The Divine Triangle – Part 1

The Divine Triangle is an interpretation of life through the view of numerology. The soul enters the body at birth and begins a 27 year journey through the Youth cycle. This phase creates the foundation of our mind and character until we reconnect with the fire of the soul at age 27. At the Saturn return (approximately between ages 27-29) we are transformed by the fires of awareness, usually through an intense event that pivots the life direction.

At age 27 we embark upon the Power phase of our journey. Here we typically discover new aspects of ourselves through the expansion of wealth, family, business — learning the lessons of the material plane through experience. This chapter of our lives is where we face and drop the conditioning of youth and learn about empowerment. At age 54 we come into direct contact with the soul once again and there is an echo of the Saturn return to bring us into greater awareness.

The Wisdom cycle begins at age 54. This period is more introspective and we begin to reassess our choices and examine our lessons more thoroughly. The energy of power and accumulation often wanes as we reflect upon ways to connect the spiritual and the mundane within our experience.

It is important to explore each cycle fully. While we tend to manage to the blueprint we designed prior to birth, free will is always in play. The soul seeks to evolve and awaken and this beautiful planet is our playground of choice.