
When we come together, a synergy is created that shines brilliantly throughout the universe. This is what love looks like. It is fluid and expansive and allows us to explore life as we discover who we are in the presence of another.

In union, watch how your energies merge and change. Relationships reflect our desire for Oneness. Choose to leave enough room for the winds of heaven to dance in between and enjoy the beauty you create during moments of connection.

All relationships ultimately lead us to a greater union with the Divine. As we learn to provide consistent, loving acceptance for those who grace our lives, we experience the joyousness that results from watching them discover their unique way of being in the world.

Acceptance allows those you love the freedom to shine. In the present moment we can choose to give support and affection with a peaceful, open heart, and honor the riches and inspiration the other has to offer as sacred.

Allow compassion, kindness and gratitude to create a foundation for healthy, supportive relationships. Love with a gentle strength. Love in a way that expands your own heart and you’ll discover a well that never runs dry.

Space in Togetherness

“But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: but let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.”
~Kahlil Gibran~

Choose to bring an unprotected heart to your meeting place.

Love empowers us to discover who we are in the presence of another. As we release limiting beliefs, heal old emotional wounds and come to realize our own value, we cease seeking outside validation. Love is transformed from ego-driven neediness into healthy, supportive interactions.

Everyone in your life is in a continual process of growth and one of the greatest challenges is to drop your own expectations and attachments. Your willingness to allow those you love to learn their lessons in their own way creates space where transformation can occur.

Ram Dass once said, “We are all just walking each other home.” Whether someone graces your life for a moment or for many years, simply love them as fellow travelers. Should your paths diverge, be grateful for the aspects of the journey you have shared and all that you have learned together.