Laughter Enlightens

“Just imagine if we laughed more frequently, if we had the unmitigated courage to touch each other, it would be just the beginning of paradise now.”

~Maya Angelou~

Laughter, born of joy and lightheartedness, connects people. Authentic smiles are contagious, briefly bridging the gap between strangers, deepening the bond of love between soulmates, or brightening a solitary moment with mirth. Enlightenment is the shedding away of anything that blocks peace, love, joy and Presence; therefore, we can choose to utilize laughter as a powerful spiritual tool.

Consider how hard the ego works to ensure that you are constantly in a state of worry, attachment or judgment. Deep in thought, the situation at hand seems heavy and overwhelming. If you were to look in the mirror, you’d see someone stressed, reactive, perhaps with the mouth pursed in frustration, and likely unable to see a solution. Taking it further, there are those who feel guilty being happy or expressing joy as long as there are others who are struggling in the world.

There are endless ways to bring lightheartedness into your experience. Utilize playfulness and joy as powerful aspects of your awakening and choose to welcome laughter in with an open heart.

Friendship as the Highest Form of Love

“Just be friendly. Rather than creating friendship, create friendliness. Let it become a quality of your being, a climate that surrounds you, so you are friendly with whomever you come in contact.”

Sometimes we meet others and feel an instant connection. From the moment of ‘hello’ there is a feeling of safety and warmth and this person brings something special to your life experience. These are typically reunions of two souls who have played together in many lifetimes. The ease you feel is the natural result of the many interactions and karmic agreements you two have shared.
As an older soul, you may have this feeling often. Your long history on the planet has likely included many members of your soul group. This is why we must be accepting and grateful for those who grace our lives. It might be a brief re-connection or you may share the journey for a while but the feeling is one of coming home.
And when someone leaves your life, know this: you will ultimately spend far, far more time together in eternity that the few moments here in this lifetime that you spend apart.
Let friendliness become your true nature. Your kindness and friendship is simply an abundance which must be shared.


“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
~Alan Watts~

Some see life as drudgery. Everything becomes heavy and difficult because of the energy they bring to their life situations. Yet others, perhaps appearing simple or foolish to the uninitiated, seem to play their way through life and manage to navigate challenges with greater ease.

The higher your vibration, the easier things flow. Bring playfulness into your experiences in any way that you can. Be together for the sheer joy of it. Celebrate as you walk the path of transformation without attachment to an end result.

Life is rarely as serious as the ego would like you to believe and there are many, many opportunities to bring lightheartedness into your experience. When you utilize playfulness as a powerful aspect of your awakening, everything in your experience becomes part of a loving,  vibrant conversation between you and the Divine.

It is safe to be open and vulnerable and filled with delight. May your soul be liberated by laughter. May you discover the many facets of love that seek expression through you.


“Creativity is the state of consciousness in which you enter into the treasury of your innermost being and bring the beauty into manifestation.”
~Torkom Saraydarian~

The energy behind creation is filled with the life force of the infinite. Consider that there are always new facets to explore, each of which will reveal something that your spirit is ready to learn.

Ancient wisdom is ready to feed your consciousness and transform your life. When you choose to explore with innocence, faith and wonder, you prepare yourself to take a risk and experience something new. You are the conduit between the mystic and the mundane.

It’s imperative to release any limiting beliefs or energetic blockages that slow down the flow of energy. Let the measure of peace in your experience be your barometer. The clearer you are, the more balanced your response to life will be.

Failure is an important aspect in this process. When we miss the mark, we can simply observe, adjust, and act. We learn a great deal from our mistakes and then try again armed with knowledge that we will either succeed or learn. Don’t play it safe. You are here to thrive, to awaken and to love.


“To me there is nothing more sacred than love and laughter, and there is nothing more prayerful than playfulness.”


Balanced play creates greater peace in your experience and squirrel is a wonderful teacher. She constantly frolics and chatters, often chasing a friend in circles around the trees. But she is also industrious. In her play, she gathers and stores nuts. As the seasons change, many of those hidden nuts are forgotten and some begin to grow. In her playfulness, she emits the essence of pure presence, the side effects of which can be seen for years to come.

Consider bringing lightheartedness into your experience. This can be accomplished with a conscious change of attitude. Day to day tasks take on new meaning and time flows differently. The work still gets done, but it is no longer draining. Your balance and well-being amplifies all that you do with heightened energy and meaning. You may be surprised to discover how much energy is available to you.

Your joyful energy can be a reminder to those who are driven by fear, stress or worry that there is a different way to experience life. And perhaps, your example will plant seeds of transformation.


“See the world through the eyes of your inner child.
The eyes that sparkle in awe and amazement as they see love, magic and mystery in the most ordinary things.”     
~Henna Sohail~ 

After years of adding layers of knowledge and experience, the spiritual seeker comes to realize the value of simplicity, childlike wonder and innocence. Thus, the path of awakening calls upon us to drop all the heaviness we have amassed and return to our true nature.

Playfulness is an important aspect of discovery because it allows us to release all pretense and paves the way for laughter to guide us into new realms of no-thought. Often, our striving actually pushes what we desire away from us. This energy can be reversed by moving into a state of ease and receptivity. Consider all the times you focused considerable energy trying to remember something only to have the word, idea or name dance out of reach. And then after moving on to something new, it comes to you effortlessly.

Bring this openness into your daily experience by choosing to see through the eyes of a child. Explore the immense difference between intellectualizing and hugging a tree. Let your heart lead the way.

The Magic We Create

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”
~Roald Dahl~

A magical life is one that sparkles with light, love and laughter. Our choices set energy in motion and we have the ability to consciously direct it in myriad ways. The higher your vibration, the more expanded your perception; therefore, it stands to reason that as you evolve, it becomes easier to recognize the impact your state of consciousness has on the present moment.

When faced with a challenge or disappointment, observe any inner scripts that begin to run. If you notice a pattern or reaction that feels limiting, ask yourself if that problem is more important than your joy. Utilizing this koan will help you remember that you are a powerful co-creator in your life experience.

Gossamer threads of light weave webs of playfulness throughout the journey. As energy emanates from you, it travels along that grid of energy impacting every other being on the planet. See what you can create, how you can demonstrate love and what you can contribute. We are blessed by your Presence.

Play Your Way to Higher Consciousness

“Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair…”
~susan polis schutz~

Being unaware of their own divinity, many seek solace in fleeting egoic desires such as fame, possessions or accomplishments. Empowerment comes from the willingness to share whatever you are afraid of losing. All treasures become tarnished without use and when you loosen your grip, you’ll discover the freedom that expansiveness can bring.

Our purpose here is not about things, but the consciousness we discover as a result of how we choose to play with the things of this world. It’s wonderful to enjoy all the physical aspects of being human, but always empowering to remember the richness of your true infinite nature. There is plenty of time and limitless possibilities to explore.

All the inhabitants of the earth – the rocks and plant life, the wind and clouds, birds and flowers and animals – all are our brothers and sisters in the exquisite tapestry of life. Human beings can often forget this in their personal fight to get what they need and create a sense of security… all the while cultivating feelings of desperation and fear.

You have a purpose of this planet. You play an integral part in the evolving consciousness of existence and in that knowledge of a deeper and more meaningful connection, fear disappears. There is love all around you.


“See the world through the eyes of your inner child.
The eyes that sparkle in awe and amazement as they see love, magic and mystery in the most ordinary things.”     
~Henna Sohail~ 

It is time to rediscover your innocence. After years of adding layers of knowledge and experience the spiritual seeker comes to realize the value of simplicity, childlike wonder and innocence. Thus, the path of awakening calls upon us to drop all the heaviness we have amassed and return to our true nature.

Playfulness is an important aspect of discovery because it allows us release all pretense and let laughter guide us into new realms of no-thought. Often, our striving actually pushes what we desire away from us. This energy can be reversed by moving into a state of ease and receptivity. Consider all the times you focused considerable energy trying to remember something only to have the word, idea or name dance out of reach. And then after moving on to something new, it comes to you effortlessly.

Bring this openness into your daily experience by choosing to see through the eyes of a child. Explore the immense difference between intellectualizing and hugging a tree and let your heart lead the way.