Transforming Obstacles Into Empowerment

“The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition.”
~Ryan Holiday~

When faced with a challenge, observe how quickly you can step into it and examine the possibilities. Rather than wasting time on resistance or complaint, jump into the dance knowing that something far greater than you imagined is in play. The ego loves to weave stories about how something is wrong or should not have happened; however, everything on the path plays a purposeful role in your spiritual development.

Empowerment resides on the other side of fear. The willingness to take one conscious step forward sets powerful energy in motion. With each step, you will discover a new aspect of yourSelf that is ready to shine. Knowing that there is grace to be found within the challenge, instead of asking “Why?” ask “How can I bring the best version of myself to this situation?” This attitude draws in wisdom, insight, conscious action and resolve.

The past doesn’t define us, but it does inform us. Step into empowerment by taking ownership of your life and choices. Honor your path of awakening as sacred. The best is yet to come.

The Obstacle is the Path

The obstacle is the path. When life presents our darkest moments, we have the opportunity to rise above. Know that your soul is ready to face whatever life offers – and realize that challenging situations only come into our experience when we have the tools and ability to handle them.
Obstacles provide an opportunity to cultivate new skills. They show us how far we have come on the path of awakening and allow us to discover our true potential. Bring a sense of adventure to the challenges of your life. Seek to find unique ways to face the hurdles you encounter, keeping a consistent, positive attitude to the best of your ability. There is nothing you can’t handle.
The only blockages we carry are limiting beliefs about our worthiness, strength, ingenuity and vision. Challenges provide the opportunity to leave behind the baggage, take action and break through to new levels of enlightenment.
Spirit has creative ways of propelling us into growth. Life occasionally takes a screaming left turn into the unknown and we must either face it or give up. Fortunately, the tendency of the soul is to evolve. Left with no other option, fear dissipates when we choose to walk forward.