
Balance is created with intention by learning to breathe deeply and enter the present moment. When beginning meditation, gratitude, prayer or contemplation, the ego is often unwilling to release control. Should you observe busyness in the mind, see if you can enter the Now by saying, “I honor this step, this moment, this breath as sacred.” Then, take one slow inhale. When done consistently, this allows you to create a space of peace for your inner work.

Music can also be extraordinarily balancing. Notice what calms you, perhaps create a playlist and use it whenever you’re ready to quiet the mind. This is another tool you that can literally shift your energy into a different frequency when feeling off balance. Your practice is amplified by utilizing unique personal approaches. Similar to a hypnotic induction, through repetition these approaches can retrain the mind to recognize that it’s time to move out of anxiety and into a healthier way of being.

It’s powerful to have a permanent sacred area in your home or on your property. With each use, you build up a store of healing energy that can also create a beautiful moments of peace and empowerment when you need them.