
“We have been to the moon, we have charted the depths of the ocean and the heart of the atom, but we have a fear of looking inward to ourselves because we sense that is where all the contradictions flow together.”
~Terrence McKenna~

When we are attached to an idea of how life should be and it differs from what we are experiencing, pain ensues. The awakened soul has the ability to turn and face whatever fears arise, thus, addressing the imbalance while it is smaller and more manageable. If we allow the mind to create and repeat stories that reinforce the original attachment, energy is fed into the problem increasing it’s presence in our lives. Choose instead to bring peace and balance into your experience. Become a channel for light to enter your life.

The more you see any challenges you encounter as vehicles of awakening, the more empathy you’ll cultivate for others who struggle with their own challenges. Compassion teaches us the value of creating space in relationships, allowing each person to thrive and grow as the winds of heaven dance in between.

Everyone has something beautiful to offer – a moment of kindness can be life-changing for those who are touched by your energy. Sharing new insights, artistic vision, passion or laughter can open new avenues of experience. Never doubt the power of your positive choices and interactions.


At the sacred center of yourself is freedom from the bondage of the mind, from limitation, and from fear. Cultivating the art of non-attachment frees you to live a life of purpose in harmony with all those around you… and because your heart is open, more will be drawn to you.

The Tao teaches that when we shift our energy from acquiring to being a conduit for the Divine (allowing light and energy to flow freely), we realize that there is more than enough.

This same approach can be applied to anything or anyone in your life. The tighter you cling, the more the ego causes you to operate from fear, and the more lack you create in your experience. Conversely, allowing creates a space for fulfillment. Start small. Give away something that matters to you. Share the joy that this object has brought you.  Then observe how you feel. Is there a lightness? A sense of freedom? A lingering regret? Pay attention to your degree of attachment.

Next, focus on a specific belief. Purposely lose your rigidness. Observe when you want to speak up to give an opinion and consciously choose to remain silent. Again, the degree of discomfort shows your attachment to an idea or to being seen as right.

Non-attachment creates a flow of ease and grace in your experience. Call upon the silent knowing of your soul and offer loving compassion in every corner of your life.

Expressions of Consciousness

“It is truth that liberates, not your effort to be free.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

The world desperately needs you to be your authentic self. Collectively, we are transformed by the light you bring to our experience. Once you discover your passion, seek unique ways to express it. Rather than attempting to determine what others expect or want, understand that you are simply here to shine.

Celebrate your magnificence. The purpose is to learn Oneness through contrast. Each of us must ultimately discover the expressions of consciousness that seek to manifest through us. Some teach through service, others through art or inventiveness and some, through Presence. No matter what your soul calls you to do, be true to yourself.

Joy manifests through giving and sharing; however, balance is imperative in order to be a pure channel for the light, love and laughter of the universe. Nurture yourself and listen to your body. Doing so will allow you to find your own way of harmonizing mind, body, spirit and emotion.  This is the gateway to enlightened experience.

If nothing else, seek to leave each interaction better than you found it. Whether personal or collective, love is expressed by walking gently in the world.

Spiritual Maturity

Each of us is responsible for our own joy. You have the ability to create an empowered life, Now, without the need to rely upon outer circumstances or the actions of another. As we develop our spiritual maturity, we discover that wholeness comes from within. From this state of awareness we can share with one another and contribute something unique to our collective experience.

The synergy created by conscious, loving spirits is infinite. Together we can achieve far more than we can alone. Step into the flow by cultivating the ability to give and receive freely. Take the time to slow down and notice the beauty that is all around you. This planet has much to offer and much to teach. Your awareness allows you to be a conscious participant. Then, existence becomes a joy as we purposely dream new aspects of the world into being.

Perhaps you find yourself becoming more open. You may share your gifts and laughter more often than in times past, or reach out in kindness without fear of rejection. These are signs of mastery and indicators of spiritual awakening. Allow love and joy to guide your choices and interactions and watch the boundaries disappear.


Abundance is having more than you need. The energy around money offers an array of opportunities to examine our core beliefs. Since everything is energy, your perception creates your experience. There are those who always need to chase the next deal or reach the next level of wealth. If this an aspect of your journey in this lifetime, observe the joy you experience around doing so. Weave it into your spiritual work and watch the energy flourish.

If your primary focus is elsewhere such as artistry, family, healing, etc., recognize that abundance comes in many forms. Part of the physical experience is honoring the flow that is created when following a passion or trusting that one can attract what is needed for a fulfilling, expansive life.

Gratitude and appreciation are powerful magnets. Even the act of drinking water, done mindfully, can be experienced as a recognition of abundance.

This world offers contrast as a means of learning, so we also may explore the nuances of abundance by experiencing lack. The struggle can show where energy is blocked, and through addressing limiting beliefs we can tap into our infinite potential.

Sharing is powerful. When we give of our time, wisdom and energy we create space to receive the many gifts that life has to offer.


Everything is constantly changing, evolving, growing. This natural process is what allows us to expand our perception while we explore new aspects of ourselves. As we journey through the phases of life – youth, power and wisdom, we tend to revisit old lessons in order to understand them from a different point of view.

Enjoy the phase you are in. Smile gently as the next group of souls fumble their way to enlightenment. We all need to make mistakes, and sometimes be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are. As we cultivate greater understanding, we do better. Ultimately, we have the joy of passing along wisdom to those who are ready to hear.

The greatest gift that you can give is a demonstration of love. As consciousness awakens it often appears as patience, kindness, wisdom and authenticity. Give with love. Be a witness to your own experience. Create a life filled with flow and vitality and you will never cease to be amazed. Expanding consciousness comes through understanding contrasts and seeing the value in all sides of an experience. In acceptance, anything can be transformed. Through sharing our gifts, we change the energy of the world around us.


“I think instead [of happiness] we should be working for contentment… an inner sense of fulfillment that’s relatively independent of external circumstances.”
~Andrew Weil~
You are a miracle and there is no one in the world quite like you. Your insights and unique way of looking at life are an integral part of the whole of existence. Simply by being yourself, you bring light to our collective experience.
Part of the human condition is to forget our brilliance. Doubt and self-criticism blind us to the beauty of creation that lives through us. Seek to turn your attention inward. Find the space between breaths, between thoughts and enter the gap of infinite possibility.
Fulfillment is nothing more (and nothing less) than being at ease where you are. Take a moment tonight to go outside and gaze at the full moon, appreciate the starlight and feel the love that rains down upon you from all dimensions. Everything seeks to support your awakening.
You have an opportunity to share your love, your light and your laughter. See your life as a communion with the Divine. Bring gentleness and humility to your life experience and you will feel at home wherever you are.



Celebrate Friendship

“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.”
~John Joseph Powell~

Share your joy, your dance and your light with those who are ready to receive your beautiful energy. The art of friendship begins with gratitude and it must be a sharing. When you demonstrate love and friendliness toward all of life, it is reflected back to you in myriad ways.

The light of your consciousness transforms all that it shines upon. Rather than being trapped by neediness or desire, you become love and your love transforms the energy of those with whom you come in contact. We are merely reflections of one another.

In every relationship, allow enough room for the winds of heaven to dance in between you for these soul mates will cross your path again and again. When you come together, enjoy discovering who you are in the presence of the other and when you have time apart, celebrate the fact that your friendship is an expression of trust, harmony, innocence and sharing.

Share Your Gifts

“The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind.”
~David Orr~

There has never been, nor will there ever be, someone with your unique way of being in the world. This is the moment to let yourself shine.

Sharing increases the energetic flow between the souls involved. There is an opening, a transcendence, that supersedes all else and together we create something entirely new. Thus, the most beautiful way to accelerate your own transformation is to honor your gifts by bringing them into the world of form.

When your focus shifts from what you can get from the world to what you can give, joy emanates from your very being. Your light begins to spark awareness in others. Your journey of awakening becomes an inspiration. Your laughter, a healing balm in a world that is often filled with uncertainty.

Each of us has a specific role to play in the expanding consciousness of which we are all a part. Let love guide you and honor your unique way of being in the world.