselves from looking within. Since the world is our reflection, circumstances will often arise to provide an opportunity for us to recognize what we’ve spend a lifetime trying to avoid. It’s important to remember that the core of life’s practice is awakening. We can only reach that state by stepping into personal responsibility.

Empowerment requires that we face our fears. Until we do so, they will block our ability to love. Personal responsibility operates through several different levels of experience. It brings mindfulness to the way you choose to respond to the present moment and a heightened awareness of your self-talk. It allows you to walk through life with the understanding that every situation and person has something to teach – and because you operate from that mindset, you accelerate your own awakening.

Once we take responsibility for our own state of consciousness, we begin to realize that what we have considered to be “reality” is merely a reflection of how we see the world, what we expect, what we believe, or what we fear. When we choose to surrender to a situation, stop trying to force those around us to change and go within for the answers, we begin to heal.


“We have been to the moon, we have charted the depths of the ocean and the heart of the atom, but we have a fear of looking inward to ourselves because we sense that is where all the contradictions flow together.”
~Terrence McKenna~

When we are attached to an idea of how life should be and it differs from what we are experiencing, pain ensues. The awakened soul has the ability to turn and face whatever fears arise, thus, addressing the imbalance while it is smaller and more manageable. If we allow the mind to create and repeat stories that reinforce the original attachment, energy is fed into the problem increasing it’s presence in our lives. Choose instead to bring peace and balance into your experience. Become a channel for light to enter your life.

The more you see any challenges you encounter as vehicles of awakening, the more empathy you’ll cultivate for others who struggle with their own challenges. Compassion teaches us the value of creating space in relationships, allowing each person to thrive and grow as the winds of heaven dance in between.

Everyone has something beautiful to offer – a moment of kindness can be life-changing for those who are touched by your energy. Sharing new insights, artistic vision, passion or laughter can open new avenues of experience. Never doubt the power of your positive choices and interactions.


“I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me.”
~Hermann Hesse~
Experience creates understanding. Those who walk through challenges emerge transformed. They have a compassion and depth of knowledge unknown to those who have played it safe. Think of the difference between someone who has studied honey extensively – it’s molecular compounds, how it’s made, uses for it – and someone who has simply paused to taste and enjoy its sweetness. While one may have more time invested and learned complex words to describe it, the second has personal experience and greater clarity.
The mind, pretending to be important, will often ask questions that delay (how? why? when?) as a form of procrastination. The heart will prompt you to conscious action based upon your newfound wisdom.
Understanding will ultimately set you free. With each experience your perception of life broadens. Immerse yourself in possibility and choose to see beyond good and bad to the love that resides at the core of everything. Armed with depth and nuance, you can trust the whispers of your heart. Taste life. Allow its sweetness to inform you. No matter what arises, your compassion will continue to expand until it encompasses all that you see.

Love and Compassion

“For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that gets you.”
~Neil deGrasse Tyson~
Awareness transforms the way that we walk in the world. Collectively and uniquely, we fumble our way towards enlightenment and as our consciousness expands, we gain a greater understanding of one another and view life from a broader perspective. This dance of awakening calls upon us to give greater consideration to how our actions impact one another as we move forward. Integrity is found in the choices that we make when we’re alone.
I feel honored when I am witness to loving behavior. I see people picking up trash as they walk their dogs, opening doors for another as they enter the store, working in community gardens, helping those whose voices are not heard and countless other demonstrations of love and compassion. These kindnesses are the by-product of awareness. Rather than being lost in the world of illusion or trapped in their own problems, they reach out – simply and quietly, fulfilling the souls purpose to awaken.
Open your heart today. Hear someone’s story. Understand a different point of view. Research a new topic. This world is filled with many opportunities to learn from one another, to love one another and to honor each path as sacred.