Living in Presence

“When you go in, you touch a new kind of silence – the presence of silence itself. It is not only an absence of noise, it is something absolutely positive, almost visible, tangible.”  



Observe the stillness that exists between thoughts. Throughout the day, pause before you choose to reach for your phone to pass the time. Instead of ‘checking in’ with the world around you, simply go within and be still. Observe the body, slow your breathing and listen. Enter Zen from where you are.


The mind’s habitual pattern is to stay busy, jumping from one thought to the next, finding something that needs to be done or filling the gaps with mindless activity such as watching television. It’s healthy to periodically break the pattern and move into stillness. Find the gaps in your experience and utilize those moments of deep connection.


Once you step into stillness, you’ll notice that time slows down. As you create a deeper sense of balance and presence, you’ll bring that positive energy into the activities in which you decide to participate. Part of our spiritual journey is to bring the beautiful connection with the Now into our human experience. You are the bridge between the spiritual and the mundane.

Find Your Zen

“To stay present in everyday life, it helps to be deeply rooted within yourself; otherwise, the mind, which has incredible momentum, will drag you along like a wild river.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

It’s easy to be Zen when sitting in meditation, spending quiet moments in nature or surrounding yourself with people whose beliefs completely align with yours. It’s a bit more challenging to remain in a state of peace when facing someone in the grip of anger, dealing with the intensity of modern life or when finding yourself triggered by things you had thought long healed.Our spiritual journey is accelerated when we bring a sense of inner awareness and consciousness into whatever the present moment has to offer. Rather than only setting aside specific moments for your enlightenment, scatter them all throughout your day. View consciousness as important as breathing until it becomes second nature. These moments of deep connection align you with the miraculous beauty of life.

Periodically look around you and choose to fall in love. Honor yourself and your expression of the Divine as sacred. Open the crown chakra to receive the love, light and laughter of the Universe.  You are the bridge between the sacred and the mundane. Seeing this clearly is enlightenment.

The Obstacle is the Path

The obstacle is the path. When life presents our darkest moments, we have the opportunity to rise above. Know that your soul is ready to face whatever life offers – and realize that challenging situations only come into our experience when we have the tools and ability to handle them.
Obstacles provide an opportunity to cultivate new skills. They show us how far we have come on the path of awakening and allow us to discover our true potential. Bring a sense of adventure to the challenges of your life. Seek to find unique ways to face the hurdles you encounter, keeping a consistent, positive attitude to the best of your ability. There is nothing you can’t handle.
The only blockages we carry are limiting beliefs about our worthiness, strength, ingenuity and vision. Challenges provide the opportunity to leave behind the baggage, take action and break through to new levels of enlightenment.
Spirit has creative ways of propelling us into growth. Life occasionally takes a screaming left turn into the unknown and we must either face it or give up. Fortunately, the tendency of the soul is to evolve. Left with no other option, fear dissipates when we choose to walk forward.

The Celtic Vows of Friendship

“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

Relationships offer fertile ground for spiritual practice. When in doubt as to the appropriate action or response, utilize the Celtic vows of friendship. Ask yourself, “Am I honoring his or her path as sacred?” Often we try to get others to adjust to our path. The key is to allow enough space for each person to thrive while offering love and support. Love is simply discovering who you are in the presence of another.

It’s important to be self-observant. Are you bringing an open heart to your interactions or do you keep protective measures in place? Relating to another is authentic when we feel safe and empowered; therefore, notice when you are closed down and tend to your inner state of consciousness prior to your interactions to ensure that you are open.

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. Zen calls upon us to reside in the Now without distraction. Practice being fully present with those who grace your life. You’ll discover that time slows as inner joy is awakened. Love creates a space in which a transformation can occur.

Moment to Moment

Step lightly. Be gentle. In this way you can be the observer and rise above the intensity of life. Find balance and peace by bringing loving awareness into this moment and honoring the sacredness of your journey.

There will, of course, be times when you stumble or miss the mark. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn to find the humor in the situation, dust yourself off, get up and move on knowing this is just another seed of wisdom that has been planted into your psyche. The light of consciousness will nurture and help it to grow.

Fulfillment is found by going deeper into life. Willingness is the gateway to enlightenment. When you are willing to accept what is, the lack of resistance allows your energy to be channeled into the present moment without being diffused. Pure Divine energy then flows into all that you experience and all that you do.

As evolving souls, we are learning to master the ability to see beyond the physical, beyond the obvious, and dance in the light of infinite possibility. You may be surprised at what you discover as you journey through the days experience…. all that you need is already here.


“Stop playing it safe by trying to avoid adversity. Act from the heart and let circumstances unfold as they will.”

~Ezra Bayda~   

Zen is doing one thing at a time with your full attention and consciousness awareness. The incremental steps we take toward enlightenment transform our very way of being.  Life is a dance of light and dark, giving and receiving, the contrasts bringing out the inherent beauty within every situation. Each of us make unique contributions to the wholeness of existence and together we create a synergy that will ultimately expand our collective consciousness.

You participation in life nourishes you as well as those around you. Be fully present. Do one thing at a time and give your whole heart to it. In order to recognize the joy that is found in the present moment, we must escape the limiting perceptions of the mind.

All that you seek is already within you. Embrace what is with enthusiasm, passion or acceptance and take one more conscious step forward. Allow your inner wisdom to guide your life. Relax, and recognize your value as an awakening master.


“Wherever you feel that life is growing, celebrate it, love it, welcome it, and a great transformation will happen to you. If life is revered in all its forms, you become more alive. ”
Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in this moment – no anger or frustration, no problem, desire or regret. If this were your last moment, how would you spend it? Would you keep old antagonisms alive or want to hug those you love and appreciate one more sunset? Petty differences would become meaningless.
You can choose to put down any baggage that you carry. Once you realize that loving celebration leads to enlightenment, you’ll discover that there is no need to postpone your joy. Live as if each moment were your last because the next is not certain. Find your bliss here and now and choose to embrace it. The choice to be blissful will change your experience of life.
It is said that Zen is the acceptance of the ordinary existence with all your heart. When there is no desire for anything to be different than it is, the mundane becomes sacred. This is your moment of transformation.

Healing Waters

“As long as I live, I’ll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I’ll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I’ll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can.”
~John Muir~
Stillness is a wonderful way to bring yourself back into balance. Wherever you are, access Presence by quieting the mind and be attentive to the world around you. Just listen without judgment or interpretation and enter Zen from there. This moment can be transformative if you allow it to be.
The language of life is a vibrant expression of love and possibility. Each of us plays an integral role in our collective symphony and we have much to learn from one another. Empowerment is taking conscious responsibility for how we choose to be in the world – how we respond, participate, create or grow.
There is an aspect of you that quietly waits, a gentleness that knows no limitation. The ancient axiom “Know Thyself” is a reminder to seek peace and potential within. There is a fathomless, inner dimension that awaits discovery. Nothing matters more than your state of consciousness in this moment.

See Things Differently

“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”
~Albert Einstein~
The awakened soul sees things differently. As we enter higher levels of consciousness, we are able to view the world from a broader vantage point. Every breakthrough is the beginning of a new vision and a new way of being.
Before you speak, ask yourself if what you intend to say is helpful, loving or uplifting. If not, it can wait…perhaps forever.
Be mindful of what you choose to share with others. Your words have great power. Gossip, anger, frustration or judgment will waste precious energy by feeding it into what you do not want in your experience. Conversely, mindful communication calls upon us to ask ourselves if what we are going to say or share will be of positive benefit. For instance, complaining or sharing bad news destroys the peace of others in the vicinity; while a complaint followed by a positive course of action acts as an inspiration to create a difference and indicates one is taking personal responsibility for their own joy. Even better, the awakened soul doesn’t waste energy discussing the problem, they speak of the solution and then take action.
In a world that seems preoccupied with gossip, opinion, causes and boycotts – seek to accentuate the beauty of life. Participate in things that inspire and lift your spirit. Be a bringer of light who walks in the world with humility, passion and joy.

This Moment

The Inspiration You Seek
Is Already Within You.
Be Silent And Listen.
This moment is the gateway to infinite possibility and whatever arises is exactly what is needed for your soul’s growth and development. Bring a sense of awareness to all that you do, seeking to observe the ego rather than becoming trapped by it.

The mind is conditioned to stay in reactive patterns and a habitual survival mode. Beneath this activity is the stillness of Presence, a timeless dimension of limitless possibility. The more you recognize your unconsciousness, the more conscious you are becoming.

Your life’s journey is an adventure – be aware of the miracles that unfold around you. This choice brings a sense of vibrancy and wonder into even the most mundane circumstances.

The joy of being a spirit having a temporary physical experience is expressed through our five senses. Take the time to look at life through the eyes of love. Listen without judgement to the sounds around you, but more importantly, listen to the silence beneath the sound. Touch something and feel the energy of the Divine flowing through it. When you allow everything to be as it is this moment becomes the key to freedom.