The Soul of Love

“What does is matter if I am called a man?

In truth I am the very soul of love,

The entire earth is my home

And the universe my country.”

~Darshan, A tear and a star~

The human condition is to label, judge, desire and defend. As you learn to simply immerse yourself deeply within Presence, you’ll discover that under the layers of conditioning, within the quest for understanding, you are the soul of love.


Choose to honor everything in your experience as sacred and create space in which transformation can occur. See life as an opportunity to demonstrate what love looks like in action. Using silence, conscious observation and right action we become conduits for the love, light and laughter of the Universe.


As we proceed to higher levels of consciousness, it becomes easier to walk the line of neutrality within life’s paradoxes. We often experience a world of contrasts – simultaneously dealing with the loss of loved ones, falling in love, facing financial challenges, enjoying the fruits of success or appreciating the sunrise. While a variety of experiences may flow in and out of our lives, we are the soul of love, walking in the light of expanding consciousness.


Right Action

“We go through our days responding and reacting, but it’s rare to really pause and ask…’Is this the kind of thing the person I would like to be should do?”

~Ryan Holiday~

Awareness ensures that your responses to life are empowered rather than reactive. Once the ego is no longer in control, your stillness and alertness will allow you to bring a higher consciousness to any situation. From that space of awareness, the action (or inaction) that is for the highest good of all involved will make itself known. Then you can act with integrity, do your best and accept what is.
Another way to observe right action in motion is that, once completed, it drops completely from your consciousness. There is no need to replay it, take credit for it, wonder if your choice was ‘right’ or worry about how things will unfold. This is the Divine working through you without ego-driven interference.
Cultivate mastery through the simple things of your experience such as driving, interactions with your children, the energy you bring to your work or your self-dialogue. The peace of Presence is always there. Honor the present moment as sacred by experiencing it fully.

Conscious Non-reactivity

“When I say it’s you I like, I’m talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and justice that proves more powerful than greed.”

~Fred Rogers~

You don’t have to be a master to be peaceful and non-reactive. Just do your best to be conscious. When faced with someone angry or offensive, your greatest weapon is neutrality. Rather than lowering your vibration to meet them where they are, seek instead to pause, check your own state of consciousness, and then respond.

This slight gap between noticing and reacting allows you to connect with your higher self rather than the ego-driven personality. To be moderate and mindful is a powerful way to interact. One can still speak truth or take right action without moving into judgement. Your integrity, wisdom and awareness can be a powerful example.

We can weave higher consciousness into the mundane aspects of our life situations. Your spiritual practice is in the here and Now.