
“The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart. The most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace.”
~Carlos Santana~

The gift of stillness is immeasurable. When we can engage life with an open heart, we create space where a transformation can occur. There will always be opportunities to practice being present amidst the cacophony of experience; therefore, it’s helpful to periodically do things that nurture your spirit. Conscious, deep breathing is a wonderful place to begin.

Seek to be an authentic example of the love, light and laughter of the universe. Your expression of the divine is unique and necessary for our collective growth and the greatest gift you can share is your peaceful energy.

Utilize gratitude to open a connection to your inner knowledge and ability to listen. Your appreciation sparks joy and allows wisdom to speak quietly in the stillness. As your consciousness expands, your interactions will become more meaningful and healing.

You bring something beautiful to the world.


The Portal

“The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one of two things: either love, or a call for love.”
~Marianne Williamson~

Love seeks expression through you. Each of us is a conduit through which Divine energy flows and our task is to create a clear pathway. Within the physical illusion our true spiritual nature becomes convoluted by childhood imprinting, beliefs, expectations and the ego-driven need to identify with the role we play rather than with the essence of the soul.

You will draw in the people, circumstances and experiences that best serve your growth. Acceptance and awareness begin the process of expansion. Your conscious interpretation and willingness to learn opens the doorway to greater insight and development. This process will continue until you are simply a consistent source of love, no matter what unfolds in your experience.

Immerse yourself deeply within the Now. Let your loving heart awaken so that you may see only the soul of the other and learn something extraordinary about life and about yourself. With compassionate detachment we can offer empathy, take right action or be a consistent source of peace. The key is simply to bring loving awareness to the present moment.

Passion and Purpose

“We are all capable of living each day with a fiery passion and sense of purpose that radiates in our smile and voice.”
~Robert Cheeke~
Passion is the fire that sparks movement, experience, and ultimately, wisdom. Since our only true purpose is to awaken, why not make the journey of discovery playful – a celebration of joy?  Life will always present contrasting experiences. We can choose to approach challenges with an open heart and bring compassion into our expression of being.
The paradox of human experience calls upon us to simultaneously be sympathetic and helpful to those who are in pain while consciously keeping ourselves balanced. Reactivity brings energy to lower vibrations. We simply cannot be as effective in a state of reaction as we are when aligned with our passion, purpose and inner wisdom.
The key is to appreciate the beauty in each moment. To live deeply immersed in the Now brings a sense of joy into the daily activities of your life. Then, whatever actions you choose to take will be infused with the wholeness of your spirit. This is the process of transforming your life into an empowered dance of awakening.

The Beauty of Contrast

“A flower’s appeal is in its contradictions — so delicate in form yet strong in fragrance, so small in size yet big in beauty, so short in life yet long on effect.”
~Terri Guillemets~
This plane of experience is all about contrasts. Every situation we encounter contains both light and dark, intensity and gentleness, sadness and joy. We must learn the delicate balance of dancing between the two without getting lost in the maze of illusion. Regardless of how it appears, love resides at the core of all things.
Life is a tapestry of dark and light, made even more beautiful by the contrast and creative way it unfolds. To dance in the light of love is to honor whatever arises in the present moment and greet it with open arms.

The desire to heal and share the knowledge we’ve acquired expands the ability to cultivate compassion for one another. We have a unique opportunity to discover the dreams and attributes we share and weave them into an exquisite work of art.

Whatever is experienced in the field of Now is simply that which is required for your growth. Observe the flow of life, your response to it and how you process this information. As you evolve, you’ll bring this sense of awareness and balance into each and every moment.

Living in Joy

“If we can just let go and trust that things will work out they way they’re supposed to, without trying to control the outcome, then we can begin to enjoy the moment more fully. The joy of the freedom it brings becomes more pleasurable than the experience itself.”
~Goldie Hawn~

Joy is what remains when we release that which no longer serves us – fear, ego, limitation and procrastination.

Stress destroys one’s health and well-being and blocks us from experiencing all the present moment has to offer; however, joy creates a flow of abundance and empowerment. Those who choose to be joyful discover the magic of being a powerful co-creator throughout the various movements of life.

Find your own joyful way of being. Savor your life experience and dance in the flow of love. Let each moment be a reminder that you are infinite and divine for you are truly a spiritual master in the process of awakening.

Being fully present guides you through any challenges that arise with an expanded awareness of the possibilities that are available to you. From this space of objectivity, you’ll discover greater balance and freedom to explore the infinite facets of your being.


“Wisdom consists in doing the next thing you have to do, doing it with your whole heart and find delight in doing it.”  
~Meister Eckhart~  

The dance of awakening is a beautiful synergy of opposites. We learn to navigate the illusion of the physical world while integrating the limitless possibility of the spiritual. Honor the movement of awareness as it weaves its magic in your experience. Learn to be comfortable with the unknown. Your true sacred nature resides within that field of limitless potential.

Our human experience is one of paradox – everything is messed up, yet everything is ok. When we pull back from the stories of the mind and become loving observers, we discover the ability to live consciously within the paradox.
We are One, yet each of us has a unique path of awakening and each of us must do our own work. Contrasts are required: there is no love without hate, no light without the darkness, no awakening without sleep.
Learn to see the value in everything. See yourself as an infinite source of energy experiencing the illusion of separation. Know that your journey is infinite and that you will never stop learning. But also, know that you are Divine, a master in the process of remembering. Human perception is small and limited… life and love are immense.

Inner Freedom

“I don’t mind what happens. That is the essence of inner freedom.
It is a timeless spiritual truth: release attachment to outcomes,
deep inside yourself, you’ll feel good no matter what.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Have you ever been overwhelmed by a beautiful day? Have you allowed yourself to sit and just be, appreciated the breeze as it touched your skin or loved a moment of stillness in the midst of a busy world? That is reality. That sense of wonder which connects you to life is available in every situation. Underneath the chaos of the mind lies an eternal reservoir of grace that you can drink from anytime you wish.

The light of your consciousness transforms whatever it shines upon. Periodically take a moment to bring your attention to the Now and reside fully within it. Even the most mundane aspects of life will sparkle with brilliance and you will be able to recognize the sacredness of your own divinity.

This moment provides a wonderful new opportunity to see yourself clearly. Bask in the radiance of the light which shines through you. You are love in motion.


Mindful Silence

“Learn to be silent. Let your quiet mind listen and absorb.”

Silence is more than the absence of noise. A living presence, it allows us to enter the temple of the Divine by journeying deep within ourselves. Very few people are comfortable in the space of infinite possibility. They seek diversion and distraction and become lost within the echos and mechanisms of the mind.

Mindful silence will connect you to all of existence. This moment is beautiful, fulfilling and poignant. When you immerse yourself within it, it becomes apparent that all you need is already here. Cease striving for a particular end result. Instead, find the completeness in the Now. Whatever you choose to do, however you choose to feel, do it completely and patiently. This immersion will bring about transcendence. Live every moment as if there is no other moment to come.

It is the space between the notes which creates beauty in music. Without the space and intent, there is only noise. Learn to be the space in the symphony of your life. Embody compassion and stillness and purposely align yourself with love. In the stillness you’ll discover that everything is possible, yet nothing is required.

Allowing Happiness

“How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now, and there will never be a time that is not now.”
~Gerald Jampolsky~

Allowing is the secret to happiness. Once we begin to let go, space is created in our lives, and in that space we discover beauty that was there all along. All too often the mind engages in an inner warfare of holding on to old resentments or patterns that result in unhappiness. While we’re distracted by this inner dialog, life continues on.

Each of us has the capacity to set ourselves free from the burdens that we carry. Create enough openings in your experience to participate in the mysteries of the Divine. Don’t postpone your happiness – life is here Now.

Love this moment and participate in it fully. When it’s time to work, be fully present and engaged. When it’s time to relax, leave work behind and allow yourself the time to recharge. If the moment calls upon you to lie in the sun, enjoy every aspect of it.

As you develop your own inner richness and maturity, you’ll become less attached to the romanticized ideas of youth. Cultivating a connection to the Divine brings joy into the present moment. Sometimes the sight of a beautiful sunset will lift us out of thought and into Presence where joy resides.

The Power of Presence

“True freedom is when all the stories, all the insights, all the realizations, concepts, beliefs and positions dissolve. What remains is what you are; a vast, conscious, luminous space simply resting in itself, not knowing a thing, at the point where all things are possible.”
~Enza Vita~

Presence is achieved by going inward. The ego disappears, the roles and life situations become transparent and only empowered silence remains. When you begin to realize that you are much more than the stories of the mind, you have planted the seeds of your own spiritual maturity.

You can bring a powerful sense of peace and well-being to this moment. Life presents opportunities to respond to darkness with light, to show kindness to those who seem to reject it the most and to experience the infinite Presence of the Now.

Ultimately, you create your own experiences, have your own insights and live a unique journey.  No matter how you choose to connect to the Divine, do it consistently. Let your life be a walking meditation with the realization that awareness is your true nature. As you drop old patterns and limiting beliefs, you are left only with the infinite mystery of your being.