Aging Consciously

“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
~Sophia Loren~

One of the benefits of conscious aging is to experience and share the wisdom of a life well lived. The explorations through youth and power lead us to discover our passions and talents. Around age 54, we enter the cycle of wisdom. Here we begin to explore the various life lessons we have faced and cultivate a better understanding of the structure of the soul.

For those unable or unwilling to do the work, aging can be frustrating. Any dysfunction becomes even more deeply entrenched and the missed lessons intensify. Life becomes a burden and often impacts others. Lost in and controlled by stories of the ego, they are unable to value and work with the power of change.

Aging can be extraordinary for those who have awakened. Moving consciously through the stages of life, they still continue to learn, adjust when needed and are less controlled by outside factors. These beautiful souls have incredible wisdom to share.