
There is an ebb and flow to life. We experience challenges more gracefully when we stay authentic and adhere to our own principles and integrity. Each journey is unique and though support and guidance are available, we must ultimately take complete responsibility for our choices, our happiness and our own awakening.

When you live gently, the world sees a calm, confident soul filled with integrity and humility. This empowered energy cannot be affected by outside factors and reflects a peaceful, loving connection with the Divine.

Release your egoic need to be more of anything in the eyes of others. This causes anxiety and precious energy is wasted striving to present yourself in a particular manner rather than allowing your unique light to shine.

Allow, allow, allow. Spend the day listening. As the observer, demonstrate your interest in others by supporting their growth.  As you change the way you view your own power and success, you’ll begin to replace strong desire with contentment. Life becomes much more simple when we are joyful, balanced and at ease with ourselves. Love yourself enough to enjoy who you are. You are right where you need to be – an awakening master on the path of transformation.

Change is Messy

“Open your mind, expand your character to embrace the world. Then you will find guidance along the path.”
~R. L. Wing, from the I Ching Workbook~

Life is quite simply this:  interconnected, continuous, transformative movement.

Whether your life situation is challenging or beautiful, remember that “This too shall pass.” Life, by it’s literal definition, is the process of adapting to change.
Change is often messy. Our attention brings everything to the surface so that we can examine, discard or renew. Consider how cleaning out a closet creates temporary chaos in that particular room. Everything gets out of joint, but the end result is a space that has benefited from your attention and energy. It’s often the same with our spiritual, emotional and mental transformation. Upheaval leads to peace.
The thunderbolt of change has the ability to awaken us to new levels of perception immediately. The opposite of a gentle rising in consciousness, sudden shifts dramatically shake up our world in ways that are unexpected, and always… always! a gift is waiting to be discovered. See each moment as simply a gathering of new information and be willing to receive – this journey of awakening is merely the beginning of a glorious transformation.