Purposeful Consistency

Whatever your spiritual practice, it’s likely that there are things that you do for yourself daily to stay balanced. Simple rituals, moments of peace, meditation, workouts, mindful eating, prayer and intention all have a tremendous impact on your state of consciousness. These can easily get knocked off our to-do list when we travel, get sick or get wrapped up in the busyness of work or holidays; however, that is when they are needed the most.

It’s ok to tweak how you operate from time to time. Consistency is important, as is flowing with what the Now offers. For instance, today as I write I’m listening to the rain but feeling like I need to nurture myself physically in order to keep my immune system at it’s peak. So, rather than walking (or dancing!) in the rain as I normally would for my morning gratitude, I chose instead to lay in bed, Reiki myself, quietly do my gratitude and then consciously drank a glass of water. Each moment precious, engaging, filled with Presence.

The little choices we make set the tone for the day. Each of us is responsible for our own joy in the present moment. Create it anyway that you can.

Nurture Your Spirit

“Knowing how to be solitary is central to the art of loving. When we can be alone, we can be with others without using them as a means of escape.”
~Bell Hooks~
When we take the time to care for ourselves, we have more to give those we love. It’s important to make yourself a priority. Create moments of balance and peace, set your intentions, eat mindfully, express gratitude and choose to bring the best version of yourself to your interactions. When you have clearly defined boundaries, others will learn how to honor them.
Your way to peace is unique. Through trial and error you’ll discover what brings you joy, what drains your energy and how best to navigate the ebb and flow of life. When others act in a way that prompts greater clarity about your own needs, be thankful. That soul has played a vital role in your development.
You are a master in the process of awakening. Everything that unfolds in your experience is a purposeful aspect of your life’s journey. When operating from a space of balance, peace and insight, you’ll be able to consciously utilize whatever life has to offer in a meaningful, empowering way.