The Divine Practice

“Until we have seen someone’s darkness, we don’t really know who they are. Until we have forgiven someone’s darkness, we don’t really know what love is.”
~Marianne Williamson~

Hatred and love cannot coexist in the same space; they are at opposite ends of the energetic spectrum. Yet here we are, collectively watching hatred unfold in it’s various forms – sometimes subtle, sometimes egregious. The Divine Practice is using hatred when it arises within you, and purposely choosing to see through the ego-driven behavior to the unlimited potential that resides within.

When you create healing in your life, you’ll see it reflected in the world around you. Many years ago, a particular woman in politics used to trigger me a great deal. She was reflecting unhealed aspects of myself (judgment, opinion, righteous anger and the need to be right). Noticing this, I honored her as a teacher and immediately utilized those emotions as part of my Divine Practice.

  • Observe, see what elicits a repetitive or reactive response from you
  • Take ownership – “I’m reactive right now because I, too, have that tendency.”
  • Utilize your tools – affirmations, meditation, gratitude, listening to the ego and then doing the opposite are great places to begin.
  • Force yourself to face the darkness within you. This can be done by purposely watching the person if they are not part of your personal life. Little by little your awareness lessens the trigger response (in my case it turned into humor) and you can be more in control of the energy you put out into the world.

Now when I see this lady, I smile to myself and honor her role in helping me to heal something that hid from my conscious awareness. Behind the veil of enlightenment, there is only love.