Conscious Suffering


Spiritual practice has little to do with logical explanations. The mind will always question ‘Why?’ when challenges arise. This desire for knowledge is an egoic trap which tells us that we must understand in order to alleviate our discomfort. Any reasons we discover – psychological, physiological, karmic, etc. – are only part of the story. Oneness teaches us that everything is interconnected – and the infinite nature of complexity means both that we can discover multiple approaches that help us on our journey as well as the truth that, as humans, our vision and ability to understand is very limited.

There are blinders that obscure our vision. Deep understanding never lies within the cognitive world of ‘why’ but in experiencing the complexity of the present moment with an openness that defies explanation. We encounter both minute and life-changing challenges as we navigate the path of transformation and during each, the spiritual seeker has the option to suffer consciously. The contrast we discover between the mechanisms of the mind and the playfulness we experience when we feel balanced and connected is the paradox that teaches through the human condition in a way that leads us ever closer to the Divine.

All things work to the highest good (whether one has the ability to see it now or later). Should clarity elude you, take one more conscious step forward honoring each moment as part of your unique journey of awakening. Faith in the process of your development is key. There are gifts to be discovered in the midst of every challenge.

Facing Challenges

“The spiritual practice of relationships is about working on ourselves only, freeing ourselves from the constricting grip of our own unhappiness. It is not the other person’s job to take our unhappiness away; our discomfort is our own responsibility. Attending to our own spiritual tasks – seeing our judgments, opinions, beliefs, demands, and staying present with the fears out of which they all arise – frees others to move toward us. Then, when they no longer feel the need to defend, they become more willing to take care of their job. Thus joy in relationships becomes possible.”   
~Ezra Bayda~   

When challenges arise, turn inward and pay attention. Whether found in health, relationships, finances or within your spiritual practice, you are ready for something transformative to enter your life. Facing challenges consciously accelerates your awakening. Your willingness to be an active participant in your growth guarantees expansive movement in your experience.

Be kind to yourself. You will have moments of brilliance as well as moments when you miss the mark. Empowerment calls upon each of us to take personal responsibility for our current state of consciousness so that we can engage life with an open heart.

Trust the processes of awakening and know that you have the fortitude to conquer fear… not only rising above it, but shattering the old beliefs and patterns that created it in the first place.


“The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you
Don’t go back to sleep!
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep!
People are going back and forth
across the doorsill where the two worlds touch,
The door is round and open
Don’t go back to sleep!”


You can utilize anything that arises as a doorway to awakening. Seekers of enlightenment find sparks of illumination everywhere because the desire to awaken is ignited within them; therefore, they experience a reflection of that desire.

We choose how we experience the present moment. Teachers are everywhere. Walk with gentle humility and you may discover facets of your soul that are ready to shine.

Your life is a work of art, ever-changing in nuance and expression. Paint your dreams, share your story, become an inspiration and allow yourself to dance in a state of wonder.

Spiritual practice is not about finding the perfect way to meditate or how to manifest the ideal mate, career, living situation or health. It’s about bringing a higher awareness to your experience. Each person you meet is a unique spark of eternal consciousness that ultimately seeks to experience the synergy of awakening.


Spiritual Practice

Solitary practice is an important part of spiritual development. Each of us must walk in truth to find our unique way of being in the world. Powerful too, is the heart-focused connection discovered within a group of like-minded individuals. The synergy created within group energy transforms and accelerates the growth of all those who are actively involved. When used consciously, group energy expands us into new dimensions and you can help to uplift and nourish the spiritual journey of others.

Meditate, chant, pray and play with those with whom you resonate. The combined intention and synergy has the power to lift the entire group into a new frequency. For those of you who are natural leaders, allow yourselves to participate without exercising control and receive the blessings generated by the group energy as well.

Spiritual knowledge must be articulated in order to fully incorporate it into our experience. Thus, we discover the power of sharing with others. Each of us simultaneously plays both roles – student and master.

Balance your journey ways that are best for you. Spend healthy time in solitude, connect with your soul circle and share what you have learned. There are always new dimensions waiting to be explored.

Consistent Practice

Life repeats itself. Habitual patterns become the norm and unless we become mindful, the cycle will continue. The way to break free is through mindfulness and consistent practice. Once you see the pattern you can begin to free yourself from it.

Explore and experience until you find something that sparks your passion or brings peace to the soul. Then make that practice a priority in your life. Whether prayer, meditation, yoga, mindfulness or gratitude, the key is to make it an ongoing, consistent aspect of your daily journey.

You’ll know you’re making progress when resistance arises. Whether from your own ego or the push-back from those closest to you, resistance is an indicator that something profound is in progress. As we change, the world around us is transformed. Eventually, you will rise above old programming, discard limiting beliefs and set yourself free.

This nightly communication with my angels and inspirational writing began as an experiment. It has created ease and grace in my experience and played a greater role than any book, workshop or course I’ve explored in my development. I do not set an alarm or purposely seek inspiration. It simply occurs one day at a time and is a joyful expression of my way of being in the world.

Enter Into Love

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”  
~Ezra Bayda~   

Imagine creating a world filled with wonder that sparks enthusiasm and allows you to express the fullness of who you are. You have the ability to transform the world around you with your unique vision. Each time you seek the sacred in each situation, you plant seeds of awakening.

For those who are unconscious, life can be a fearful place. They see through filters that translate every event in a way that supports their fear or anger, and often don’t understand that they have the ability to create anything different in their experience.

Allow the majesty of the earth to awaken passion within you. If music lifts your soul higher, purposely surround yourself with song. If fulfilling work or a beautiful home bring happiness, let yourself be inspired.

When you fall madly in love with life, everything changes. Challenges become adventures. Fear transforms into exploration… and every situation provides an opportunity to discover your passion and live it to the best of your ability. Approach life with an open heart and allow the perfection of the present moment to astound you.

Sacred Space

“Gratitude is a sacred space where you allow and know that a force greater than your ego is always at work and always available.”
Wayne Dyer~

Once you discover what makes you feel deeply connected to the Divine, immerse yourself within it on a daily basis. Quiet moments in gratitude, tending your garden, reading in the sunshine, doing yoga, playing music, preparing food, meditation, prayer, journaling, conscious breath… anything that soothes your soul is a doorway to peace.

Repetitive behavior creates a shift in your energetic field. When you consciously set an intention to feel balanced, peaceful and grateful, it becomes easier to access the energy that has already been set in motion. In this way, you carry your sacred space with you.

You are the conduit through which the Divine experiences itself in the world of form. With this in mind, you can look upon life with eyes of mystery and delight and it becomes a sanctuary where that experience can be honored.