The Essence of You

When used consciously, the breath can be utilized to access a sacred realm. To calm the mind, to honor the present moment as sacred, to enter the gap between thoughts, to open yourself to receive… visualize yourself as pure Essence. Expansion occurs as we drop the layers of limiting belief. Distractions become diaphanous and Presence, more profound.

When stressed, a typical reaction is to hold one’s breath or become rigid. That starts a cavalcade of imbalances that often present in the physical form as mishaps, reactivity, misunderstandings or accidents. In panic, one can spiral in reactivity and fear. Caught in the moment of perceived limitation, the ego will attempt to distract.

Practice creating moments of Presence consistently. Like any repetitive action, this becomes easier the more you do it. Rather than waiting to correct an imbalance, amplify your moments of peace. Over time, this awareness transforms your experiences from the mundane into the mystical. Your awareness expands through conscious action in the present moment.

As an evolving human, you’ll still encounter lessons, triggers, and facets that are ready to be explored. By utilizing the tools you have cultivated, challenges morph into multi-dimensional aspects of character, insight, compassion, patience and empowerment.