
Karmic Balance

Karma is not about good versus bad, nor is it punishment. The idea behind karmic interactions is to experience both sides of an equation (such as teacher/student or attacker/victim) until we achieve neutrality and balance. Typically, older souls are seeking to redress any outstanding karmic imbalance and arrange their lives at the level of soul […]

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“We are all different. Don’t judge, understand instead.” ~Roy T. Bennett~ Everyone carries wounds that silently (or not so silently, in some cases) control their lives. Rather than turn and face these shadows, the ego-mind begins a story of wrongness that gets projected outward. As a distraction, judgment and blame create all-encompassing stories that can

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The Sacred Pilgrimage

The joy is in the journey. Every relationship, whether it lasts for a lifetime or for a brief moment, provides an opportunity to discover the mysteries of love. Ego-driven love is rooted in fear and desire. Authentic love supports growth, exploration, discovery and laughter. Seek to experience those who grace your life with an open

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“Don\’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” ~Rumi~ Enlightenment is taking responsibility for your own state of consciousness in the present moment. Cultivate the courage to see yourself clearly. Blame and judgment send attention and energy outward rather than inward where true healing is possible. The shadows

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Love and Understanding

“We\’re fascinated by the words–but where we meet is in the silence behind them.” ~Ram Dass~ Compassion and understanding are the side effects of conscious listening. Whenever you choose to bring an open heart to your meeting place, you create an opportunity to learn something new. In this space of awareness, you’ll discover an alternative

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Personal Responsibility

“We are responsible for our own ignorance or, with time and openhearted enlightenment, our own wisdom.\” ~Isabel Wilkerson~ The only thing over which you have any control is how you choose to respond to life. It’s important to drop all judgment and blame (which is projecting thoughts and beliefs outward) and embrace personal responsibility for

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Your Story

“There is more than enough time, to weave strands of the ordinary into your own holy text. You are more than you know less lost than you feel and whole in your center.” ~Molly Remer~ Your story is still being written. With each step, your experiences and wisdom create a unique tale of struggle and

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Kindness and Awareness

“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.” ~Jiddu Krishnamurti~ As awareness expands we

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Compassionate Detachment

\”What brings understanding is love. When your heart is full, then you will listen to the teacher, to the beggar, to the laughter of children, to the rainbow, and to the sorrow of man.\” ~Jiddu Krishnamurti~ Spiritual practice is about residing fully where you are. When we immerse ourselves deeply within the present moment we

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Life is Art

“We all have our own breathing space where we can capture the art of life, reminisce all the splendid moments, and bring us back to learn.” ~Shaa Zainol~ Presence is the art of life. When you truly pay attention, everything becomes a teacher. There are truths hidden in the silences that await discovery. As you

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