Soul Work

“Your life is your practice. Your spiritual practice does not occur someplace other than in your life right now, and your life is nowhere other than where you are. You are looking for answers, insight, and wisdom that you already possess. Live the life in front of you, be the life you are, and see what you find out for yourself.”
~Karen Maezen Miller~

There is great joy in discovering our life’s purpose. If you have yet to be aware of what that might be, simply focus on your spiritual work, learn the art of being fully present, step out of drama and into conscious living. The answer will make itself known. Guidance comes from within.

Be willing to change. Nurturing the ability to stand alone in your quest for understanding will allow you to open to the love that desires to flow through you.
Take a moment to review the circumstances of your life and notice if you’re responding to them differently than you would have a year or two ago. It’s a powerful experience become aware of how much you’ve grown while in the midst of navigating through a challenge.
Spiritual awakening is a process. It requires conscious decisions and mindful responses to life situations. Be patient with yourself – there will be times when you shine and times when you discover new aspects of your personality that are ready to be strengthened. Both are beautiful.

The Voice of the Universe

“Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.”
~Alan W. Watts~

Allow yourself to notice the rhythms of the body, quiet the mind and access the sacredness that resides within you. Breathe deeply and purposely choose to love whatever the day offers. Find your own pace. Live in alignment with whatever brings you balance of mind, body and spirit. If things seem hard or overwhelming, it only means that there is something you’re missing – healing will come.

When we become lost in the stories of the mind – analyzing, worrying, remembering, projecting – we become wanderers in a dark labyrinth of our own making. As we open to the gifts of life, nature, animals, the scent of a flower or the journey of a cloud across the sky can remind you of the joy of being alive. Our experience is always a reflection of what we choose to create in the present moment.

If you find yourself lost in thought today, choose instead to rise above it. See the world from a higher perspective and allow your experience to be filled with enchantment and delight. This moment is the beginning of the most beautiful time of your life.

Suffering is Optional

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”
~John Steinbeck~

Life flows in cycles. Together we participate in an amazing, endless dance of beginnings and endings, dark and light, illness and healing, life and death, love and loss. The resistance that we encounter is the ego saying “This is wrong, this shouldn’t be happening”... and yet, beauty is found in this flow.

When we surrender to the present moment and look past the stories of the ego, a great stillness is discovered. Stillness transforms into peace and within that peace is joy. Within that joy is love. Transformation always allows something new to be born.

Acceptance to life opens the door to a state of grace, ease and lightness. At the deepest level, true detached compassion becomes healing – your mere presence will be a calm harbor in the storms of life and people will be touched and affected by the sense of peace you emanate, whether they are consciously aware or it or not.

Child of Light

“One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement. When someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on your own.”
~John O’Donohue~

You are a beautiful child of light learning the art of love… When we encourage one another, if the ego is disengaged, we become channels through which truth can emerge. As we focus upon our own awakening, we can share what we’ve learned by providing love, support and acceptance to those we have drawn into our lives.

Compassion is born from experience. Many older souls walk the path of the wounded healer in order to be better teachers when the time comes to fulfill that part of their destiny. Consider the challenges you have faced – there’s a strong possibility that the knowledge you have gained from them will one day be the source of strength you share with someone in need.

Every encounter has meaning. Consciously become receptive to the wisdom that is trying to awaken and you will experience the sacred within everyone and everything. Listen, offer a safe space during the storms of life, and most importantly, be the voice of love.


Creating Change

“True happiness comes not when we get rid of all of our problems, but when we change our relationship to them, when we see our problems as a potential source of awakening, opportunities to practice, and to learn.”
~Richard Carlson~

Something new is ready to emerge… all it takes is the willingness to expand beyond your comfort zone. Allow joy and enthusiasm to guide your decisions and you will certainly draw in the people, circumstances and opportunities that support this exciting new phase of growth.

The physical world, as we experience it, originates from our thoughts, beliefs and expectations. You are not trapped by the world of form, it responds to you and provides a canvas upon which you can paint your dreams.

Rather than repeating the same old patterns and experiences, be willing to break free from your comfort zone. Trying something different provides new levels of experience. It shifts the energy – perhaps slightly, perhaps a cascade of life changes – and allows you the opportunity to expand into uncharted realms.

Take some time to celebrate your journey today. Dance as you cleanse your home. Play some music that uplifts your soul. Cook a meal with loving intention… You are alive, an exquisite spark of infinity looking to create a new experience… and no one does it quite like you.


“What if you slept
And what if
In your sleep
You dreamed
And what if
In your dream
You went to heaven
And there plucked a strange and beautiful flower
And what if
When you awoke
You had that flower in you hand
Ah, what then?”
~Samuel Taylor Coleridge~

There are three types of dreams… the first, those we slip into as we fall asleep, are essentially meaningless and usually based upon whatever we were thinking about, reading or watching on TV prior to bed.

In the middle of our sleep cycle – typically around 3am – we have precognitive dreams. As our subconscious processes all the information it has received, a likely scenario is presented in the form of a dream and is usually accurate. During this period we can also travel to other dimensions, talk with those on the astral plane or do spiritual work. Should you wake from a precognitive dream, it’s a good idea to write it down (along with the time) because they tend to dissipate upon awakening when the conscious mind shifts back into action.
The early morning dreams just prior to awakening are called venting dreams and they typically mean the opposite of what was experienced. The mind is discarding old fears, beliefs or limitations that no longer serve your journey. For instance, dreaming about failure indicates a release of the fear of failure.
Knowing the type of dream can transform them into powerful tools to utilize on your path of transformation. Pay attention to the feelings you experience and particularly notice what is released in the venting dreams. That’s a great indicator of the healing work you’re doing.

Verbal Chakra Balance

“Shine your soul with the same
egoless humility as the rainbow
and no matter where you go
in this world or the next,
love will find you, attend you, and bless you.”

It’s empowering to discover the impact that our energy has on the world around us… but with great power comes great responsibility. From time to time it’s easy to become lost in the world of form while handling the details of life, and we find ourselves responding to events rather than dictating the flow of them. Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness. Your lifeforce and energy are precious, limitless resources than can allow you to shift the world around you… and that is the point of this human experiment – discovering Oneness with all life.

Step back when you are stressed. Love yourself enough to nurture mind, body and spirit. Be the change you wish to see. Allow the loving energy of the Divine to flow into every moment. If you cannot handle a situation with joy, enthusiasm or acceptance, it may be a good idea to take the time to shift your energy (or the energy of your home or work space) prior to continuing. This ensures that you are not sabotaging your own efforts with imbalanced energy – what you send out, returns.

You are stronger than you know. If you have forgotten or have yet to discover that, experiment a little bit. Consciously and purposely align yourself first thing today through gratitude, meditation, music or prayer, state the intention of what you desire to be or what energy you would like to project into the world and then pay attention to how the day unfolds.

Compassionate Detachment

“There is a nobility in compassion, a beauty in empathy, a grace in forgiveness.”
~John Connolly~

It can be challenging to stand on the sidelines as someone you love struggles with a lesson, embraces limiting beliefs or wanders the labyrinths of depression. Most people have someone in their lives who cannot be reached through well-meaning words, the sharing of books and ideas or the gift of compassion. They cannot move into a space of healing because the filters through which they view life simply will not allow it.

In those situations, the spiritual seeker must learn the art of Compassionate Detachment. Honoring the paths of those we love calls upon us to stand aside and allow them the dignity of discovery. Consider your spiritual awakening – it was a very personal breakthrough, wasn’t it?

If you try to move someone forward too quickly, well-intentioned actions can actually stunt their spiritual growth. It is also draining to worry, analyze or get frustrated – though all those very human responses are in our nature. Our role is to love without attachment. You may discover that this soul loves you enough to play the role of someone who is lost in order to facilitate your own expansion of consciousness.

Inspiration, Stillness and Wonder

Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen – that stillness becomes a radiance.
~Morgan Freeman~

This is a wonderful time to embrace your unique way of being. Do something creative, send healing and purposeful energy out into the Universe, meditate in the moonlight or embark upon something new.

The energies of self-awareness are penetrating, probing, mysterious and intense. When we are willing to turn and face our fears, embrace the unknown and let go of things which are no longer needed, the result is a rebirth, a spiritual transition which leads to awakened personal power.

Realize that the wisdom you seek is already within you. Choose to quiet the mind and journey to the stillness within and you create space in which transformation can occur. Inspiration can then come through observation – witnessing the gentle light of the moon, the subtle movement of the clouds, the whispers of trees, the dance of nocturnal creatures – enlightenment begins with the celebration of beauty in all things.

Relax into your deepest truth and there you will learn to appreciate the ever-changing majesty of life. In quiet acceptance we can walk gently with childlike delight, in awe of the world around us.


Love Heals

“If your purpose is to liberate yourself and others into love and freedom, then you should do whatever magnifies the love and freedom in your life and in the lives of whom your actions affect.”
~David Deida~

Mans inhumanity to man, animals, the planet, etc. is born of fear. Fear often masks itself as greed (the fear of not having enough), the need for power (the fear of being inconsequential), or aggression (the fear of not being loved).

Nothing has ever been healed by hatred. Moving into love opens the door to a new reality accessible through our thoughts, actions and choices. Love creates space in which transformation can occur. Whether one needs self-healing because of past unconscious behavior or choices, personal healing due to the acts of another, group healing from the acts perpetrated over the centuries to women, ethnic, sexual or spiritual groups, realize that only love allows movement.

Resentment, judgment and hatred – on any level – destroy through disconnection. Master teachers taught to love those who would harm, extend kindness to those in need, and teach through example, but always, these energetic shifts must begin within. We can only love others to the extent that we love ourselves.