Healing in Moonlight

“Let the magical night sky with beautiful music be your backdrop. Make the moon and stars your friends because they know your secrets.”
~Hiral Nagda~

Working with full moon energy is a powerful way to process through old wounds while setting intentions for the next phase of your experience. Full moon in Libra supports the reexamination of recent emotional lessons and helps to create balance while one gently works with the intensity surrounding those issues. Awareness sets the stage for change.

Make friends with the moon. Let her gentle, reflective light enhance your interpretation of the past. The receptive side of your nature is ready to receive insight and inspiration. Honor the path of your awakening by recognizing the perfection of your journey. Activate conscious awareness through art, yoga, music, chanting, or meditation.

Moonlight is reflective; therefore, prepare for insights to be revealed. You may consider writing as you commune with the night. Hold space, be open and receptive and take whatever time is required for you to process through any information you receive. Act from the heart, create healthy boundaries and make make your emotional balance a priority. This very personal journey into the shadows will illuminate your soul.


The moon represents the Divine Feminine and it’s no wonder that it captures the very essence of emotion and human experience. She teaches us to be still, receptive, free-flowing and changeable. The same energy that governs the tidal pull of the planet moves within us as well. Cyclical aspects of growth and transformation impact our collective psyche.

Walking in moonlight can be a mystical experience. When you need a gentle recharge, try making friends with the night. Step into stillness and let her ancient magic inspire new facets of growth to emerge. There’s something beautiful about the gentle, silvery light that guides our walk through dancing shadows.

It’s powerful to explore emotional patterns. Pay attention to the events of your life and the reactions they evoke. Turn inward and go deeper. There you will discover hidden aspects that are often overlooked during the busyness of the day. Let the gentle flow of your inner tidal pull transform your experience, establishing wholeness. The blend of dark and light come together in creativity and revelation.

Dreamwork provides access to the subconscious realm and symbolic messages that often hold the key to personal breakthrough and insight. Wherever your journey leads, honor the gentleness of the night.


“The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.”
~Wayne Dyer~
Sometimes it can be challenging to see ourselves clearly. One of the most beautiful aspects of the human condition is our ability to reflect truth to one another. You can choose to be an authentic, loving reflection of the Presence in others. Consider the impact your interactions would have if you consciously sought to discover and reflect the most positive aspects of the person in front of you.
When you enjoy someone’s integrity, compassion, kindness or sense of humor, it’s because they are reflecting some of your wonderful qualities. Likewise, when you see patterns of behavior that frustrate you, it’s important to look within. By simply taking personal responsibility it becomes easier to release limiting patterns of your own.
Pay attention to the words you use to describe the people you encounter throughout the day – they will provide tremendous insight. Each of us views life through the filters of our own perception. If there are things you wish to shift or heal, simply do so without any self-judgment or recrimination. Otherwise, honor and own your beautiful qualities and allow them to shine.

Moon Lessons

“Death has nothing to do with going away.
The sun sets.
The moon sets.
But they are not gone.”
We are Consciousness currently having a human experience. The infinite power of the Divine seeks only to express itself through you and though this life will have a beginning and an end, your light continues to shine on in new forms. Tonight I stood bathed in moonlight, experiencing the mystery of existence. For aeons every being who has ever lived has looked up at the same moon and been impacted by its beauty.
Our dance of awakening is just beginning. Again and again we will come together to explore the contrasts of separation in order to discover the Oneness from whence we came. Be grateful for those who have come before – the artists, writers, philosophers, creators, designers and builders – for they are us. Each and every soul has played a unique role in our collective development and we will continue to do so.
This world is a playground of discovery. You are infinite. Let the moon inspire you to be a pure vessel for the love, light and laughter of the Universe. There is more to life than meets the eye.

Befriend the Shadows

“It is here, in this least likely place, that we will find the key to unlock our strength, our happiness, and our ability to live out our dreams.”
~Debbie Ford~
We have been conditioned to fear the shadow side of life and of ourselves. It’s important to turn and face it; thus transforming it into a powerful aspect of spiritual awakening.

As multifaceted beings, we hold every possibility within us. What we deny within ourselves quietly runs various aspects of our lives, often sabotaging efforts regarding work, abundance, relationships and self-love.

What you react strongly to in another is a reflection of something you do not wish to face in yourself. Pay attention – this is the beauty of understanding how we help one another on the journey. It is within these unexamined, darker aspects that our true power lies.

The way to transform shadow is to shine the light of awareness upon it. From a space of love, choose to stop projecting it onto others (notice words of blame), release attachment and self-judgement, and be gentle with yourself. Healing comes through wholeness and acceptance. Sometimes you may have to traverse the dark corners of your psyche – do not reject these shadows, for they too have something to teach, and you will emerge transformed by the light of consciousness.


“Make your ego porous. Will is of little importance, complaining is nothing, fame is nothing. Openness, patience, receptivity, solitude is everything.”

~Rainer Maria Rilke~

Periodically take the time to sit in the moonlight and simply be still. It’s powerful to make friends with the night and go into silence to receive the wisdom of the heart. In this world of distraction, awareness arises through a deep immersion within the present moment.

There are many paths to enlightenment and each journey is unique. Friendliness, universal love and passion remind us of the sacredness of awakening and we can learn much from one another. As you proceed, one barometer of progress is to observe the amount of peace in your overall experience. You may find that in many aspects, you react far differently than you did 5 or 10 years ago.

There may still be topics or people that elicit an emotional response – this is where your work resides. Let the gentleness of the moonlight soothe your soul. Give any pain to the quietude of the night. When you choose to release the things that no longer serve you, you create space in which something new can emerge. This is your moment of transformation.

Walk Gently

“Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
To live in alignment with life, we must first remove anything that blocks us from living in a way that is empowered and accepting. The spiritual path calls upon us to dissolve the ego, rise above the mundane and cultivate trust. There are many layers to this work and countless roads to enlightenment. As you explore the various teachings that ignite your spirit, your willingness to learn will draw what is needed to you.
Walk gently upon the earth and listen to the prompting of your inner guidance. Celebrate your breakthroughs and learn from the challenges that arise. Everything works toward your highest good – always. With this in mind, fear departs as we take a greater role in what we choose to create and how we interpret the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
This never ending process of awakening is filled with opportunity, for as you change, the world around you is transformed. Seek to discover the language of your heart. See each moment only as an opportunity to shine. Messages from the Divine are everywhere and infinite gifts of love are waiting to be discovered.

Experiencing the Mystery

“Death has nothing to do with going away.
The sun sets.
The moon sets.
But they are not gone.”
We are Consciousness currently having a human experience. The infinite power of the Divine seeks only to express itself through you and though this life will have a beginning and an end, your light continues to shine on in new forms. Tonight I stood bathed in moonlight, experiencing the mystery of existence. For aeons every being who has ever lived has looked up at the same moon and been impacted by its beauty.
Our dance of awakening is just beginning. Again and again we will come together to explore the contrasts of separation in order to discover the Oneness from whence we came. Be grateful for those who have come before – the artists, writers, philosophers, creators, designers and builders – for they are us. Each and every soul has played a unique role in our collective development and we will continue to do so.
This world is a playground of discovery. You are infinite. Let the moon inspire you to be a pure vessel for the love, light and laughter of the Universe. There is more to life than meets the eye.