You Are the Universe

“When the world feels overwhelming, I want to love bigger, I want to love louder, I want to be connected to my community.”
~Mona Tavakoli~

You are changing the world. Every life you touch shifts in response to your unique energy. Each of us has an opportunity to love, to be expansive, inclusive, joyful and compassionate. Standing strong and confident in the light of your true nature allows the Divine to work through you in miraculous ways. Even a smile, heartfelt and genuine, can awaken the light in those around us.Everything is energy. Love more. Participate more. Share your light and passions. Surround yourself with uplifting books, music, people, ideas and art. Be inspired by those who live awakened lives and purposely choose to be inspirational to others. This is the moment of transformation and you are indeed a blessing.

The spiritual quest is to experience the highest source of love – love with the Divine. Part of that practice is learning to love in a way that is pure and free from ego-driven desire. As we open to one another in a way that is completely present, vulnerable and authentic, we remove the barriers that divide us. To see the sacredness in another is the greatest gift that you can give.

The Shape of Vulnerability

The shape of vulnerability takes many forms. Though deeply entwined, each soul must traverse the blueprint of awakening alone. Rather than hide any perceived flaws or wounds, keep returning to the threshold of the disturbance until you discover something new. Yes, this can be frightening, and often creates discomfort and disorder in your experience; however, the soul longs to transform vulnerability into strength.

Flaws create beauty and give meaning to the masterpiece. Whether falling in love, facing your greatest fear, standing at the precipice of change or navigating your path, know that as you discover new things about yourself, you will become more deeply aligned with your true nature. This leads to freedom.

We are multi-faceted beings, yet we are often surprised to find light hidden in the most unexpected places. In humility, be nourished by the gifts of your soul and choose to accept them. You are undefinable, infinite, and ever-changing. As you integrate the varied aspects of the Self into your expression of life, any vulnerability will amplify what is truly important in your quest for awakening.

There are secret worlds hidden in the nuances of experience. How powerful it will be to view your journey with appreciation, acceptance and forgiveness.

Everything is Music

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
~Albert Einstein~

Have you ever stopped to listen to the symphony of existence? All of life plays its perfect part in the symphony of your experience. Dedicate a moment today to listen to the song of your heart. The beauty resides within the contrast and the silences as much as it does within the melody.

Step outside and hear the music of nature. Existence itself sings your name with messages of love. Feel the rhythm and allow it to move your soul. When you find the place where sound and spirit meet, you’ll discover a new depth and breadth of experience.

Become a pure channel for the creative energy of the Universe. Open yourself by learning to embrace periods of silence. Remove all distractions and focus on the beat of your heart and the breath as it fills your lungs. Realize that you are a vibrant, living, evolving work of art.


“The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.”
~Wayne Dyer~
Sometimes it can be challenging to see ourselves clearly. One of the most beautiful aspects of the human condition is our ability to reflect truth to one another. You can choose to be an authentic, loving reflection of the Presence in others. Consider the impact your interactions would have if you consciously sought to discover and reflect the most positive aspects of the person in front of you.
When you enjoy someone’s integrity, compassion, kindness or sense of humor, it’s because they are reflecting some of your wonderful qualities. Likewise, when you see patterns of behavior that frustrate you, it’s important to look within. By simply taking personal responsibility it becomes easier to release limiting patterns of your own.
Pay attention to the words you use to describe the people you encounter throughout the day – they will provide tremendous insight. Each of us views life through the filters of our own perception. If there are things you wish to shift or heal, simply do so without any self-judgment or recrimination. Otherwise, honor and own your beautiful qualities and allow them to shine.

Soul Healing

“Where we stopped dancing, singing, being enchanted by stories, or finding comfort in silence is where we have experienced the loss of soul. Dancing, singing, storytelling, and silence are the four universal healing salves.”
~Gabrielle Roth~

There are times when we must go inward, feel deeply and allow healing to begin.

The most profound spiritual work is often done alone. It’s helpful to enter the stillness of the present moment, step away from the input of others, feel deeply and undergo a cleansing. Getting near water can be helpful with this process – visit the ocean, step into a stream, immerse yourself in a lake or even use your shower as a conscious place of healing.

In times of uncertainly and re-evaluation, allow the element of water to inspire a free flow of feelings. This cleansing process begins to heal old wounds while creating a space where clarity can emerge. Tears are powerful. They come when we need emotional release as well as being  spontaneous indicators of the flow of love from the Divine in times of breakthrough and joy.

Give yourself freedom to cleanse mind, body and spirit. Honor your tears as sacred for they indicate the depth of your openness and willingness to grow.

The Flow of Experience

This too shall pass… whether you are enjoying expansion and joyous transition or facing significant challenges, this truth remains. It’s a delight to fully celebrate moments of breakthrough while riding the waves of positive energy; however, it’s also important to understand that everything is cyclical. Beyond the perception of good and bad, there is simply soul-enriching experience.

Share your joy with others and participate fully in whatever the present moment requires. Too often we try to hold on to that which is fluid instead of experiencing what is. Whether we are celebrating or learning, consciously remember, this too shall pass.

The only constant in life is change. We live magnificently within the ebb and flow of experience – living, dying, rebirth, expansion. All contrasts and apparent opposites have their part to play and it can be exceedingly helpful to observe the patterns we encounter. Learn to flow with what is without clinging and embrace your transformation.

Quiet pauses allow us to gather our energy for the next moment of movement. Much like the tidal flow of the ocean, the power and healing lies within the highs and the lows, blending together to form the natural, evolving and mysterious playground of life.

Inner Strength

“Self discovery is the most empowering time of your life, you remember who you are and you become the best version of yourself but what they forget to tell you is, to get to a point of pleasure you must face the pain.”

~Nikki Rowe~

The challenges that you have faced have forged aspects of your personality that are ready to shine. In times of uncertainty, you can tap into these inner strengths to give you fortitude to face whatever unfolds in your experience. Resilience of character is often a silent wisdom and competence that underlies your actions while providing a firm foundation throughout the journey.

Remember to give yourself credit for how far you have come. The weight of the past is nothing compared to the power of the present moment. Allow the light of your soul to guide you home. The story of your awakening is unique, and all the supporting characters have played their roles to perfection.

You are ready to thrive. All that is required is one more conscious step forward, and then one more. Pay attention to the calling of your spirit and choose to be open to discovery and adventure. You’ve got this.




Expanding Into Love

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”   ~Rumi~  
See your world as a tapestry of exquisite design and recognize the unique gifts you have to share. No matter what you wish to manifest, it begins now, in this moment. Consciously choose to focus your thoughts, words and actions in a way that expands your experience.

Joy is the foundation of life. Seek it in all things. Cultivating the willingness to look for beauty ensures that it will be found. Joy acts as a magnet, whereas fear or desire repels those things for which you reach. Can you imagine a life where peacefulness and acceptance are the basis of all you experience? You have the ability to shift your attention to things which inspire you. Spiritual evolution is a process – each conscious step builds greater strength and ability.

Your soul is in a constant state of expansion. Weave your future by recognizing the talents, lessons, synchronicities and opportunities that are available in the present moment. The journey of awakening utilizes contrast to advance spiritual evolution. Paradox opens a world of love and possibility.

Exploring the Depths of Life

Life, by its very nature, offers no guarantees. Ultimately we walk the Path of Transformation alone – our journey is unique and each of us has our own lessons and destiny. Once you accept this fact, you may be surprised by the beauty in it, by the joy in it. Rejoice in the freedom of your soul’s expression. Seek the adventure which comes from living aligned with your truth.

Observe those to whom you feel drawn. Celebrate the friendships and connections that bring you joy for as long as your paths conjoin. When necessary, send each traveler on their way with gifts and memories knowing that you’ll ultimately arrive at the same destination with incredible stories to share.

With each new cycle, release the things, people and circumstances that no longer serve your growth. Put down your burdens and take only what is needed for a safe and joyful journey. All the experiences, mistakes, adventures and successes of your past have given you plenty of wisdom to draw upon when needed.

Sometimes new places, experiences or exploring the unknown can create anxiety within the personality. Recognize how far you have come, believe in the wisdom of your soul and honor your path by walking it consciously. There are infinite joys waiting to be discovered.

Going Inward

“Go inwards, find your inner space and suddenly you will find an explosion of light, of beauty, and ecstasy.”


Awakening occurs as we release the need for outward validation and become deeply aligned with our authentic, true nature. The journey inward is a powerful one. Within it, we discover the courage to face our shadows – both personal and collective – only to emerge completely transformed by the experience.

Going inward is a perfect description of one who is fully present within the Now. The deepness of the present moment is unfathomable. Beneath the layers of desire and interpretation is pure Presence, a joy that sparkles as we recognize and embrace the sacredness that is both within and without.

Your conscious awareness brings a unique nuance of peacefulness and beauty to the planet. Imagine how our experience of the world would change if each of us could recognize the love that connects us. Begin within. Use the lessons and challenges of the past as stepping stones. Let your wounds be the place where the light enters you. Ultimately, you will discover that an infinite wellspring of light, love, possibility and purpose within you… and that light will guide you home.