Healing Angels

Patterns repeat until we no longer need them. In the dance of life, lessons will arrive in differing forms until we have had the opportunity to examine them from every angle. Experience leads to wisdom and wisdom leads to compassion.
When we are ready to break free from a limiting belief, we send out a soul-level request indicating our desire to face a particular pattern. The souls who respond love you enough to risk your displeasure (on the level of form) and will play whatever role is needed for your growth. These beautiful souls are called our healing angels.
Our healing angels provide an opportunity to release old beliefs or discover a healthier way of dealing with repeating challenges. Resist nothing. Observe what role you may play in repeating circumstances and consciously choose to do things differently. This may take a few tries, after all, you’re exploring new realms of experience. It can often be difficult to recognize a pattern when you are immersed within it; however, asking yourself if a particular situation is bringing up familiar feelings, responses or thoughts is a good place to begin.
Finally the day will come when you recognize that you’re responding differently than you ever have. You may see the humor, feel neutral, or simply have compassion for those who have yet to learn that particular lesson… and then it’s off to the next.

Change is Messy

“Open your mind, expand your character to embrace the world. Then you will find guidance along the path.”
~R. L. Wing, from the I Ching Workbook~

Life is quite simply this:  interconnected, continuous, transformative movement.

Whether your life situation is challenging or beautiful, remember that “This too shall pass.” Life, by it’s literal definition, is the process of adapting to change.
Change is often messy. Our attention brings everything to the surface so that we can examine, discard or renew. Consider how cleaning out a closet creates temporary chaos in that particular room. Everything gets out of joint, but the end result is a space that has benefited from your attention and energy. It’s often the same with our spiritual, emotional and mental transformation. Upheaval leads to peace.
The thunderbolt of change has the ability to awaken us to new levels of perception immediately. The opposite of a gentle rising in consciousness, sudden shifts dramatically shake up our world in ways that are unexpected, and always… always! a gift is waiting to be discovered. See each moment as simply a gathering of new information and be willing to receive – this journey of awakening is merely the beginning of a glorious transformation.


“All through your life your soul takes care of you…your soul is alive and awakened, gathering, sheltering and guiding your ways and days in the world. In effect, your soul is your secret shelter.”
~John O’Donohue~
Do not fear the emotional moments of your experience for they come as teachers, grabbing your attention as they direct you on an inward journey. Feelings appear, often at unexpected times and we should honor them as sacred. Observe the thoughts that arise with them. You may discover something that is ready to be healed and released.
It’s important to dive beneath the story and turbulence to the calm and quiet of still waters. No matter how intense the situation, you carry this peace within you. If something is important enough to take over your experience, it is important enough to explore. Often, the trigger has very little to do with the issue at the core of your upset.
Just as the earth and air seem a little more pure after a good rain, so too, will your spirit feel cleared out and lighter. As an awakening master, you have the power to transform intensity into empowerment. You soul knows exactly what it is doing.

Living the Mystery

“Remember, mystery isn’t something that you cannot understand—it is something that you can endlessly understand! There is no point at which you can say, “I’ve got it.” Always and forever, mystery gets you!”
~Richard Rohr~

When you view life as a mystery, new doors will open. Those who are trapped in thought become lost in the mire of projection, seeing only what they are programmed to see. The only thing that transforms this prison is silent awareness. Pay attention to your thoughts and you’ll notice that they are all ideas that have been passed down from others.

The mind is not reality; it is a limited interpretation of experience. Once you lock into an idea or a belief, you block all other possibility. Seeing life as a mystery implies that it cannot be solved or completely understood. We need to learn to become open, receptive and clear. Thoughts come and go, but the stillness of your eternal being always remains.
Cultivating an awareness of your ability to create joy brings a sense of freedom into your experience. Be present for whatever arises in the Now and live without pretense. You have nothing to prove and everything to discover.

Infinite Possibilities

“When you acknowledge the integrity of your solitude, and settle into its mystery, your relationships with others take on a new warmth, adventure and wonder.”
~John O’Donohue~

There is a fathomless place within you where infinite possibilities dwell. Over lifetimes, you will explore the limitless facets of love, enlightenment, creativity and ways of being. Each level of exploration offers myriad ways to express yourself as you are transformed by the varied experiences drawn into your realm.

Those who are not consciously seeking enlightenment are still on this journey. Their inner wisdom prompts them along a path of discovery where new information is constantly being absorbed until suddenly, something shifts. A new paradigm emerges – seemingly out of nowhere – and life takes on new meaning. This is the powerful, natural process of awakening.

Practicing non-judgment and acceptance creates a space in which that transformation can occur. Your willingness to allow others to be exactly where they are creates a level of safety where they can drop their defenses, clearing the way for new insights to emerge.

When you choose to see everyone as your teacher, life becomes a place of empowerment and discovery. Trust the processes of your awakening with the realization that you are right where you need to be.