Consider This…

Consider this…

You are right where you need to be.

The obstacle is the path.

The person who challenges you the most on the physical plane, loves you the most on the spiritual plane.

Your perceived flaws can be transformed into your biggest assets.

Everything in your experience is a purposeful aspect of your awakening.

Your life is a vibrant conversation with the Divine.

When you bring your shadows into the light of consciousness, they begin to lose their power over you.

Personal responsibility is the gateway to empowerment.

You are much stronger then you know.

When you can embrace the paradoxical nature of your being, resistance disappears.

Limitations can break you free from habit and pivot you into a new adventure.

When you are ready to receive, miracles flow into your experience.

The desire for enlightenment transforms obstacles into opportunities.

Everything unfolds in the perfect way at the perfect time.

High emotion or reactivity indicates that a lesson is in progress.

Just by being who you are, you bring something unique and beautiful to our collective experience.

You are a master in the process of awakening.

And finally… if 10% of us shift to a higher level of consciousness, the world will shift to accommodate us.