Honor the Journey as Sacred

“See the light in others, and treat them as if that is all you see.”

~Wayne W. Dyer~

People often get lost in judgment and miss the opportunity to experience the Now with an open heart. Discovering the role someone plays in this life can lead to a set of assumptions and beliefs that impact how we interact with one another. We have a tendency to feel comfortable with those who have a similar outlook and forget that our differences are what teach us the most.

When you find yourself forming an opinion about someone based upon how they refer to themselves (political party, religion or lack thereof, career, etc), keep in mind that he or she is an evolving soul like any other. When we interact without judgment or expectation, we emit a beautiful source of energy and vibration that creates space in which transformation can occur. Ego needs another ego in order to create conflict. As spiritual seekers, we can choose to consciously rise above separations caused by the mechanisms of the mind and touch someones life in a loving and peaceful way.

As you walk the journey of awakening, rising above challenges, discovering your strengths and learning from experience… seek to know the Divine in one another with appreciation of the various ways in which we weave a tapestry of exquisite design.


At the sacred center of yourself is freedom from the bondage of the mind, from limitation, and from fear. Cultivating the art of non-attachment frees you to live a life of purpose in harmony with all those around you… and because your heart is open, more will be drawn to you.

The Tao teaches that when we shift our energy from acquiring to being a conduit for the Divine (allowing light and energy to flow freely), we realize that there is more than enough.

This same approach can be applied to anything or anyone in your life. The tighter you cling, the more the ego causes you to operate from fear, and the more lack you create in your experience. Conversely, allowing creates a space for fulfillment. Start small. Give away something that matters to you. Share the joy that this object has brought you.  Then observe how you feel. Is there a lightness? A sense of freedom? A lingering regret? Pay attention to your degree of attachment.

Next, focus on a specific belief. Purposely lose your rigidness. Observe when you want to speak up to give an opinion and consciously choose to remain silent. Again, the degree of discomfort shows your attachment to an idea or to being seen as right.

Non-attachment creates a flow of ease and grace in your experience. Call upon the silent knowing of your soul and offer loving compassion in every corner of your life.

Ego and Gossip

Observe how the ego reacts when you find yourself immersed in a story that is unfolding. Likely, the voice of ego will be clamoring to share it with someone. Why? It’s interesting to watch how the mind reacts when you consciously choose to say nothing or remain neutral in situations while others are lost in comparison, blame or schadenfreude.

Keep in mind that triggers or emotional reactivity are typically a result of some sort of reflection, deflection or projection. When one is lost in gossip or accusation, their words often speak volumes about their own struggles and wounds. Focusing energy outward is a powerful distraction. As long as the ego can see something “wrong” in another, it is too busy to look within to do the work of healing.

Presence calls upon us to be mindful. Pay attention to what you choose to say today. Is it helpful, uplifting or supportive? The light of your awareness is transformative and will help you to see through the mechanisms of the mind with greater clarity. Once you remove gossip and opinion from your own narrative, you will enter the realm of empowered presence. It is there that peacefulness resides.