The Power of Light

Yesterday I encountered dragonfly during my morning gratitude walk. Poised beautifully on an agave plant, his wings sparkled in the sunlight. As I came closer to take a picture his head turned and it seemed that he looked deeply into my eyes. Captivated, I thanked him for the reminder to see through my own illusions.

The gossamer glimmer of dragonfly wings takes years to develop. This is a loving message that as we mature, our experiences reflect the lessons of the journey. Mastery and balance come from the integration of all the aspects of Self cultivated throughout the process of awakening.

When nature grabs your attention, it can be a powerful practice to seek out the spiritual meaning, meditate upon it and understand how it may relate to your current life situation. Little reminders, encouragement and inspiration are all around us.

Dragonfly medicine relates to the realms of water and air. Often, it indicates a great deal of emotionalism and passion in youth has matured into wisdom and greater control. His appearance implies that changes are likely about to occur. Ultimately, dragonfly reminds us that we are light and we can reflect it in beautiful ways.