The Power of Love

“Love is not only an energizing force, but an individualizing force. It dissolves separation and yet creates individuality. It is, again, the primal paradox.”

Each and every time that we make the conscious choice to show love, we step into empowerment and begin to create a new reality. In any situation you can ask, “How can I present the best version of myself in this moment?” The answer is always found in love. The trick is to recognize dysfunction when it is in play yet choose to remain balanced and non-reactive. It takes practice to maintain a sense of calm in the face of intense negativity; however, as awakening masters, we are called upon to bring higher energy to challenging situations.

It’s likely that you have already cultivated many of the tools you need to face these circumstances with grace. Challenges provide opportunities to hone these skills and witness them in action.

We are light-bringers in a world that often seems filled with darkness. Your purpose is to awaken, to teach and to serve. Soul-based love creates space where transformation can occur.

Expanding Into Love

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”   ~Rumi~  
See your world as a tapestry of exquisite design and recognize the unique gifts you have to share. No matter what you wish to manifest, it begins now, in this moment. Consciously choose to focus your thoughts, words and actions in a way that expands your experience.

Joy is the foundation of life. Seek it in all things. Cultivating the willingness to look for beauty ensures that it will be found. Joy acts as a magnet, whereas fear or desire repels those things for which you reach. Can you imagine a life where peacefulness and acceptance are the basis of all you experience? You have the ability to shift your attention to things which inspire you. Spiritual evolution is a process – each conscious step builds greater strength and ability.

Your soul is in a constant state of expansion. Weave your future by recognizing the talents, lessons, synchronicities and opportunities that are available in the present moment. The journey of awakening utilizes contrast to advance spiritual evolution. Paradox opens a world of love and possibility.

Creative Fire

“If you cling too much to logic you will never be able to be part of the living process that this existence is. Life is more than logic: life is paradox, life is mystery.”

The joy of creativity lies in the act of creating itself. When we open to inspiration, our energy and actions enhance life on every level. We cultivate more beauty, gratitude, joyfulness and passion in our experience. Whether you write, play music, celebrate the art of cooking, add your flair while decorating your sacred space or dance your way through raindrops, in creativity we discover our unique connection to the Divine.

Creativity connects you to your bliss and adds dimension to your experience. Solitude provides a space to play alone in your vision, to  experiment without fear, discard what doesn’t work and celebrate when it feels right. In moments of deep connection thought disappears, the art disappears, the artist disappears and all that remains is the Divine, expressing itself in physical form.

Express yourself from the highest vibration possible and you will touch the energy of the masters. Then, because you are a channel of light and wonderment, life becomes a powerful, mystical experience.