The Journey

We are here to discover Oneness through the perception of separation. Prior to awakening we stumbled, lost in the dark,  feeling misunderstood. We harmed one another and ourselves through ignorance, judgment or fear… until the soul was ready to awaken.

Then life became a series of events that pivoted our direction. Perception expanded as we began to drop the layers of illusion that blocked the ability to give and receive love. We discovered our unique way of being in the world.

You are supported far more than you can imagine and love rains down upon you from all dimensions. In stillness we can access inner guidance and cellular wisdom, receive angelic assistance, or connect with energy from our ancestors, spirit guides or healing masters.

Through awareness, we learn to trust the voice of intuition rather than ego and discover the many ways that we are connected. Whether through the commonality of experience, lifting one another up or the compassion we feel for those who face similar struggles, the end result is Oneness. What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all. Life is a journey inward. The whole of all existence resides within you.

Be here now. You are enough.