Being Love

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”  
~Ezra Bayda~ 

The purpose of our journey is to discover the love that resides at the root of all situations. Unconditional love – for oneself as well as others – once discovered, is something that no one can take from you. How empowering it is to find a way to love even those who may have caused you harm. Great freedom awaits those who seek this high level of consciousness.

You can create space in which transformation can occur. When demonstrating love for a child, life partner, friend or family member, allow for infinite possibilities to be explored. Support them as they navigate their journey of awakening by being a consistent force of loving kindness in their experience.

When someone feels trusted, accepted and loved, they thrive. With no opposition, one can experience expansion rather than wasting precious energy on protection, explanations or defensiveness.

The best way to provide this space of empowerment is to continue your own work. When we focus on ourselves and explore the nuances of  conscious living, we bring greater awareness to all of our interactions.


Some people grace your life for a moment, others for a lifetime… and everything possible in between.
Accept whatever unfolds in your experience. People enter our lives to offer new insights, ideas, feelings and lessons, staying as long as our soul requires. For those with whom we share karmic contracts, interactions may be filled with the emotional highs and lows of human connection; however, they always offer opportunities to expand our consciousness and grow in ways that we’ve never imagined. When emotions become more neutral it is an indication that the contract is complete. Bless those who have graced your life. See them as the loving teachers that they are and send them on their way with encouragement and gratitude. The time spent apart is infinitesimal compared to the bond of eternity, wholeness and Oneness that we share.


When you choose to live in acceptance rather than spend your vital and precious energy clinging to the past, you are free to live life empowered, joyful and fully anchored in the Now. At the deepest level, all things are one. There is no separation and our purpose is simply to awaken to this knowledge while helping one another along the way.

See Yourself Bathed in Love

I awoke from a vision of the energy of love streaming down upon us from the higher dimensions. One concept blazed through my mind – see yourself bathed in love. This directive seemed so imperative that I simply remained still and allowed images from my spiritual guidance to flow.

In certain aspects this is easy to visualize, of course. The light from the sun is a beautiful example of unconditional love – shining down on everyone equally, holding back nothing, demanding nothing. Easier still, we discover the energy of love within a kind word, laughter among friends, the smile of a dog, the art of creation, music, meditation, the peace of a mountain hike, or by hugging a tree.

But what about man’s inhumanity to man? How can we find love in the desolation of once beautiful places, the destruction of the resources of our sacred mother earth or the poisoning of the mind with hatred? This is where spiritual practice and higher frequencies of awareness come in. If we hold the concept that all things have love at the core and we are the recipients of whatever is needed for our souls growth, we begin to look for love, even in the unlikeliest of places… and by looking for love, we are assured that it will be found.

From the higher perspectives – love, joy, peace, enlightenment – this is more easily perceived. We can appreciate the weaving of the tapestry of our existence together in a new way and thus, cease being reactive or falling into judgment. In this way, we become active participants in our collective awakening.

Love More

“The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one two things: either love, or a call for love.”

~Marianne Williamson~

Together we walk the path of awakening. Relationships provide opportunities to facilitate your personal growth. When you choose to view the world through love’s filter; it changes your perception. Everything becomes simple: it is either love or a call for love.
When challenges arise, we must sometimes dig deeply within in order to access our ability to love. See those who challenge you as healing angels playing a role that strengthens your ability to see beyond the mechanisms of the ego. When you can recognize sacredness in yourself and in the other, life opens.
The ultimate goal is unconditional love. This calls upon us to begin within. Outward experiences of love and acceptance are directly related to the love and acceptance we have for ourselves. As kindness awakens with you, it overflows into your life experience and is reflected throughout your interactions.
As an awakening master, you have the ability to observe life from a higher state of consciousness. Practice looking for ways to express love. Challenging people and circumstances can sometimes take more conscious effort; however, the rewards are immeasurable. They allow you to cultivate facets of your soul that would otherwise remain fallow. Love is transformative.


“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

Prior to birth, we arrange specific karmic agreements such as birth, marriage, betrayal, support, love, inspiration, assistance or opposition, etc. Each karmic situation is meant to teach or balance energy until it is no longer required.
Self-karma is an internal experience that is based upon limiting beliefs or behaviors (addiction, self-worth, judgment, criticism). As we do our spiritual work and take a more active role in the raising of consciousness, we draw in those who can assist and support us with the goals of acceptance, unconditional love, forgiveness, peace, and clarity.
When we are ready to heal emotional wounds, our higher Self sends a request for assistance out into the universe. Those who answer the call are willing to play a role (typically adversarial) to bring the energy of the wound to the service. These loving souls are willing to risk losing our love and goodwill in this life for the specific purpose of healing. Regardless of how it may appear, everything in your experience supports your journey of awakening.

Lessons in Love

Our pets play an important role on the journey of awakening. As I began writing, my Pomeranian just insisted that I stop and play for a while. I immediately put aside my work and gave my full attention to a moment of love and snuggles. Though it may have only lasted a few minutes, the energy we shared was healing, calming and felt outside of time.

Animals choose to incarnate as our helpers and act as guides, reminding us how to stay present and love unconditionally. They have a reincarnational series of seven lifetimes as one species and often develop deep connections with a particular human throughout the path of transformation. Each animal remembers all prior lifetimes completely and will often manifest fears and preferences that it adopted in past lives. This helps to give the more advanced animals their special personalities.

When you have a special bond with a beloved pet, it brings added layers of dimension to your life and spiritual growth. They often remind us the importance of taking the time to enjoy the warmth of the sun, to release our worries and play a little and demonstrate the power of unconditional love when we need it most.

Pay attention to the lessons that unfold in your experience through the love, nurturing, loss, healing, and emotional connections that you experience. Honor the sacredness of all beings that cross your path by living with an open heart.

This Sacred Gift

A man is ethical only when life, as such, is sacred to him, that of plants and animals as that of his fellow men, and when he devotes himself helpfully to all life that is in need of help.

~Albert Schweitzer~

True ethical practice requires reverence for life. Within this concept lies freedom. When we can see everything as One – interconnected, sacred, beautiful, and valuable – we enter the realm of love.

You have been prompted to be here now, reading these words. Are you ready to explore the core of your innate goodness and embrace life as it is? While often messy or frustrating, there is a dance of awakening occurring on a deeper level. Can you feel it?

Sometimes the idea of residing in the frequency of unconditional love and acceptance can seem an impossible task. If we desire to be accepted as we are, we must first demonstrate how that appears in the world of form. Remember, the soul desires connection.

Choose to treat everything and everyone in your experience as sacred. Bring the light of awareness to your interactions, great or small. Be kind  and empowered. At the end of the day your heart will be at peace.

How to Love – The Celtic Vows of Friendship

I honor your path

I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place

I drink from your well

I hold no cherished outcome

I will not negotiate by withholding

I am not subject to disappointment

Unconditional love has no opposite. It sees through the mechanisms of ego to the truth of the soul. When we bring patience and kindness into our relationships, we create space where transformation is possible. Love those who grace your life in such a way that they feel safe, supported and empowered.

There is great inherent beauty waiting to be discovered in every circumstance. You can experience your journey in any way that you wish. The souls only true desire is to awaken.

Humility is an expression of the advanced soul. When you can take responsibility for your own state of consciousness, when you can say “I’m sorry” and be non-reactive to others’ whims and foibles, you are awakening to a new way of being. Consider the uses of adversity. They provide varied opportunities to see love in action.

Soulmates make a lasting covenant with one another. We offer to hold space while providing guidance with patience and compassion. There is no greater gift of friendship.

Karmic Balance

Karma is not about good versus bad, nor is it punishment. The idea behind karmic interactions is to experience both sides of an equation (such as teacher/student or attacker/victim) until we achieve neutrality and balance. Typically, older souls are seeking to redress any outstanding karmic imbalance and arrange their lives at the level of soul to achieve that result. This often leads one into the role of wounded healer.

While it can sometimes be challenging to determine whether or not karma is in action, one indicator is that the situation is charged with emotional reactivity. Once the lesson is complete, we become neutral about the other person or event and can interpret it with wisdom, compassion, or gratitude.

We often have empathy for others who are going through something that we, too, have experienced. While one may not consciously remember past lives, the energy and insight we have gained from them is part of our energetic field. This is why older souls have the ability to step into compassion and also why younger souls cannot. We only learn through experience.

Act with integrity, do your best and accept what is. This is the pathway to understanding and unconditional love.

You Are Loved

“All things in this vast universe exist in you, with you, and for you.”
~Kahlil Gibran~
See yourself bathed in love. In certain aspects this is easy to visualize, of course. The light from the sun is a beautiful example of unconditional love – shining down on everyone equally, holding back nothing, demanding nothing. Love can be ignited by a kind word, laughter among friends, the smile of a dog, the art of creation, music, meditation, the feel of a mountain or by hugging a tree.

But what about man’s inhumanity to man? How can we find love in the desolation of once beautiful places, the destruction of the resources of our sacred mother earth or the poisoning of the mind with hatred? This is where spiritual practice and higher frequencies of awareness come in. If we hold the concept that all things have love at the core and we are the recipients of whatever is needed for our souls growth, we begin to look for love – even in the unlikeliest of places… and by looking for love, we are assured that it will be found.
Seek to appreciate the weaving of the tapestry of our existence together in a new way and cease being reactive or falling into judgment. In this way, we actively participate in the transformation and awakening of the planet and bring healing to all. Your love is the greatest gift that you can offer in any situation.