
“We are all different. Don’t judge, understand instead.”
~Roy T. Bennett~

Everyone carries wounds that silently (or not so silently, in some cases) control their lives. Rather than turn and face these shadows, the ego-mind begins a story of wrongness that gets projected outward. As a distraction, judgment and blame create all-encompassing stories that can keep the personality busy for years. Over time, the mantra around “the other” gets stronger as the ego becomes entrenched in the role of fighter.

Healing these wounds takes conscious and consistent effort. The first step is to take ownership of what is being reflected. When attention turns inward, seek to remove the reactivity and criticism by seeing clearly. Here is a simple visualization:

  • Surround the person or situation with the pink light of unconditional love. Say, “In love, I offer forgiveness to all those who have ever harmed me, knowingly or unknowingly, in all times and spaces, places and dimensions.”
  • Surround the person or situation with the purple light of awareness. Say, “In humility, I ask forgiveness from all those whom I have ever harmed, knowingly or unknowingly, in all times and spaces, places and dimensions.”
  • Visualize calming blue light around all, saying, “I accept emotional healing wherever it is required, on every level of existence, in every cell, thought, dream or memory. And so it is.”

This process sets energy in motion. Empowerment fosters compassion. This is how we help one another to heal.

The Sacred Pilgrimage

The joy is in the journey. Every relationship, whether it lasts for a lifetime or for a brief moment, provides an opportunity to discover the mysteries of love. Ego-driven love is rooted in fear and desire. Authentic love supports growth, exploration, discovery and laughter. Seek to experience those who grace your life with an open heart by demonstrating acceptance, openness and patience.

Life is a dance with the Divine. Each person you meet is a unique spark of eternal consciousness that seeks to experience the synergy of awakening. When we approach our life situations with the intention of assisting in this process, the Divine is able to make itself known in miraculous ways.

Practice generosity, sharing mind, body and spirit without reservation or expectation and you will open portals of new experience. Through Presence, each interaction becomes an opportunity to express kindness and compassion. We stand together at the threshold of understanding.
We can consciously move through the infinite landscape of our souls awakening by honoring the present moment. Whenever you enter periods of contrast, paradox, movement or change, choose to face whatever arises with a sense of adventure and growth. This is your sacred pilgrimage.


“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.”


Enlightenment is taking responsibility for your own state of consciousness in the present moment. Cultivate the courage to see yourself clearly. Blame and judgment send attention and energy outward rather than inward where true healing is possible. The shadows that we carry silently control our lives. They cause us to react, create drama or sabotage our joy and because of this, most people tend to deny the shadow side of their nature rather than take responsibility for it.

In order to transform shadows into empowered aspects of growth, we must turn and face them. They, like everything in the human experience, have lessons to teach and gifts to offer. Integration of our dualistic nature allows us to shine a light in the darkness, and through love, heal whatever is found there.
Higher consciousness allows us to see the world differently. It awakens a deeper understanding of the Self and inspires feelings of safety, compassion, integrity, confidence and courage. The impact on your life will be felt when you open your heart and step into your fullest potential. This moment is your point of power.

Love and Understanding

“We’re fascinated by the words–but where we meet is in the silence behind them.”

~Ram Dass~

Compassion and understanding are the side effects of conscious listening. Whenever you choose to bring an open heart to your meeting place, you create an opportunity to learn something new. In this space of awareness, you’ll discover an alternative viewpoint, garner understanding of others’ challenges or fears and have a greater opportunity to move into love.Love and judgment cannot coexist in the same space. Look upon yourself with compassion. Look upon others with compassion. Seek only to bring the best version of yourself to your life experiences. This is even more important within the workings of the mind. Every thought sends energy out into the universe. Purposely send kindness whenever possible… and as the Dalai Lama says, “It is always possible.”

Consciousness is rooted in the deep stillness of your being. It expands your energy to touch the Divine, provides clarity and brings understanding, not through the mechanisms of the mind, but through harmony with the pulse of life itself. See yourself as the observer who acts and loves and holds space while cultivating the art of detached compassion – for yourself, for those who grace your life with their presence and for the world.

Personal Responsibility

“We are responsible for our own ignorance or, with time and openhearted enlightenment, our own wisdom.”
~Isabel Wilkerson~

The only thing over which you have any control is how you choose to respond to life. It’s important to drop all judgment and blame (which is projecting thoughts and beliefs outward) and embrace personal responsibility for whatever is unfolding in your experience. No blame should be directed inward either. Simply observe, take ownership and consciously direct the course of your own life.
When we take full responsibility for our own experience, we put ourselves in a position of empowerment. Everything has a spiritual solution and serves a specific purpose in our soul’s growth.
A new level of consciousness is waiting to be discovered. Do not tolerate – love. Do not condemn – seek to understand. The most powerful aspect of embracing the concept of Oneness is to remember that we are all on the same journey, although at differing levels of consciousness, soul age and experience.
This dance of awareness allows you to be a conscious co-creator of your own journey. Begin by fully accepting the present moment as it is. Complete each task mindfully and completely and observe how life responds to you.

Your Story

“There is more than enough time,
to weave strands of the ordinary
into your own holy text.
You are more than you know
less lost than you feel
and whole in your center.”
~Molly Remer~

Your story is still being written. With each step, your experiences and wisdom create a unique tale of struggle and success, sorrow and laughter, and insights born of a life well-lived. Upon review you’ll discover the necessity of each plot twist and character in the richness of your journey.

Celebrate your ingenuity. It’s powerful to observe yourself and to witness how far you’ve come. Likely, the challenges you have faced have allowed your many facets to shine and have transformed simplistic ideas into the layered, complex understanding of a sage.

Live your unique truths to the best of your ability. With humility, continue to honor everything and everyone you encounter as a teacher. Your purpose is to awaken, and all of life supports you in this endeavor.

Live consciously. You can choose to fill your life experiences with meaning and joy while perfecting your role as an ever-evolving character who is cultivating self-awareness and empowerment.


Kindness and Awareness

“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
As awareness expands we discover the beauty within life’s tapestry. Everything is connected. Ripples of energy are constantly emanating from us, impacting everything on the planet. This is why it’s important to take consistent personal responsibility for our state of consciousness in the present moment.
Once you truly experience Oneness, you will not wish to participate in the harm of another through actions, words or thoughts. The light of your soul will embrace all living beings and your journey will become one of compassion. What we do matters, whether others ever know of it or not.
When we immerse ourselves in life with kindness and awareness, others feel safe in our presence. The journey of awakening ultimately teaches the power of acceptance and how it can dissolve the boundaries that divide us. You can transcend limitation and step into a vibrant, participatory existence of remarkable unity and bliss.

Compassionate Detachment

“What brings understanding is love. When your heart is full, then you will listen to the teacher, to the beggar, to the laughter of children, to the rainbow, and to the sorrow of man.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
Spiritual practice is about residing fully where you are. When we immerse ourselves deeply within the present moment we create space within our life situations. Gratitude is the doorway into objectivity. It raises our vibration to such a degree that we can breathe life into our experiences yet remain detached from limiting perception and reactivity.
Compassionate detachment does not stop us from offering love and kindness to those with whom we interact. It allows us to share our energy in a way that is fulfilling rather than depleting and empowered instead of guilt-ridden. Conscious action is pure.
Like those who plant trees that they will never sit under, we sow seeds of loving-kindness even though we may not see the outcome. It’s enough to know that you are bringing the best version of yourself to the present moment. Be here now and allow the future to take care of itself.
Our collective consciousness creates a world where it is safe to love one another. Thank you for the light you bring to the world.

Life is Art

“We all have our own breathing space where we can capture the art of life, reminisce all the splendid moments, and bring us back to learn.”
~Shaa Zainol~
Presence is the art of life. When you truly pay attention, everything becomes a teacher. There are truths hidden in the silences that await discovery. As you view yourself as a conscious co-creator within your own experience, it becomes easier to access a higher perspective and observe the movement of your life.
Sometimes we have to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are. As you awaken, you will naturally make choices that reflect your new awareness. Each day presents a blank field of limitless potential. What will you choose to create? You are not defined by your past. The journey of your soul has led you, piece by piece, to this moment. The only thing that matters is what you choose to create now that you have cultivated a deeper understanding of yourself.
Take a moment to simply be present. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, honor yourself as sacred, hold yourself in love and just be. What emerges? Begin from there.


“I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me.”
~Hermann Hesse~
Experience creates understanding. Those who walk through challenges emerge transformed. They have a compassion and depth of knowledge unknown to those who have played it safe. Think of the difference between someone who has studied honey extensively – it’s molecular compounds, how it’s made, uses for it – and someone who has simply paused to taste and enjoy its sweetness. While one may have more time invested and learned complex words to describe it, the second has personal experience and greater clarity.
The mind, pretending to be important, will often ask questions that delay (how? why? when?) as a form of procrastination. The heart will prompt you to conscious action based upon your newfound wisdom.
Understanding will ultimately set you free. With each experience your perception of life broadens. Immerse yourself in possibility and choose to see beyond good and bad to the love that resides at the core of everything. Armed with depth and nuance, you can trust the whispers of your heart. Taste life. Allow its sweetness to inform you. No matter what arises, your compassion will continue to expand until it encompasses all that you see.