
Sometimes we have to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are.

Everyone faces their own dark night of the soul as part of the quest to awaken. These moments can create feelings of loss and confusion; however, they are a necessary aspect of transformation. The ego will often play a script that says, “If only this person knew [what I’ve seen, been through, done], they’d see me differently.” And thus, we see ourselves as separate from one another because of our perceived deficiencies.


Nothing could be further from the truth. Our very human struggles are what allow us to rise above, cultivate compassion and drop judgment. The more we work with our hidden wounds, the more we discover the love and Oneness that bind us together.
Be gentle with yourself. When someone appreciates beauty or courage or tenacity within you, know that it is a loving reminder of things you may have forgotten. You are a work in progress, a master in the process of awakening. And no matter how much you’ve learned so far, know this – you are just getting started. The resilience of your soul is ready to shine.

Soul Circle

“A ‘heart-link’ describes the relationship between two persons who have known each other for many lifetimes and who have developed a deep and loving understanding of each other on an essence level.”
~Jose Stevens~   
We are constantly planting seeds of experience. Our soul group comes to participate throughout our lifetime, each person playing their part in the expansion of consciousness. On unseen levels, our spirit guides, angels, healing masters and helpers coordinate encounters and coincidences to assist along the way.
Sometimes, things on the physical plane appear to be the opposite of what is actually occurring – losses turn into new beginnings, friendships implode teaching us to become more authentic and intimate, blockages force us to change our plans and unexpected beauty flows into our lives. It’s important not to create limitation by demanding that things unfold in a particular way.

When you meet someone with whom you have an immediate connection, chances are that you’ve interacted many, many times. These relationships can often be confusing until one understands the feeling of Oneness is due to past soul work rather than the traditional karmic agreements.


Sometimes these beautiful souls come in to offer support, pivot your direction or remind you of what you’re here to accomplish. Follow your intuition and see what unfolds in your experience.


Some people grace your life for a moment, others for a lifetime… and everything possible in between.
Accept whatever unfolds in your experience. People enter our lives to offer new insights, ideas, feelings and lessons, staying as long as our soul requires. For those with whom we share karmic contracts, interactions may be filled with the emotional highs and lows of human connection; however, they always offer opportunities to expand our consciousness and grow in ways that we’ve never imagined. When emotions become more neutral it is an indication that the contract is complete. Bless those who have graced your life. See them as the loving teachers that they are and send them on their way with encouragement and gratitude. The time spent apart is infinitesimal compared to the bond of eternity, wholeness and Oneness that we share.


When you choose to live in acceptance rather than spend your vital and precious energy clinging to the past, you are free to live life empowered, joyful and fully anchored in the Now. At the deepest level, all things are one. There is no separation and our purpose is simply to awaken to this knowledge while helping one another along the way.

Your Divine Nature

“Gradually we’ll learn from one another what we forgot. That we’re all one. Our relationships will enable us. The law of karma will teach us. Our challenges will focus us. Love will remind us.”
~Jose Stevens~
With our limited human perception, it’s difficult to process the idea of eternity. Time is a construct of the mind and often it drives us to hurry through the present moment in order to get somewhere else; however, the present moment is all there is. 

We are all participating in an exploration of separateness. The lifetimes we spend on this planet, the roles we play and the lessons we learn from one another are only the beginning of an incredible journey to rediscover Oneness. You are a spark of the Divine – infinite, eternal, and multi-faceted. When challenges arise, understand that a breakthrough is possible. The movement into awareness transforms your life experience.

There is enough time. Everyone on the planet will eventually evolve through all earth-based soul ages: Infant, Baby, Young, Mature and Old to finally discover that we are all One. Tending to your own state of consciousness will ultimately aid in the awakening of all humanity. Have compassion for yourself and for one another.

Conscious Suffering


Spiritual practice has little to do with logical explanations. The mind will always question ‘Why?’ when challenges arise. This desire for knowledge is an egoic trap which tells us that we must understand in order to alleviate our discomfort. Any reasons we discover – psychological, physiological, karmic, etc. – are only part of the story. Oneness teaches us that everything is interconnected – and the infinite nature of complexity means both that we can discover multiple approaches that help us on our journey as well as the truth that, as humans, our vision and ability to understand is very limited.

There are blinders that obscure our vision. Deep understanding never lies within the cognitive world of ‘why’ but in experiencing the complexity of the present moment with an openness that defies explanation. We encounter both minute and life-changing challenges as we navigate the path of transformation and during each, the spiritual seeker has the option to suffer consciously. The contrast we discover between the mechanisms of the mind and the playfulness we experience when we feel balanced and connected is the paradox that teaches through the human condition in a way that leads us ever closer to the Divine.

All things work to the highest good (whether one has the ability to see it now or later). Should clarity elude you, take one more conscious step forward honoring each moment as part of your unique journey of awakening. Faith in the process of your development is key. There are gifts to be discovered in the midst of every challenge.

The Gift of Adversity

When your focus is on higher consciousness, problems seem to solve themselves… or your shift in perception may show you that they weren’t problems in the first place.
In the midst of challenges, the human mind wants to respond with blame and self-justification. Once we’re caught in the drama of desires, opinion and judgments, we are relating to one another from the limited viewpoint of the human condition and only limitation and distress can follow.
When we work to create greater awareness within ourselves, we relate to one another from the realm of spaciousness and love – holding the knowledge that we can traverse the levels of consciousness and ultimately move from conflict to communion. Empowerment comes by quieting the mind and going within.

Nothing in your life should have been any different than it was. There are no mistakes, only opportunities to discover your strengths and abilities. When we choose acceptance rather than resistance, life becomes a series of possibilities.

Everyone participates in this sacred process of discovery. Treat each person you meet as a disciple of love and wisdom. Bring patience to the process of growth – it often takes lifetimes to completely break free of limiting patterns.

In the end, we discover the truth of Oneness and celebrate the infinite potential of all beings.


Spiritual maturity creates freedom. One is no longer controlled by external events but by an inner stillness which offers a sense of peace and connection. This moment carries a gift – consider the foundation you can create in your life  when you realize that joy is merely another aspect of your growth. Each of us walks the Path of Transformation, and no matter where you are on your journey, the light of love will lead you onward.

When at peace, take the time to observe your reflection in all beauty you see. The Divine sparkles in the morning dew. It vibrates within every sound you hear and resides within the core of your being. Find the Infinite within nature, art, inventions, exploration and dance. Experience the feeling of wonder as you walk in communion with life.

When we recognize that we are One, how can we harm another or the world around us? How can we harm ourselves? Life has many secrets to share when we become willing to listen. This is the opportunity to expand your perception and hear the voice of the Divine which is calling you home… and how beautiful is the discovery that home is already within you?

Moments of Connection

No matter what you choose to do, do it mindfully. Take a moment to enjoy the uniqueness of your journey, your preferences, those who grace your life with their presence, and all that you’ve discovered thus far. We have much to learn from these simple moments of connection.

Eventually, you’ll find yourself living outside the cycle of story and drama and treasuring the Oneness you’ve discovered within your experience. Life opens up into new dimensions when we put down the burdens we have carried and become attentive to the mystery.

Spiritual awakening and raising ones consciousness is a process. Sometimes it comes bursting through our experience as an insight or revelation, while in others, it manifests as a gentle, subtle flow that goes unnoticed until life presents a situation that demonstrate how far we’ve come.

You are here to make a difference. You are here to bring peacefulness into the space you inhabit. You are here to awaken and share your gifts. Your life is meant to be one of discovery, a book in which you write the story of your choosing. We reside in a wonderful world of choice – will you choose resistance or celebration?

Openness and Acceptance

“Let go of certainty. The opposite isn’t uncertainty. It’s openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides. The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never stop trying to learn and grow.”
~Tony Schwartz~

Consider the uses of adversity. Challenges push us places we would rarely choose to go, yet we emerge wholly enriched by the experience. Understand deeply that all pain is self-imposed. Bring conscious awareness to your discomfort and you will discover ways to transform the energy into empowerment. This may look different from situation to situation but it always begins with openness and acceptance.

When you can face the mechanisms of the ego – old scripting, others’ fears, limiting patterns – you cultivate the courage that can only be found by one who has made the arduous journey. Each breakthrough builds upon the last and teaches that you are strong enough to weather the storm.

Wisdom seeks to express itself through you. With each step, honor your path as sacred and simply bring the best version of yourself to the present moment. This is the pathway of realization. You are enough and all will unfold in the perfect way at the perfect time.

Enter the Mystery

“That is where my dearest and brightest dreams have ranged — to hear for the duration of a heartbeat the universe and the totality of life in its mysterious, innate harmony.”
~Hermann Hesse~
There is something deeply beautiful about sensing the miraculous in the mundane. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we are living conduits between the mystical and physical. Let your heart find delight in the simple pleasures of the present moment.
In stillness, it becomes possible to merge with the energies of the sky, a tree, the ocean or music. Allow yourself to enter the realms of limitless possibility. Just be. Explore Oneness with the world around you. The more expansive your vision, the more able you’ll be to see beyond the roles and limited perception of others. Therein lies the freedom of enlightenment.
See those who grace your life as partners in the dance of awakening. Listen with an open heart with the knowledge that the universe often speaks through the unlikeliest of sources. These gifts of spirit blend to create a tapestry of exquisite design. One day you’ll step back and be able to recognize the mystery and the perfection of it all.