Cultivating Strength

“When you reach the point where you think you can go no farther, taking one more step, one more breath into the heart, is all that’s required.” 
~Ezra Bayda~ 
Every challenge you face reveals another aspect of your strength. Do not avoid your challenges; instead, approach them with conscious intention. Awakening souls seek to be tempered by experience and desire to observe our evolutionary progress in action. When problems arise, they provide an opportunity to see how conscious awareness impacts our daily experience. Life is a barometer that will always provide a indication of your level of consciousness.
Learn to create sacred spaces within your journey. Sprinkle gratitude, prayer, meditation and stillness throughout your day. Periodically, stop and look around you and choose to stand in awareness of life’s miracles. These brief pauses will move you out of the mind and into Being. In every moment you can create a unique and joyful interpretation of all in your experience
Those who have risen above tremendous challenges have a deeper level of compassion and strength that can benefit the world. Consider that you have chosen your life-path with a specific purpose in mind and then share the gifts you have discovered.

The Greatest Gift

“As delicate as flower, as tender as rose petals, choosing to be tender and kind in a harsh environment is not weakness, it’s courage.”

~Luffina Lourduraj~

As you awaken, the world around you is transformed. No longer will you feed the flames of hatred or judgment. Peace will dwell within you and naturally be expressed throughout your life situation.

When you can live from the heart rather than being driven by the stories of the mind, you bring something beautiful to the world. The impact you leave in your wake is greater than you may realize.

The more conscious you are, the less involved you will be with drama, judgment or anger. This inner transformation lifts you to another level of awareness and allows you to bring a higher, more objective perception to any situation. Your sense of peace and insight can spark new growth in those with whom you interact.
We have chosen to assist with the healing of our collective consciousness. Rather than wishing or demanding that others change, demonstrate what an inspired life looks like. Elevate others with consistent loving energy, words and actions. Your Presence is the greatest gift that you can share along the way.