Just Be

“Don’t be so hard on yourself
‘Cause you can’t change the world
You can’t change the world alone
Just be”

~Tommy Shaw~

Acceptance is the pathway to peace. When challenges unfold and the unexpected enters, fear often arises. This is the moment to turn inward and access your true divine nature. You can’t fix the world alone, but you can bring love and grace to whatever is in front of you in this moment.

Should you need to take action or make decisions, go inward first. Check your state of consciousness without resistance or criticism. Find your way into the power the present moment. This brief, mindful interlude of stillness brings empowerment to all that you do. In times of crisis, change, illness, or events beyond your control, realize that you have the ability to face whatever arises with a calm heart and mind.

Whatever unfolds in your experience is exactly what is needed for your spiritual growth. Life is filled with contrast and it is there we discover strength, ingenuity, the ability to forgive, compassion and tenacity of spirit. Your Presence is transformative. Love can be expressed in many, many ways and we can discover them together.

Ego and Gossip

If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?”


Observe how the ego reacts when you find yourself immersed in a story that is unfolding. Likely, the voice of ego will be clamoring to share it with someone. Why? It’s interesting to watch how the mind reacts when you consciously choose to say nothing or remain neutral in situations while others are lost in comparison, blame or schadenfreude.

Keep in mind that triggers or emotional reactivity are typically a result of some sort of reflection, deflection or projection. When one is lost in gossip or accusation, their words often speak volumes about their own struggles and wounds. Focusing energy outward is a powerful distraction. As long as the ego can see something “wrong” in another, it is too busy to look within to do the work of healing.

Presence calls upon us to be mindful. Pay attention to what you choose to say today. Is it helpful, uplifting or supportive? The light of your awareness is transformative and will help you to see through the mechanisms of the mind with greater clarity. Once you remove gossip and opinion from your own narrative, you will enter the realm of empowered presence. It is there that peacefulness resides.

The Wise Passage

You can embody the love, presence and freedom that is the essence of your true nature by finding simple ways to quiet the mind and open the heart.

There is a wise passage through life… one that calls the awakened to walk its journey. As we cultivate awareness that is found through mindfulness, generosity, loving-kindness and integrity, our lives become living examples of how to create an atmosphere of safety and trust in an all-too-often frightened world.

The human experience is meant to connect each one of us in compassion that is learned through commonality of our experiences. At some point, all of us have known love and loss, joys and sorrow, life and death, hopes and fears, and ultimately we will discover the thread of understanding that connects us. This takes lifetimes to achieve and leads to freedom and liberation.

When you can seek for the joy within the sorrow, the beauty within the challenge and the light of the Divine in your interactions, then you are playing within the paradox of being a spiritually awakened human. Trust your intuition and begin with actions that best serve your heart. As your perspective expands, the world around you is transformed.

Embody Love

Embody the love, presence and freedom that is the essence of your true nature by finding simple ways to quiet the mind and open your heart. All change begins within.
There is a wise passage through life… one that calls the awakened to walk its journey. As we cultivate the peace that is found in mindfulness, generosity, loving-kindness and integrity, our lives become living examples of how to create an atmosphere of safety and trust in an all-too-often frightened world.
The human experience is meant to connect each one of us in compassion learned through the commonality of experience. At some point, we have all known love and loss, joys and sorrow, life and death, hopes and fears, ultimately discovering the thread of understanding that connects us all. This takes lifetimes to achieve and leads to freedom and liberation.
When you can find the joy within the sorrow, the beauty within the challenge and the light of communion with the Divine in your interactions, then you are playing within the paradox of being a spiritually awakened human. Trust your intuition and begin with actions that best serve your heart. As you transform your perspective, the world around you is transformed.

The Sound of Silence

“When you reach a calm and quiet meditative state, that is when you can hear the sound of silence.”
~Stephen Richards~

Stillness is powerful. Within it, one can walk through life in a way that is empowered, calm, and patient. Create space to lovingly re-connect with the fullness of who you are. This purposeful movement of energy and intention transcends limitation and brings greater balance into your life experience.

Seek to be a conscious expression of love today. Infuse your work, passion, play and spirituality with kindness and compassion and you will discover the deepest truth of who you are. Your soul will rise above and shine through the illusion.

We are engaged in a dance of form. Enjoy it! Spiritual awakening is a conscious blend of the mundane and the mystical, dark and light, intensity and peace. The contrasts we experience teach us the true nature of balance. There is a great depth of spaciousness which resides within you. Step into the silence and see if you can sense the infinite wellspring of potential that is waiting to be discovered.

Mindful Silence

“Silence is not the absence of something but the presence of everything.”

~Gorden Hempton~

Silence is more than the absence of noise. A living presence, it allows us to enter the temple of the Divine by journeying deep within ourselves. Very few people are comfortable in the space of infinite possibility. They seek diversion and distraction and become lost within the echos and mechanisms of the mind.


Mindful silence will connect you to all of existence. This moment is beautiful, fulfilling and poignant. When you immerse yourself within it, it becomes apparent that all you need is already here. Cease striving for a particular end result. Instead, find the completeness in the Now. Whatever you choose to do, however you choose to feel, do it completely and patiently. This immersion will bring about transcendence. Live every moment as if there is no other moment to come.

It is the space between the notes which creates beauty in music. Without the space and intent, there is only noise. Learn to be the space in the symphony of your life. Embody compassion and stillness and purposely align yourself with love. In the stillness you’ll discover that everything is possible, yet nothing is required.

Levels of Consciousness

“World is a multi-dimensional reality. At lower level it is full with unconsciousness and competitiveness.
At higher level it is full with beauty, bliss and divinity. Focus on higher dimensions.”
~Amit Ray~
One’s level of consciousness not only determines their interpretation of life, but also how they will respond to it. The lower levels of shame, fear, anger, pride or grief lead to erratic, dysfunctional behavior as well as a limited mindset, and those who vibrate at the lower frequencies tend to be very draining to be around (psychic vampirism).
The awakening soul must first focus on their own state of consciousness. When you are deeply aligned with courage, willingness, acceptance or love, your expansive vision creates an opportunity to see things from a broader viewpoint. Rather than getting dragged downward energetically, we can take ourselves higher and create a mindful experience instead of one that is reactive.
Love and light surround you, always. While it can be easy to feel overwhelmed in the midst of life’s chaos, it helps to remember that all beings are working toward enlightenment. The only difference between us is where one resides on that journey. Let compassion open your heart and mind to new possibilities.

Creating the Momentum of Change

“When stuck in apathy, procrastination, or the morass of depression, choose one small task and complete it mindfully. Momentum will follow.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Sometimes the changes we seek to create in the world (and within ourselves) seem daunting or overwhelming. Discomfort arises when we begin to realize that something needs to shift and, of course, the ego-mind immediately jumps in with momentum to stop dialogue; however, you have the ability to create powerful changes in your experience.

Bring your focus to the end result and celebrate the fact that if you can visualize it with passion, you can draw in what you wish. Rather than fighting what you perceive as “wrong”, purposefully feed your energy into what inspires you as you create positive changes.

Most people do not realize how powerful they are. Making even one small positive change can shift the momentum of your life. Set an intention and speak it out loud in the present tense as you set the tone for the day. Then support your intention by ensuring that your thoughts, words and actions are all in alignment. And finally, be willing to receive with the knowledge that you are a powerful co-creator of your experience.

Sacred Journey

“Every action that is conscious, and that aims at bringing about a result, arises from a motivation. My religion is very simple: my key motivation is love. My religion is kindness.”
~ The Dalai Lama ~

It’s important to remember that you are responsible for your own joy. When you seek fulfillment outside of yourself, you choose to give away your power. Then happiness becomes measured by expectation, attachment to outcomes and reliant upon other people’s choices.

When gratitude, mindfulness, joy and peace come from within, we gain mastery over our own experience. Now life becomes a journey of discovery and adventure. We bring a different energy to the present moment – one that is empowered and aligned with life itself.

Should you notice any form of discontent arise in your experience, observe your thoughts.When you shine the light of consciousness on the ego, it loses momentum and creates space where transformation can occur.

Compassion and love are empowering qualities to explore. Infinite and immeasurable, there will always be new levels to discover. As we learn to create balance and joy within, we become less susceptible to outside events and a greater source of peace in the world.

Moments of Connection

No matter what you choose to do, do it mindfully. Take a moment to enjoy the uniqueness of your journey, your preferences, those who grace your life with their presence, and all that you’ve discovered thus far. We have much to learn from these simple moments of connection.

Eventually, you’ll find yourself living outside the cycle of story and drama and treasuring the Oneness you’ve discovered within your experience. Life opens up into new dimensions when we put down the burdens we have carried and become attentive to the mystery.

Spiritual awakening and raising ones consciousness is a process. Sometimes it comes bursting through our experience as an insight or revelation, while in others, it manifests as a gentle, subtle flow that goes unnoticed until life presents a situation that demonstrate how far we’ve come.

You are here to make a difference. You are here to bring peacefulness into the space you inhabit. You are here to awaken and share your gifts. Your life is meant to be one of discovery, a book in which you write the story of your choosing. We reside in a wonderful world of choice – will you choose resistance or celebration?